The best drugs for the treatment of pinworms

When an enterobiosis is detected, the infectious disease physician prescribes medication. It is aimed at the expulsion of parasites from the body. How to choose the right medicine for pinworms, what features of taking the drugs are, what means are allowed to use in children, adults, what side effects should be prepared, the article will tell.

What are the pinworms dangerous

Pinworms are small worms. They are in the body when in contact with a sick person, household items, food, dust and pets. Most of all patients are children under 11 years old.

The eggs of parasites enter the intestines, where the larvae leave them. Individuals develop, mate, after which the female pinworms lay eggs in the rectum and the anus.

More than half of adults and children are asymptomatic, making it difficult to diagnose and prescribe therapy. Patients who are unaware of their illness are dangerous to others.


The main symptom of enterobiosis is itching in the area of ​​the anus.When the disease progresses, weakness, severe fatigue, sleep disturbance and irritability, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and dysbiosis are associated. Itching causes a strong desire to scratch the affected place. Patients develop contact dermatitis, a secondary infection joins with the development of suppuration.

In children, enuresis, neurotic states, physical and mental retardation begins.

If you do not follow the rules of hygiene and are not treated for enterobiosis, patients infect themselves and those around them countless times. Severe complications include body sensitization with exacerbation or the occurrence of allergic reactions, eosinophilic enterocolitis and appendicitis.

Pinworms in humans
Pinworms in humans

On a note!

Some patients believe that there are warts from pinworms. This statement is erroneous. Warts (or papillomas) - a viral disease. However, with a decrease in immunity against the background of helminthiasis, papillomavirus can be activated, if it was already in the body of an adult or a child.

There is another opinion that is not supported by any official data: treatment of pinworms with potent antibiotics should be started.In fact, antibacterial drugs have no effect on helminths, they are intended for the treatment of bacterial infections.

Features of medical treatment of pinworms

Traditional medicine proposes to fight enterobiasis with medication. Depending on the age of the patient, the specifics of the remedy recommend different forms of release: tablets, suspension, infusions.

Pharmaceutical preparations for pinworms in adults and children affect the parasites as follows:

  • cause paralysis of the muscles of the worms;
  • violate the metabolism of worms.

Treatment of enterobiosis is a relatively simple process, since the worms hardly go beyond the limits of the gastrointestinal tract (the only exception is the entry of parasites into the external female genital organs). When conducting several courses of deworming and getting a negative result (tape test, scraping for enterobiosis), it is considered that the patient is free from the disease.

On a note!

Before choosing how to treat pinworms, the infectious disease doctor will talk with the patient or his relatives and clarify possible contraindications.Drugs for enterobiosis have a number of side effects and restrictions on the use of special groups of patients: children, pregnant and lactating women, people with lesions of the nervous system.


This drug blocks the neuromuscular transmission of helminths, resulting in those leaving the human body. Pyrantel is an effective remedy for various types of worms. It is recommended for the fight against ascariasis, enterobiasis, ankilostomiasis, trichocephalosis. In the treatment of enterobiosis, the drug acts on the adult and larval stages of pinworms. It can be used for children from 1 year.

Helminth pyrantel
Helminth pyrantel

Side effects of therapy

During the treatment of pinworms, the following undesirable effects may occur:

  • allergic skin and anaphylactic reactions;
  • hematopoietic oppression;
  • dyspeptic manifestations;
  • liver damage;
  • headaches, dizziness, lethargy.


Pyrantel-based products are not recommended:

  • patients with myasthenia gravis;
  • children under 6 months and weighing up to 12 kg;
  • persons with hepatic impairment;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions.


Admission during pregnancy is possible only in the case when the intended use of the reception will be more possible harm to the mother and child. When treating pinworms in lactating women, it is recommended to temporarily switch to artificial feeding.

Instructions for use

Means with this active ingredient produced in the form of tablets and suspensions. The therapeutic effect of Pirantel develops after a single dose.

  1. Therapy does not require prior preparation with laxatives.
  2. Perhaps the appointment of the drug at any time of the day, not necessarily on an empty stomach.
  3. The dosage is calculated individually according to the body weight of the patient.
  4. Pinworm suspension for children is used up to 6 years of age, then patients receive the drug in tablets.
  5. To prevent reinfection, the drug is taken a second time after 3 weeks in the same dosage.

The table below shows the dosage of the drug, depending on weight and age:

Patient weight / ageDosage
Children under 6 years125 mg of pyrantel in suspension
Children after 6 years125 mg / 10 kg mass
Adult patients weighing up to 75 kg750 mg once
Adults weighing more than 75 kg1000 mg once


The drug is not prescribed together with other antihelmintic drugs - piperazine and levamisole.

Helminth pyrantel
Helminth pyrantel

Price at the pharmacy

To cure pinworms, patients can purchase Pirantel to treat pinworms:

  • in the form of tablets of 250 mg, 3 pieces per pack - about 30 rubles;
  • in the form of a suspension for children, 15 ml for 60 rubles.

A more expensive version of the drug from pinworms for children is Helmintox. The cost of 1 package will be:

  • 125 mg tablets number 6 - from 65 rubles;
  • 250 mg tablets number 3 - from 70 rubles;
  • Suspension for children - 1 ml in a bottle for 130 rubles.


Pinworms were found in a two-year-old daughter. Then they found the same “comrades” in other children in the nursery. They were told to treat the whole family from enterobiosis. I read for a long time how to treat worms, consulted a doctor, stopped at Pirantel. Daughter took the suspension. Suffered treatment well, helped the first time. It was very difficult for me to chew and swallow pyrantel tablets. After taking nausea, stomach ache, after a day everything calmed down. I didn’t understand whether I had enterobiasis or not - after the treatment, the worms were not found.

Tatyana, Kostroma


The action of the drug is associated with impaired metabolism of pinworms.The drug is recommended for the treatment of pinworms and other helminth infections when infected with one or more types of worms.

Preparations from worms
Preparations from worms


This drug for the treatment of pinworms should be taken in the following categories of patients:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis);
  • persons with hypersensitivity and liver failure.

Concurrent use with some anticonvulsants is not recommended.

Instructions for use

Before undergoing the treatment of inerobiosis, the infectious diseases specialist makes the following recommendations to patients:

  1. After taking the drug during the day it is forbidden to drink laxatives, use alcohol-containing products and medicines, fatty foods.
  2. Mebendazole tablets for adults and children over 3 years old take 100 mg, once.
  3. With massive pinworms, this tool is re-drunk after 3 weeks.
  4. In the case of infection with enterobioz someone from a family member, the drug is prescribed to all at the same time.
  5. The effectiveness of therapy is indicated by the absence of worms eggs in scrapings on enterobiosis during the week.

The undesirable effects of therapy include:

  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • development of convulsive syndrome;
  • sometimes possible glomerulonephritis, hair loss.

Price at the pharmacy

On the recommendation of the physician, the patient may purchase such drugs based on mebendazole at a pharmacy:

  • Vermox tablets on 100 mg, № 6 pcs. in the package - about 100 rubles;
  • Vormin tablets of 100 mg, № 24 pcs. in the package - from 160 rubles.
Mebendazole against pinworms
Mebendazole against pinworms


I do not know where the worms came from, but it was scary and unpleasant to find a white worm on my underpants. The therapist in the clinic sent a scraping, put enterobiosis. Next was the infectious disease doctor. I was prescribed Vermox. Very convenient drug - from the side was only a little nausea and dizziness. But these symptoms quickly passed. I took one tablet 2 times - with an interval of 3 weeks. After treatment, enterobiosis was not found. Vermox is probably the best remedy for pinworms for such a price.

Olga, Nikolaev


This remedy for pinworms for children aged 2 years and adults. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the violation of the metabolic processes of worms.

Indications for appointment

Albendazole is recommended for the treatment of helminth infections and protozoal infections.

It can be used to combat one and several parasites at once.


The drug should not be prescribed for the treatment of enterobiosis in the following cases:

  • with hypersensitivity to the components;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • in diseases of the liver;
  • against the backdrop of the oppression of blood.

On a note!

The substance Albendazole is not recommended for the treatment of pinworms in children under 6 years of age, while preparations of other companies with the same composition (Nemozol, Sanoxal) are allowed for use from 2 years of age.

Instructions for use

During treatment, adherence to a special diet, taking laxatives is not required. Tablets or suspension of worms and pinworms drink during meals or immediately after a meal, without chewing.

Albendazole for worms
Albendazole for worms

The dosage of the drug from enterobiosis is calculated as follows: 400 mg per tablet or 20 ml of suspension. In terms of treatment, a single dose.


Treatment pinworms spend all family members. In the case of a massive infection, the procedure is repeated after 3 weeks.

Side effects of therapy

Undesirable effects include the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • headaches, episodes of dizziness, the appearance of meningeal symptoms;
  • dyspepsia, increased liver enzymes;
  • hematopoietic oppression;
  • fever;
  • acute renal failure;
  • hair loss.

Price at the pharmacy

This medicine for pinworms in adults and children is available for free:

  • Nemozol tablets, coated 400 mg, No. 1 in a pack - 180 rubles;
  • Nemozol suspension for oral administration 100 mg / 5 ml, 20 ml, 1 bottle in a package - 190 rubles;
  • Sanoxal tablets 400 mg, 1 tablet per pack - 170 rubles.


The drug causes paralysis of pinworm muscles.

The tool is indicated for the treatment of enterobiosis and ascariasis.

Piperazine with enterobiasis
Piperazine with enterobiasis


The drug is not recommended:

  • for admission of children under 3 years;
  • with allergic reactions;
  • in diseases of the nervous system;
  • in chronic renal failure.

This medicine for pinworms for children and adults does not require special training before taking. However, if the patient is prone to constipation, laxatives are recommended. Between treatments, enemas are made to clean the intestines from pinworms.

Enterobiasis treatment regimen

The drug is drunk for 5 days, the daily dosage is divided into 2 doses. After a course of treatment, wait a week and re-de-worming.

Piperazin tablets are taken twice a day, one hour before meals or half an hour after breakfast and dinner.

The table shows the standard dosage of the drug for the treatment of enterobiosis:

AgeDaily dosage
3 yearsUp to 0.6 g / day.
4-5 yearsUp to 1 g / day.
6-8 yearsUp to 1.5 g / day.
9-12 years oldUp to 2 g / day.
13-15 years oldUp to 2-3 g / day.
Children over 15 and adultsUp to 4 g / day.

Side effects

During therapy may occur:

  • dyspepsia;
  • cramping pain in the intestines.

In the presence of renal failure, neurological complications are possible - headaches, weakness in muscles, blurred vision, psychosis.

On a note!

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy, the cost of 1 pack of 10 tablets of 500 mg will be 21 rubles.

Tansy flowers

It is a pharmaceutical herbal preparation for the treatment of pinworms in adult patients. The tool contains biologically active components with choleretic and antihelminthic action. The drug is prescribed to get rid of various types of worms, the most active against pinworms and ascaris.

Tansy with enterobiasis
Tansy with enterobiasis

Contraindications to the use of funds

Despite the vegetable origin of the drug, tansy flowers are not prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • allergic reactions to tansy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 18 years.

Tansy will help from pinworms if taken in the form of infusion. The recipe of cooking means is as follows:

  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable raw materials pour 300 ml of hot water.
  2. Boil under the lid for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Infusion filter, take 100 ml 2 times a day before meals.
  5. The duration of treatment is 1 week, then enterobiosis tests are made and a decision is made on the need to continue the course.

Side effect of tansy on the body:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea.

The price of the drug at the pharmacy is about 90 rubles per pack.


I work in a kindergarten, went on vacation and began to suffer from a terrible itch in an indecent place. Began diarrhea. Has passed analyzes - have found an enterobiosis, have obliged to be treated, without it did not admit to work. I decided to start with a natural drug tansy. I did infusions and drank for a week. Portability is excellent.Some lightness appeared in the body, the itching was gone. I am waiting for the results of the control examination, I worry: I really do not want to get sick with this enterobiasis.

Maria, Yaroslavl

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