The best cures for ascaris for humans
- Diagnosis of Ascariasis
- Nemozol tablets
- Dekaris tablets from worms
- Vermox tablets for the fight against ascaris
- Piperazine tablets
- Helmintox from worms
If you identify worms in an adult or child, you should immediately begin drug therapy under the control of an infectious diseases specialist. Properly chosen ascaris medications for humans help to quickly get rid of parasites.
What is ascariasis
The disease develops when round worms of the species Ascaris lumbricoides enter the body. The mechanism of infection is fecal-oral. A person swallows helminth eggs with unwashed vegetables or fruits, in contact with the patient. A common feature of all infections with ascariasis is neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.
In the intestines of eggs appear the larvae, which immediately begin to bite into the villi of the mucous membrane, making their way into the small vessels. From there they get into the internal organs with blood: the liver, lungs, heart.
Then the helminth larvae with the movements of the epithelium of the respiratory tract make their way to the oropharynx. The patient has a reflex cough, in which parasites are thrown into the digestive tract. Parasites reach sexual maturity and begin to multiply.
When ascaris enters the body, the patient may notice the following symptoms:
- nausea and vomiting;
- coughing, sneezing;
- pain in the abdomen, chest;
- appetite disorders;
- weight loss;
- fatigue;
- fever;
- skin rash;
- symptoms of bronchial asthma.
These signs of infection with ascaris are more pronounced in children; in adults, the disease is often malosymptomatic.
With massive invasion, severe complications may develop. Roundworm is dangerous for pregnant women, the developing fetus.
In order to prescribe the treatment of helminths in time, a person is sent for examination to an infectious diseases specialist. If ascaris is suspected, the doctor will prescribe additional diagnostic methods:
- blood tests - general and serological for detecting antibodies to ascaris;
- analyzes of feces for the detection of the parasite, its eggs and parts of DNA;
- sputum analysis for ascaris;
- chest x-ray when coughing;
- Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.
An abdominal x-ray is performed urgently if an intestinal obstruction is suspected.
When confirming the diagnosis, the infectious diseases specialist will prescribe drugs for ascaris.
What pills help with the disease
Anthelmintic drugs have a detrimental effect on the parasite in various ways:
- block glucose uptake and cell work;
- depletes the stocks of necessary substances (glycogen, tubulin);
- violate the energy exchange of worms;
- block neuromuscular transmission in ascaris.
As a result of treatment with worms, paralysis and death occur. Unviable roundworm out of the body with feces.
Most drugs come in pill form. They are convenient for helping adults.
On a note!
In appointing children, tablets have to divide or look for a lower dosage. For the treatment of the smallest patients, suspensions are recommended, equipped with a measuring spoon for ease of dosing and administration.
Below is an overview of the main drugs for the treatment of ascaris.
Nemozol tablets
The active ingredient in the composition of the drug - albendazole. The mechanism of action is associated with impaired glucose uptake and the movement of cellular elements, resulting in the death of ascaris.
Tablets have a wide spectrum of action and are recommended for the treatment of most helminth infections.
This remedy for ascaris is recommended to receive from the age of 6, contraindicated: for women during pregnancy and lactation, young children.
With caution prescribed tablets for cirrhosis of the liver, the oppression of blood.
The instructions for the drug indicated the development of such side effects as:
- allergy;
- liver damage;
- oppression of blood formation.
Tablets for adults and children from 6 years old Nemozol for the treatment of ascaris is taken once with the calculation of the dosage by body weight:
- Persons with a weight of 60 kg drink 400 mg of the drug;
- children and adults with lower weight - 15 mg per 1 kg.
The product is available in two forms - 400 mg tablets and a suspension of 100 mg / 5 ml.
In their responses, patients describe treatment against ascaris with Nemozol as fairly effective.
Tablets Dekaris
Parasitologists believe that this is the best tool for the treatment of ascariasis.
The active ingredient in the preparation is levamisole. It disrupts energy metabolism in ascaris and causes paralysis of their muscle fibers. As a result of taking the worms come out with intestinal motility.
Dekaris is indicated for the treatment of a number of helminthic invasions. Contraindications to the appointment of tablets are:
- pregnancy and lactation;
- allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
- oppression of hematopoiesis against the background of treatment by other means.
Dekaris should also be used with caution in patients with acute leukemia, impaired cerebral circulation, kidney damage and oppression of blood formation.
The undesirable effects of treatment with pills include:
- discomfort and abdominal pain;
- inflammation of the pancreas;
- damage to the nervous system;
- convulsive syndrome;
- hematopoietic oppression;
- allergic reactions.
During treatment with the drug should abandon alcohol.
For children, Dekaris tablets are prescribed from the age of three, calculating the dosage based on weight - 25 mg of levamisole for every 10 kg. Adults recommended 150 mg Dekaris.
On a note!
The drug is taken once, at night, with water. Appointment of laxatives is not required. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 1-2 weeks.
Dekaris produced in the form of tablets of 50 and 150 mg.
Drug Vermox
The active substance mebendazole violates the storage of glucose by worms cells, resulting in energy starvation, and also blocks the synthesis of contractile proteins and energy-intensive ATP molecules.
Tablets are used to combat ascaris and other types of worms.
The drug is contraindicated in the following categories of patients:
- pregnant and lactating women;
- persons taking anticonvulsant treatment, metronidazole;
- children under 3 years old;
- patients with Crohn's disease;
- persons with hepatic insufficiency.
The remedy for ascaris Vermox can cause undesirable reactions of the body:
- allergic rashes, anaphylaxis;
- hematopoietic oppression;
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
- convulsive syndrome, headaches.
Special instructions for drug treatment include the rejection of alcohol, fatty foods. The use of laxatives with a tablet or after it is not required.
This drug for adults and children from 3 years for the treatment of ascaris is taken as follows: 100 mg 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 3 days.
The tool is available in tablets of 100 mg.
Piperazine tablets
The active substance is piperazine adipate. The drug paralyzes ascaris and contributes to their release from the intestines. According to the results of clinical observations, this is one of the most effective means for humans - with a single appointment, up to 95% of ascaris dies, with repeated treatment, up to 100%.
Piperazine is prescribed to combat ascariasis and pinworms.
Tablets are contraindicated:
- with lesions of the nervous system;
- in case of allergic reactions to the components;
- kidney damage;
- children under 3 years;
- during pregnancy.
Ascaris piperazine tablets can cause the following unwanted effects:
- abdominal pain, frequent stools;
- headaches;
- hypersensitivity reactions;
- disruption of the muscles;
- convulsive syndrome;
- stupefaction.
The drug affects the neuromuscular transmission. When overdose occurs muscle weakness.
Piperazin is taken within 2 days, twice a day, half an hour before meals. Prescribing an enema or laxative is not required.
Persons over 16 years old, adults are prescribed 3-4 g of the drug per day, preschool children - 0.3-1 g / day, patients from 8 to 15 years old - from 1 to 3 g / day.
Piperazin is available in tablets of 500 mg.
The international unlicensed name is Pyrantel. Causes muscle spasm, leading to the expulsion of worms from the intestine. Gelmintoks treats preparations for children, it is allowed for use about one year.
Gelmintoks tablets prescribed to combat ascaris and other types of worms.
They are contraindicated in the following categories of patients:
- babies up to 12 kg;
- patients with myasthenia;
- persons with kidney damage;
- when breastfeeding.
- persons with allergic reactions.
The appointment of Gelmintoks during pregnancy is possible only under the supervision of a physician.
Possible side effects include:
- headaches, sleep disorders;
- muscle weakness;
- decreased appetite;
- abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea;
- allergic reactions.
The treatment is carried out on an empty stomach, the remedy is taken once. Dieting, enema is not required. Children up to 6 years old are given only a suspension at the rate of 10 mg / kg of body weight, the others are recommended to take 12.5 mg / kg.
The drug Gelmintoks released in the form of tablets of 125 and 250 mg and suspensions for children with a dosage of 125 mg per 2.5 ml of the product.
Other remedies for ascariasis
An infectionist may include other drugs in the treatment regimen to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The following groups of drugs are recommended:
- antihistamines for allergic reactions (Suprastin, Claritin, Zodak);
- multivitamin preparations, trace elements to compensate for their deficiency;
- means of removing intoxication (Polisorb, Smekta).
With the development of severe disease, the presence of dangerous complications, treatment is carried out in a hospital.
Appointment of folk remedies is possible only to combat the symptoms of invasion. Completely rid the body of worms with their help will not work.
Prescribe drugs for ascariasis should only infectious diseases.Self-pill can be harmful to health.