Symptoms and treatment of ascariasis in adults
- Ascaris life cycle
- Ascaris symptoms
- Preparations for the treatment of ascariasis
- Hepatoprotectors in the treatment of ascariasis
The causative agent of ascariasis in humans is a roundworm of the species Ascaris lubmricoides. Parasite eggs ripen in the ground, so the peak of infections falls in the warm season. In order to prevent deterioration of health, it is necessary to know the symptoms and treatment of ascaris in adults, preventive measures.
Description of the parasite
Helminths are split apart.If you look at photos of ascaris in adults, you can describe them as spindle-shaped worms, with pointed ends. The living individuals are of a reddish hue, the dead are white and translucent. The appearance of worms of different sexes also differs: females have a length of up to 35-40 cm, thickness - 6 mm, their body is straight. Males are hook-likely bent at one end, reaching 20 cm, thickness up to 3-4 mm.
Roundworms have a primitive internal structure and are extremely prolific: for one day, one individual lays up to 200 thousand eggs. Even when a small number of parasites are ingested into the human body, symptoms of massive intoxication can develop.
The main owner of the worm is man. Infection with ascariasis occurs through the fecal-oral route by consuming unwashed vegetables, berries, greens, and contact with a sick person.
Life cycle
Round-shaped roundworm eggs. They have a multi-layered durable shell that protects the developing worm from adverse conditions. The female lays eggs in the intestinal lumen. From there, with faeces, they enter the external environment and mature in the soil.
The larva in the egg requires sufficient moisture, access of oxygen and a temperature of 18 ° C.The duration of ripening is about 15-18 days. During this time, the Ascaris larvae grow up. Further development continues if they penetrate and parasitize in the host.
When ingested eggs get into the stomach, then into the small intestine. Ascaris larvae go into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. Then they dig in the processes on the head into the mucous membrane and penetrate into the small vessels coming from the digestive system.
Ascaris in the blood easily turns out to be in the portal vein entering the liver. Then they enter the lungs, the heart. The causative agent of ascariasis at this stage is of small size, so it is easily found in the pulmonary vesicles - alveoli. From there roundworm in a person moving to the upper respiratory system - the nasopharynx.
When irritation of the oropharynx occurs cough reflex. This is the stage of migration in ascariasis. During the movement, the worms may remain in the internal organs into which they fall with the blood stream. The life cycle of ascaris is about 70 days.
With a cough, saliva, a person re-swallows the pathogen. The intestinal stage begins.Roundworms in the stomach continue to grow, descend to their favorite place - the small intestine, where they begin to multiply.
Helminth eggs can be stored in the soil for up to several years. Death causes treatment at a temperature of 100 degrees, exposure to direct sunlight, alcohol.
On a note!
Not many people know how much roundworm lives in the human body. The cycle of one individual is from 6 months to 2 years. Constant multiplication of pathogens ascariasis leads to a resumption of the population.
Symptoms of the disease
Manifestations of ascariasis in adults is not always accompanied by vivid symptoms. In 80% of patients, the disease is “erased”. Patients confuse ascariasis with poisoning, overwork, acute viral infection. Seeking medical help is late.
Here are the symptoms of Ascaris, which are worth paying attention to:
- general weakness, fatigue;
- episodes of fever;
- bouts of dry cough;
- chest pain, shortness of breath;
- headaches;
- appetite disturbance;
- diarrhea, constipation;
- abdominal pain along the intestine, in the liver;
- reduced overall productivity;
- nervousness, irritability.
The life activity of ascaris in a person leads to sensitization (allergization) and poisoning of the patient with the products of their vital activity. There is a skin rash, accompanied by itching; bouts of cough and bronchial asthma. Similar symptoms develop if gilps get into the body. The patient should tell the doctor in detail about all signs of the disease.
It is necessary to imagine the danger of roundworms, the threat to life they carry for a person. Parasitic disease can lead a patient to the operating table. If ascariasis is not treated, then complications will soon arise:
- Intestinal obstruction, appendicitis. The balls of ascaris block the lumen, a person needs an urgent operation.
- Acute inflammation of the pancreas. Associated with damage to the body of worms.
- Ascaris occlusion of the bile ducts with the development of obstructive jaundice, liver abscesses.
- Possible perforation (violation of integrity) of the intestine with the ingress of worms into the abdominal cavity, the development of peritonitis.
- Ascariasis during pregnancy is a threat to the life of the mother and fetus.
- Reproduction of the parasite leads to a weakening of the body, with ascariasis a person may have frequent stomatitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
If a person suspects the fact of infection with helminths, he can find out whether there are roundworm in the body and get information about the state of health when referring to an infectious diseases specialist or parasitologist.
Diagnosis of Ascariasis
In order to properly prescribe the treatment of ascariasis in adults, the symptoms and test data will help to make the correct diagnosis. When contacting will be conducted a full examination of the patient:
- Examination of the doctor, clarification of the patient's complaints, collection of information about the onset of the disease, possible sources of infection.
- Ultrasound examination of the abdomen, chest x-ray, sputum examination for coughing, pain in the abdomen and chest.
- Analyzes of feces to identify ascarids themselves, their eggs by microscopic examination, pieces of DNA by PCR analysis.
- Complete blood count, determination of antibodies to ascaris.
Detection of helminths requires the appointment of antihelminthic therapy. But before treating the patient with roundworm, the doctor will collect from him the complete information about the associated diseases. This is due to the fact that all drugs against worms have contraindications to the appointment of various chronic diseases.So the patient must inform the infectious disease specialist in the presence of such disorders and standing:
- pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- chronic severe kidney damage to the liver;
- conditions with oppression or impaired blood formation;
- myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, brain damage;
- Crohn's disease.
Ascarids in adults are treated with various drugs. The table below presents the most common remedies.
Tradename | Active ingredient and mechanism of work | Dosage and Recommendations | Contraindications |
Vermox | Mebendazole - a drug violates the metabolism of worms | Take 100 mg 2 times a day for 3 days. | Pregnant and lactating women; persons with Crohn's disease, liver damage; patients with cramps. |
Piperazine | Piperazine adipate - a means of paralyzing ascaris | Up to 4 g / day, the dosage divided into 2 doses. The course of treatment is 3 days. | Not recommended for patients with allergies, kidney damage. |
Nemozol | Albendazole - a drug that interferes with the absorption of nutrients by ascaris | From 15 mg / kg body weight. Take once | Banned in case of liver failure and oppression of blood formation |
Dekaris | Levamisole - medication causes paralysis in worms and disrupts their metabolism. | Take in a dosage of 150 mg once a night. | Not recommended for acute leukemia, impaired blood formation, liver damage, disorders of cerebral circulation |
Treatment of roundworm does not require the appointment of laxatives or enemas to improve the cleansing of the body. If there are unpleasant symptoms of the disease: intoxication, rashes, weakness, reduced immunity, the parasitologist will suggest auxiliary drugs. Among the recommended remedies for ascariasis are antihistamine tablets, adsorbents, vitamins and microelement complexes.
With the toxic effects of worms and anthelmintic drugs on the liver, the infectious disease specialist prescribes hepatoprotectors.
At home, patients often try to cure roundworm with the help of herbal and folk remedies: tansy, de-niсil, flax seeds. Get rid of the worms only unconventional methods will not work. Worms live not only in the intestines, but also in the internal organs, and the patient cannot be sure of their complete expulsion.
During the course of treatment of ascariasis, you should follow the recommendations of the doctor on nutrition and refrain from taking alcohol.
With the development of severe complications, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital.
How to prevent infection
Prevention of ascaris in humans is in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene:
- washing hands after a walk, before eating;
- careful processing of vegetables and fruits;
- use only boiled water;
- prevention of feces from entering the soil.
Ascariasis is a dangerous disease. Parasites spread not only through the gastrointestinal tract, but also settle in the internal organs. The first symptoms in adults do not always clearly indicate infection with worms. If there is suspicion of infection, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. To get rid of ascaris is only suitable medication.