How can I get Ascaris

A person can become infected with ascariasis in different conditions - at home, in the office, public transport, at his own summer cottage or at a resort. Parasitologists point out numerous pathways of helminth penetration. The increased viability and lack of intermediate host determines the widespread prevalence of human roundworm in the environment.Adults and children are also susceptible to ascariasis, who neglect the rules of sanitation and hygiene.

Source and mechanism of development of ascariasis

The main source of infection with human ascaris is the person whose body is infested with these helminths. Adult individuals actively reproduce in the patient's intestines, contaminating his feces with hundreds of thousands of eggs. Further maturation occurs in moist, warm soil. The larvae form in their cavities, which reach the invasive stage within 2-3 weeks and become infectious. Briefly, the defeat of the new owner is carried out by the following mechanism:

  • from the swallowed eggs appear the larvae penetrating through the intestinal wall into the blood;
  • they migrate to internal organs, penetrate into the lungs, respiratory organs and oral cavity;
  • with repeated ingestion, they finally colonize the intestines and multiply;
  • mature individuals release eggs - the life cycle is closed.


It is impossible to infect from a person through the blood, since the ascaris larvae migrate only in the small circle of blood circulation. After entering the internal organs, they lose the ability to perforate the walls and do notmay return to the general circulatory system. But there are numerous other options for the transmission of ascariasis.

The main methods of infection

Man is the sole object of parasitizing human roundworm. All stages of the transformation of the larvae into an adult helminth and the formation of eggs occur in his body. Infected faecal matter inevitably enters the environment. If elementary rules of sanitation and hygiene are not observed, the invasive eggs of the roundworm are distributed among healthy people. Infection is most often possible in the following ways:

  • the alimentary route (called the oral-fecal route) - when ingesting soil particles with roundworm eggs from the feces of a sick person;
  • contamination by the contact-household mechanism - through dirty hands, children's toys, clothes, shoes, hygiene items, bedding, public toilets contaminated with parasite eggs;
  • waterway - the use of water from open water contaminated with contaminated human faeces.
Ways of Ascariasis Infection
Ways of Ascariasis Infection

Soil and water are the ideal environment for the maturation of helminth eggs.At temperatures from 15 to 25⁰, they are able to remain viable for a long period of time. For this reason, ascariasis is widespread among the inhabitants of the tropics, subtropics and temperate climates.

On a note!

The difference between human roundworm and other worms is in the conditions of infection. Eggs are infectious if an invasive larva is formed inside them. Non-invasive eggs when ingested do not cause ascariasis.

The most likely routes of infection

From person to person, ascariasis is not transmitted by airborne droplets or other contagious routes (through kissing, sneezing, coughing, or shaking hands). A prerequisite for infection is the presence of parasite eggs in the soil. Therefore, parasitologists point out the most likely options for the transmission of ascariasis:

  • possibly by eating agricultural products (vegetables, fruits, berries, greens) contaminated by particles of soil with remnants of human feces;
  • the neglect of the rules of personal hygiene after working with the land, on personal plots, during construction, gardening and horticulture;
  • bathing in reservoirs, use of drinking water from wells and wells located close to public sanitary facilities, sewage systems and street toilets;
  • eating any food of dubious origin - eating uncooked meat, raw river fish, infected with helminth eggs, you can become infected with ascariasis.

Infection through animals

Different species of ascaris affect primates, predators, pets (cats, dogs, birds). Human ascaris does not live in their bodies and is not transmitted through them. Cross-contamination and infection with different helminths practically does not occur.


However, animal dander can serve as the transfer of ascaris eggs to humans. Soil particles with infected feces are kept on claws, paws, hairs of fur, transferred to hands when stroking a pet, remain on furniture, bed.

Ways of Ascariasis Infection
Ways of Ascariasis Infection

Preventive measures

In the conditions of insanitary conditions and neglect of personal hygiene it is easy to catch ascaris. In order to avoid ascariasis, parasitologists strongly recommend preventive measures:

  • avoid eating raw, undercooked and uncooked foods;
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly in running water, remove dust and soil;
  • swim in the river, be sure to take a shower, wear clean clothes;
  • do not drink raw water from ponds, from the tap, with the urgent need to boil;
  • bathe regularly and clean their pets after a street walk;
  • to teach children to the rules of personal hygiene, not to bite nails, toys;
  • do not use feces as fertilizer;
  • timely clean cesspools at the dacha;
  • get rid of flies, insects, rodents - the eggs of human roundworm.

Treatment and Re-infection

The answer to ascariasis is timely effective treatment. Human roundworms cause serious damage to the intestines, internal organs. Symptoms of the disease are expressed in indigestion, weakening of the immune system, reducing the ability to work and quality of life. Severe ascariasis can be fatal, especially in young children.

Regardless of the route of infection, long-term combination therapy is needed. The treatment regimen for ascariasis depends on the form, degree of damage to the internal organs, and the general condition of the patient. The correct approach allows you to get rid of the parasite, to prevent re-infection of human ascaris.

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