How to remove pinworms in adults and children
- Appearance of pinworms
- Treatment of worms at home
- Albendazole for worms
- Helminth pyrantel
- Enetherobiosis in children
- Piperazine with enterobiasis
Worm infestation is the most common type of helminthiasis in the human body. The disease is called enterobiasis, occurs in children and adults.In advanced cases, the disease causes serious disorders in all organs and tissues. In order to avoid complications, you need to know the basic methods of treatment, how to get rid of pinworms at home.
Pinworms - roundworms, dangerous parasites
Pinworms are popularly called worms and belong to the class of roundworms. Their white-like body, white, is adapted to parasitism in the human body. Within a short period of up to 3-4 weeks, swallowed eggs of pinworms are transformed into adults. Helminth life cycle:
- in the small intestine the larvae are released from the eggs;
- the transformation of the larvae into adults;
- females are attached to the intestinal wall with vesicles;
- fertilization of females, after which the males die;
- females filled with eggs descend into the rectum;
- laying eggs in the folds of the anus.
The natural elimination of pinworms from the body occurs during an act of defecation - living and dead individuals, eggs are removed from the intestine along with feces. However, in the area of the anus, perineum, a large number of parasite eggs remain. When laying, they are covered with a special sticky substance, through which they easily stick to clothing, hands, furniture, animal hair. One female in the area of the anus puts up to 20 000 units.The process is accompanied by severe itching, burning.
On a note!
When scratching the anus, the eggs fall under the nails, hands, skin and serve as a source of repeated worm infestation. This determines the need for timely diagnosis, treatment, preventive measures. It is necessary to fight pinworms immediately upon detection of the first signs of enterobiosis.
Symptoms of helminthic invasion
Each person can diagnose enterobiosis quickly at home. The presence of pinworms in the body of adult and young patients is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:
- nausea, dysbacteriosis, sharp pains and abdominal cramps;
- migraine, fatigue, fatigue, memory disorder;
- teeth creaking in sleep, insomnia, nervous excitement;
- discomfort, flatulence, swelling in the intestines;
- decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, lowering immunity;
- unbearable night itching in the anus.
In children, helminthic infection provokes intellectual disability, worsens school performance. Prolonged enterobiosis causes damage to the urinary tract, gallbladder.In girls and women pinworms penetrate the uterus and appendages, are the cause of gynecological abnormalities. Early detection of symptoms and treatment at home allows you to avoid serious complications - cholecystitis, vulvovaginitis, helminthic peritonitis.
Home treatment regimen
The danger of enterobiasis is rapid reinfection. Clear the body from pinworms quickly fail. The life cycle of pinworms takes place exclusively in the human body - adults quickly die in the environment. But helminth eggs are resistant to external influences and viable for 2-3 weeks. Get rid of pinworms at home for 1 day fails - you need a comprehensive treatment using different methods:
- drug therapy with anthelmintic drugs;
- treatment with external compounds to eliminate itching, inflammation;
- treatment with traditional medicine to kill pinworms in the intestines;
- preventive measures to clean the house of pinworm eggs;
- the use of disinfectants and regular cleaning of the premises.
The process of infection is quick and massive.Worm infestation in one child in kindergarten causes the rapid development of enterobiasis in other children. When a helminth is found in one family member, de-worming of all relatives is necessary. To get rid of worms, requires prolonged repeated treatment and regular diagnosis. An important role is played by the treatment of premises with disinfectants. When answering the question whether chlorine kills eggs of pinworms, doctors note the effectiveness of the procedure.
On a note!
Negative results for helminth eggs do not mean that the parasite is absent in the body. For accurate diagnosis, repeated examinations are recommended at intervals of 1-2 days. To get rid of pinworms once and for all, multiple treatments are prescribed - up to 2-3 times using different means.
Drug therapy in adults
Infection with pinworms most often occurs in children up to the age of 10-12 years, which is associated with non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. In adulthood, people are rarely exposed to helminthic invasions. Mostly there is an accidental infection in the family, team or in public transport.
It is possible to remove pinworms in adults quickly and effectively with the use of anthelmintic drugs.
Title | Efficiency | Scheme, contraindications, side effect |
Mebendazole (75 rubles) | Tablets for oral administration. Antihelminthic agent with a wide spectrum of action. The active substance is mebendazole, paralyzing and killing pinworms. The drug enters the bloodstream, binds to proteins and spreads to all tissues and organs. | The treatment is not prescribed for liver damage, pregnancy, lactation, in children under 2 years old, individual intolerance. Rarely side effects - pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dysbiosis. |
Albendazole (520 r.) | Tablets for getting rid of worms and mixed helminthiasis. With the right dosage, the drug interferes with growth and reproduction, and is capable of killing pinworms when taken once. Purification comes from adults and immature larvae. | The treatment regimen is a single dose of 400 mg for adults, 200 mg for children. Re-use of the drug in 14-21 days. Not recommended for pregnant women and children under 2 years. Usually drugs are well tolerated. |
Nemozol (220 rubles) | Chewable and regular tablets, suspension. The active ingredient is albendazole (at a dosage of 400 mg and 200 mg). The time of complete death of pinworms - 24 hours | |
Dekaris (77 p.) | The active ingredient is Levamisole. An effective drug for helminthiasis of different nature. It is recommended to take 1 tablet (150 mg) with a glass of water. In order to permanently remove the parasite from the body, to prevent relapses, it is necessary to take the drug again in 7-21 days. | Causes muscular paralysis of pinworms. The death of the helminth occurs within 24 hours. The drug is used in the fight against worms in the age group older than 3 years. Treatment is not prescribed for pregnancy, lactation, agranulocytosis, renal or hepatic failure. |
Treatment of pinworms in children
Children's body is sensitive to potent anthelmintic agents that cause negative reactions. For this reason, parents are wondering how to remove pinworms in a child without side effects. Treatment of helminthic invasion in childhood requires the use of safe medications.
Title | Effect | Side effects, contraindications |
Piperazin (20 rubles) | Piperazine (Piperazine) is a safe anthelmintic drug to remove pinworms in babies. For babies up to 12 months, the daily dose is 200 mg, for children up to 3 years up to 300 mg, up to 5 years 500 mg. The duration of treatment is up to 5 days. Repeated therapy after 7 days. Total - up to 3 courses. To remove dead worms from a child’s body, it is necessary to put a cleansing enema to a child. Otherwise it is possible intoxication by the decay products of dead worms. It is unlikely to bring pinworms in adults with piperazine. | Piperazine has a sparing effect on the children's body. The drug paralyzes only adults, so a long course of treatment is required. Tolerates well. Not prescribed for nervous disorders and individual intolerance. |
Pyrantel (60 rubles) | In the form of a suspension for children. Take once before breakfast. The exact dosage depends on body weight. Assign babies from 6 months. If necessary, re-admission after 15-20 days. | The drug is not recommended for use in case of intolerance to the active substance, liver pathology. |
Zentel (260 rubles) | The active ingredient is albendazole. Prescribed to children from 12 months in the form of a suspension of 200 mg or 400 mg.It is necessary to be treated once - to take simultaneously with fatty products (butter, milk, sour cream) for better absorption. | The drug should not be used for infants up to 1 year, during pregnancy, damage to the eye retina. |
On a note!
In children, the risk of reinfestation with pinworms increases as a result of scratching the anus and from the surrounding environment. In order to exclude re-invasions, it is necessary to promptly resolve the issue of how to kill pinworm eggs in household items (linen, toys, dishes, clothes).
Treatment for pinworms during pregnancy
It is possible to cure pinworms in the period of childbearing with the use of gentle anthelmintic drugs. Conventional powerful drugs have a negative effect on the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman. The use of any antihelminthic drugs is prohibited during the first trimester. Breastfeeding women must refuse breastfeeding for the period of treatment from pinworms. With acute worm infestation, pregnant women from the 14th week are allowed to take Piperazine:
- the duration of the therapeutic course is up to 5 days;
- number of courses - up to 2-3 times with a break of 5-7 days;
- daily dose of medication - not less than 1.5-2 g;
- taking the drug - one or two times;
- the dose is adjusted by the attending physician;
- evening enemas are recommended to clean the intestines.
When pregnancy is necessary to strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene to avoid infection with pinworms. It is recommended to destroy the pinworm eggs at home, from furniture, articles of clothing.
Pinworms are not displayed in the absence of systematic treatment. A serious approach allows the parasite to be removed from the intestines using traditional methods:
- pumpkin milk for children and adults to quickly get rid of pinworms: 20 pcs. raw pumpkin seeds pour 1 glass of milk, grind the mixture in a blender, boil in a water bath and insist 2 hours, then the filtered broth to take 0.5 cups twice a day;
- pumpkin oil pharmacy - take 1 tbsp. l with the addition of honey or cinnamon;
- pinworms are afraid of pumpkin seeds: preschool children eat 150 g of peeled fruits in their raw form daily, adults at least 300 g;
- connect 1 part of tansy, pharmacy chamomile, 2 parts of wormwood and buckthorn bark, insist in boiling water, stand for 12 hours in a dark place, drink the filtered infusion of 1 tbsp. twice a day;
- 2-3 cloves garlic chopped, pour 1 tbsp. boiling milk, stand on low heat for 10 minutes, insist 3 hours, take a decoction and 1 tbsp. l per day, children 1 hour l.
When using folk remedies, manifestations of enterobiosis are significantly reduced. Homemade recipes are allowed to use in consultation with your doctor.
Preventive measures
Doctors insist on the correct solution to the question of how to get rid of pinworm eggs in the environment. Preventive measures help to avoid helminth infection and relapses of enterobiasis:
- personal hygiene and sanitation;
- constant change of underwear, bed linen;
- washing hands after going to the toilet, cutting the nails;
- cleanliness in the room.
Pinworm eggs are killed by regular processing of linen, clothes with a hot iron - a temperature of at least 60 ° C. To eliminate itching, it is recommended to lubricate the anal passage with zinc ointment. This allows you to destroy the larvae, reduces the likelihood of scratching and re-infection.