Treatment of pinworms folk remedies
- Pinworms in humans
- Folk remedies for pinworms in adults
- Enemas for lubrication of the anus during enterobiasis
- Onions and butter for enterobiasis
- Means for lubrication of the anus with enterobiasis
- Enterobiasis Prevention
Not only children, but also adults are at risk of becoming infected with enterobiasis. Folk remedies for pinworms make it possible to get rid of worms quickly, safely and without extra costs for medicines. Effective treatment can be carried out without problems at home.
Features of the flow of enterobiasis
Enterobiasis or pinworm infection most often occurs in young children. But there are cases when the disease is also found in patients from older groups. The lack of timely treatment of enterobiosis often leads to complications in the form of:
- allergies;
- irritability;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea;
- poor sleep;
- headache;
- inflammatory processes in the urinary and reproductive system;
- cough;
- failures in the immune system.
Helminthiasis is easily treatable. But do not let the healing process take its course. Treatment of pinworms with folk remedies successfully complements the drug methods of antihelminthic therapy.
Advantages and disadvantages of home treatment of pinworms
In the absence of serious complications of enterobiosis, you can get rid of worms completely by recipes of traditional medicine.Means, made mainly from plant components, have a much milder effect on the body than chemical medications. They have almost no contraindications.
Unlike traditional medicines, the risk of adverse effects on the gastrointestinal system and the load on the liver is minimized. This is especially true when detecting signs of pinworms in children and people suffering from diseases of the stomach.
Folk remedies of expelling of helminths do not lag behind in terms of the quality of exposure to medications. But, unlike them, they require a more prolonged use to obtain a positive result. Sometimes the treatment to consolidate success have to be repeated. The disadvantages of folk therapy include possible allergic reactions to the individual components of the formulation with their individual intolerance.
Not in last place for patients is the question of the cost of treatment. A big advantage here is traditional medicine. The cheapness and availability of ingredients, as well as the opportunity to undergo a course of fairly effective treatment of pinworms at home, far outweigh.
It is not recommended to be treated for enterobiosis without first consulting a doctor.
Folk remedies for pinworms in adults
When signs of helminthic invasion are found, it is necessary not only to engage in the treatment of enterobiosis, but also to conduct preventive treatment of all family members. To get rid of pinworms and prevent their further spread, the methods of traditional medicine are well suited. The effective methods of treating pinworms in adult patients include the use of herbal infusions, decoctions, enemas, juices, oil extracts.
Herbal decoctions and infusions
Most of them have an uncomplicated method of preparation from widely used products. Among the effective decoctions:
- Wormwood. A teaspoon of dry grass of bitter wormwood to brew a full glass of boiling water. Insist 30 min. and take for 20 min. before eating 1 tbsp. l
- With thyme. 6 tbsp. l fresh or dry herbs are steamed in a thermos with 2 cups of boiling water. It is possible to begin reception in two hours of insisting. Eat before every evening meal of 50 grams of infusion.
- With pumpkin seeds. 1.5 cups of peeled and chopped seeds to boil for two hours in 0.5 liters of water, cool, strain and strictly take the broth in 1 tbsp. l every half hour up to 4 times a day.It is best to start treatment with a remedy early in the morning, after starting the reception to have breakfast with oatmeal.
Therapeutic therapy with decoctions and infusions is carried out for 7 or 10 days, then repeated after a short 10-day break. This will avoid re-infection by parasites.
Therapeutic Enema
Herbs from pinworms give an increased effect if their decoctions for oral administration are combined with therapeutic cleansing enemas. Intestinal cleansing can be done with clean boiled water or with the addition of infusions of anthelmintic herbs. The following formulations for enemas are most effective:
- With tansy. 1 tbsp. l Tansy flowers are brewed with two glasses of freshly boiled water. After half an hour cooling and infusion, the liquid is used for the procedure.
- Garlic Crush the head of the cleaned garlic and pour a glass of medium warm water. Insist at least 5 hours, drain. For procedures in half diluted with warm water.
- On the decoction of three herbs. Boil for 5 minutes. in water 2 tbsp. l herbs of celandine, wormwood and inflorescences of tansy (you need a liter of water). Stand for 20 minutes.
- With citrus wormwood. 0.5 liters of hot water, add 2 tsp.flower buds, boil for 8 min. After cooling, use a decoction for enemas (you can take 1/2 cup inside before eating).
The treatment of pinworms with tsitvarnaya polynya is more effective than synthetic preparations of similar action.
Therapeutic enemas are best done at bedtime after pre-cleansing the intestines. Treatment courses for 10 days, if necessary, can be repeated. The temperature of the composition for the introduction should be no higher than 25 degrees. After cleansing, you must take a shower.
When carrying out procedures, it is necessary to strictly observe the hygienic requirements in order to prevent secondary infection.
Alcohol anthelmintic tinctures
Tinctures based on vodka or medical alcohol are excellent for removing helminthic parasites from the body of adult patients. The active ingredients of alcohol extracts of plants, especially wormwood, damage the cell membranes of intestinal parasites.
- With wormwood and pumpkin seeds. For ½ cup herbs of bitter wormwood and chopped seeds are poured with a bottle of vodka. Stand an infusion of 7 days. Take 2 dessert spoons for the night.
- With onions.A glass of rubbed onions, filled with vodka or alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, insist 7 days. Drink in the morning and late in the evening before meals, 20 ml.
- With birch buds. 2 spoons of kidney pour a glass of vodka, insist 14 days. Take 3 times a day (20 drops).
The course of treatment tinctures 5-7 days, you can less.
When driving vehicles and other mechanisms, it is better to choose a method for treating pinworms without using alcohol-containing agents.
Oil-based pinworm remedies
Very popular folk preparations for pinworms, prepared using a variety of oils and fats.
- Onions and olive oil. Finely chop the onion, salt and pour olive oil. Eating composition is allowed daily before bedtime during the week.
- Pumpkin seeds with butter. A glass of raw, ground pumpkin seeds pour a glass of olive oil. Take on a standard tablespoon on an empty stomach. Breakfast can be 3 hours after receiving the funds. Course 10 days.
- Pumpkin with garlic and butter. Pumpkin seeds clean, dry, chop. On a glass of seeds, add 4-6 cloves of garlic and 3 tbsp. l natural vegetable oil. Insist the mixture a day, take 1 spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach for 7 days.
- Cognac with fish oil.During the week, take two tablespoons of the mixture of equal amounts of brandy and fish oil. The tool is used before bedtime, not less than 2 hours after the end of the last meal. Fish oil can be replaced with castor oil in the same proportion.
On a note!
It is possible to increase the effectiveness of antiparasitic oil-based agents in the treatment of enterobiosis by combining them with cleansing enemas.
Antiparasitic Drinks
To achieve quick positive results in the fight against pinworms, various juices and teas with anthelmintic action can help. They are safe to use and can also be used for the treatment of folk pinworms in children.
Drink | Application features |
Carrot juice | A week to drink in the morning freshly prepared juice of ½ cup every half hour 5 times. Meal in two hours. |
Tea with valerian and lingonberries | Brew a spoon of herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water. Drink before meals during the day. |
Beet Juice | Freshly made red beet juice to drink 100 ml per hour before breakfast and before bedtime. The course of treatment is about 14 days. |
Ointments are used to lubricate the anus and the adjacent skin at night. Before this, it is necessary to wash the perianal area with soap and wipe dry. The ointment will not allow the female pinworms to move; laid eggs will stick together.
In the morning, be sure to wash the anus with water and tar soap. The cycle of development of worms is interrupted.
Zinc ointment and petrolatum with the addition of 10 drops of tea tree oil are suitable for use. The method is best used in combination with enemas and anthelmintic decoctions or tinctures.
Features of the use of folk remedies for pinworms in children
If signs of pinworms are found in children, it is urgent to begin antihelminthic therapy. Not all traditional medicine can be used to treat young patients. When using folk recipes to get rid of pinworms adolescents and kids need to follow a few rules:
- prohibited funds that have in the composition of alcohol-containing substances;
- all doses of drugs are reduced by half;
- garlic infusion for children is prepared on the basis of milk;
- Honey can be added to soften the bitter taste.
It is necessary to teach children to eat carrots, beets and salads from them with the addition of raw onions, garlic, pumpkin seeds. You can give them a daily nibble dry pumpkin seeds from pinworms. 10-20 pieces per day will provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as guarantee the prevention of pinworm infection. Amino acid cucurbitin, which is part of pumpkin seeds, can destroy the parasitic worms that already exist.
But, first of all, the child should be taught to eat only washed fruits, vegetables, berries, and wash hands as often as possible, especially in summer.
Precautionary measures
Pinworms are the most common form of helminthic invasion. Application in the treatment of popular recipes shows very good results. Before using them, especially when treating children or patients with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, you should consult with your doctor to eliminate the possible negative effects on the body.
When treating symptoms of enterobiosis at home, you need to follow some precautions:
- wash hands regularly with soap and water;
- change pants at least twice a day;
- daily dry and wet house cleaning;
- bedding and bedding should be washed at a high temperature and be sure to iron;
- reduce in the diet to a minimum sweet, butter, confectionery;
- when cooking, add more fresh onions, garlic, hot spices.
After a course of folk therapy, it is imperative to pass tests for the maintenance of eggs and adult pinworms to confirm the success of the treatment.
Every day I give children pumpkin seeds. They gnaw with pleasure and have not been sick with worms yet.
Olga, village Magistralny, Irkutsk region.
In childhood there were pinworms, the mother always gave her a decoction of wormwood. We managed without the help of doctors.
Uliana, Orsk
In the summer at the dacha picked up the worms. At first I didn’t believe it, but the tests confirmed enterobiosis. A week he ate every morning and evening onions and drank tincture with tansy and wormwood, everything went away. And sleep immediately became better.
Petr Ivanovich, Elektrostal