Ways of pinworm infection
- Appearance of pinworms
- Signs of infection with enterobiasis
- Enterobiasis swab
Enterobiasis or worm infestation is one of the most common types of helminthiasis in adults and children. The disease is characterized by repeated reinvasions and dangerous consequences. To avoid multiple infections, you need to know how pinworms are transmitted. Timely diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures allow you to quickly and permanently get rid of enterobiosis.
Where do the pinworms come from
Pinworms - roundworms, parasitic exclusively in humans. In common parlance, they are called worms, which are most often found in children under the age of 12 years. Often, worm infestation occurs in adults. Infection with pinworms occurs by ingestion or inhalation of helminth eggs by any household contact method. Next in the human body begins the life cycle of the helminth:
- eggs of the worm from the oral cavity are moved to the gastrointestinal tract;
- in the small intestine, the membrane ruptures with the release of the larva;
- growth and maturation of the larvae with the formation of adult mature individuals;
- females attach to the intestinal wall and are fertilized by males;
- the females filled with eggs move to the large intestine;
- females go to the anus area for the egg-laying;
- reinfection by combing and swallowing eggs.
A person with enterobiasis is capable of autoinvasion (self-infection) and can infect other people. On average, the life cycle of pinworms after infection is up to 3-4 weeks. After the reproductive function is completed, the parasite females die.
On a note!
Worm eggs outside the human body are viable for 2-3 weeks in a humid cool environment. They are stored on household items, everyday life, pet hair and can infect a large number of people.
First signs
Worm infestation - a disease of contact-domestic origin, is easily transmitted. Infection occurs quickly in groups of children, accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Metamorphosis of the larvae of the pinworm into an adult individual is accompanied by the release of toxins. These substances irritate the intestines, negatively affect all human organs and systems:
- cutting pains in the stomach, colic;
- violation of the chair, dysbiosis;
- night urinary incontinence;
- fatigue, weakness, irritability;
- memory loss, distraction;
- allergies, weight loss, nausea;
- creak teeth in a dream;
- in girls, vaginitis, cystitis;
- in babies - frequent crying, poor sleep;
- anemia, leukemia, reduced immunity;
- in fecal masses - mucus, blood clots, worms.
At the initial stage of infection, symptoms are mild, unduly ignored.The parasite rapidly and actively multiplies, which causes increased signs of enterobiosis. Growing worms feed on intestinal microflora, injure its walls, causing bleeding wounds.
A characteristic sign of helminthic invasion is unbearable itching in the anal area. Unpleasant sensations are caused by a special secret that female pinworms emit when laying eggs. To relieve itching, the child often puts his hands to the anus. This factor is key in deciding where the pinworms come from in children.
Complications and consequences
Not only a child can become ill with enterobiasis, but any person who neglects the standards of sanitation and hygiene. Primary infection often leads to repeated reinvasions. The disease is delayed for long months, causing the strongest intoxication of the body. What can happen with a long worm defeat:
- dysbacteriosis, dystrophy, anemia, reduced immunity;
- inflammation in the large intestine, in the area of the anus, perineum;
- appendicitis, fecal peritonitis, neurosis, avitaminosis;
- nocturnal enuresis, cholecystitis, vulvovaginitis in girls;
- failure, delayed intellectual and physical development in children.
Diagnostic methods
There are many options from which pinworms are taken from children and older age groups. Regardless, the incubation period lasts up to 3-4 weeks until the first symptoms of enterobiosis appear. Timely diagnosis of the disease prevents the risk of re-infection. Basic diagnostic methods:
Method | Description |
Scatology | Examination of feces for the presence of eggs, larvae and adults. The method requires multiple studies, informative with strong worm infestation. |
Scraping | It is taken with a cotton swab smeared with vaseline or cream. Informative method, as scrapings are taken directly from the area of the anal folds. Here the female pinworm lays eggs. |
Tape test | Scraping is taken with a special adhesive tape. The method is common for diagnosis in children. |
On a note!
For accurate diagnosis and effective treatment will need to be tested at least three times with an interval of 1-3 days. Repeated research is carried out in 1-2 weeks. The scrapings are taken early in the morning before the first act of defecation.When receiving negative results, the study is repeated.
How can you catch pinworms
Enterobiasis begins with the entry of pinworm eggs into the human digestive tract. If sanitary and hygienic norms are not observed, they are inevitably ingested and cause helminthiasis. The main ways of pinworm infection in adults and children:
Way of infection | Options |
Domestic | The use of unwashed vegetables, fruits, food. Contact with household items, household items infected with worm eggs. Ignoring flies, cockroaches that can carry eggs of pinworms. |
Contact | Through direct contact with an infectious person - a handshake, a hug, through the skin and mucous tissues. Combing an itchy anus followed by a meal. Through toys, general hygiene items, bedding. When stroking pets whose wool has eggs of pinworms. |
Indirect | Long nails, eating at a computer, reading a book in public places, refusing to wash hands after using the toilet. The bad habit of biting nails or toys (pens, pencils), licking your fingers. |
Preventive measures
The main cause of enterobiosis is neglect of sanitary norms and rules of personal hygiene. The following principles will help to prevent pinworms:
- wash hands thoroughly before eating;
- monitor the hygiene of the child and all family members;
- regularly carry out wet cleaning;
- frequent change of bed linen and clothes;
- processing of furniture, household items, toys;
- regular deworming of children and all family members, pets.
Careful attention to the rules of sanitation and hygiene, consultation of doctors, proper treatment will permanently relieve enterobiosis. In order to avoid relapses, it is recommended that regular laboratory tests be carried out in order to promptly detect a dangerous parasite in the body.