How to treat pinworms in pregnant women
- 1 Symptoms of enterobiasis in pregnant women
- 2 Diagnostics
- 3 Is pinworm dangerous during pregnancy?
- 4 How to treat pinworms in pregnant women
- 5 What to do in the first trimester
- 6 Second trimester
- 7 Last Trimester Therapy
- 8 Diet for helminthic invasion
- 9 Is it possible to get rid of enterobiosis without treatment?
- 10 Conclusion
- Detection of enterobiasis in a pregnant woman
- Traditional methods of treatment of enterobiasis in pregnant women
- Piperazine with enterobiasis
- Preparations for the treatment of enterobiosis in a pregnant woman
- Enterobiasis Prevention
Pinworms during pregnancy are rarely found, but such cases are.Women with horror perceive positive results on helminths and begin to panic. A standard examination when planning pregnancy does not provide for the delivery of scrapings on worms eggs. Do not prescribe such an analysis and when registering. As a result, the expectant mother visits a doctor only with a bright manifestation of the clinical picture of the disease.
Symptoms of enterobiasis in pregnant women
The first manifestations of helminth infection in women can be taken for toxicosis. Usually it is nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, sometimes abdominal pain. Often, complaints are associated with headache and irritability. All this can be taken as a feature of the course of pregnancy. Therefore, in the first trimester of an interesting situation, future mothers are not in a hurry to see a doctor.
Later, itching in the area of the vagina and anus appears, which many people also explain by manifestations of thrush or a violation of microflora. As a result, a woman sometimes learns about the disease only when she arrives at the maternity hospital or during planned hospitalization in the hospital for preservation.
When itching in the anus and vagina during pregnancy should immediately contact the clinic, pass the analysis and begin treatment for pinworms.
To detect enterobiosis, a pregnant woman needs to pass a scraping or smear on pinworms. To do this, you need to take a referral from a doctor and come to the laboratory in the morning before bowel emptying. The specialist will take the analysis of the anus with a cotton swab or tape. In a day the result will be ready.
With a negative analysis, but maintaining symptoms, the doctor may prescribe feces for worms eggs or blood for antibodies to parasites. Feces must be collected in the morning and taken to the hospital in a warm form. Timely diagnosis allows you to start treatment in time and minimize the risk of negative effects on the fetus.
Before passing the tests you can not perform water hygiene procedures, it will give false results.
Is pinworm dangerous during pregnancy?
Parasites when carrying a child can rarely harm him. But pinworms often cause inflammation of the genital organs, weaken the immune system and disrupt the metabolism in the woman’s body. They also provoke insomnia, irritability and loosen the nervous system. This can affect the development of the fetus and cause congenital abnormalities.
The danger lies in the need to use medicines that the doctor may prescribe at high risk to the health of the pregnant woman. This happens with massive worm infestations that threaten such complications as peritonitis or intestinal obstruction.
How to treat pinworms in pregnant women
Enterobiosis therapy methods are selected depending on the trimester of pregnancy and the degree of infection. In the initial stages of carrying a child, it is better not to take pharmaceuticals, but to turn to traditional medicine. Later, the doctor may prescribe medicines that will not harm the unborn baby.
What to do in the first trimester
The most dangerous period of pregnancy. Taking medication is not recommended. At this time, important organs and systems form in the fetus. One tablet can affect the whole further development of the embryo. In the first trimester, you can turn to treatment with folk remedies:
- You need to include in the diet of garlic and pomegranates, drink ginger tea and eat more beets.
- Fresh pumpkin seeds have a good anthelmintic effect. They can nibble or prepare an infusion in the form of tea.
- Once a day you need to take a decoction of tansy in half a glass. It is prepared according to the prescription indicated on the pharmaceutical packaging.
- Raw onions and sunflower oil should be added to soups and porridges.
- Pinworms also do not tolerate salted herring, so you should more often include it in the diet.
It is possible to treat the pinworms independently only after consulting a doctor. With the threat of termination of pregnancy, any home remedies are contraindicated.
Second trimester
In this period, many doctors are no longer afraid to prescribe drugs from pinworms. But not all medicines can be taken.
The only antiparasitic pill that is not contraindicated at this time of pregnancy is Piperazin. The drug belongs to the safest remedies for worms. The instructions for piperazine not indicated contraindications during pregnancy.
Dosage for pregnant women ranges from 1.5 grams per day. Treatment continues up to 7 days. A week later, additional research is carried out on pinworms and, if necessary, repeat therapy is prescribed.After treatment with Piperazine, it is recommended to take a course of cleansing enemas, but during pregnancy it is better to refrain from this.
Contraindications to medication are allergic reactions, kidney disease, and the central nervous system. Among the side effects, patients note violations of the gastrointestinal tract and headaches.
It is not recommended to take laxatives when treating pinworms.
The cost of 10 piperazine tablets is only 14 rubles.
Suppositories and ointments
In the second trimester, you can also use candles. They are introduced into the anus once a day at night. Suppositories are presented on the pharmaceutical market in a wide range.
The name of the suppository | Description and price |
Nigella Sativa | Cumin based candles. Help to get rid of pinworms quickly and safely. They cost about 250 rubles. |
Candy | Herbal remedy for rectal use. Contains sea buckthorn, St. John's wort, fir, yarrow and tea tree. These are natural ingredients with anthelmintic properties and anti-inflammatory effect. |
Prostate | Suppositories with cocoa butter, propolis, sea buckthorn, echinacea and aloe.They have an anthelmintic effect and treat inflammation. In a box of 6 pieces, the cost is on average 250 rubles. |
All of the listed candles are allowed for use in pregnant women, but only in the absence of pathologies. Use of candles without a prescription and a preliminary examination is prohibited.
Herbal candles can cause severe allergic reactions. Before treatment, the composition should be carefully examined.
In the second trimester, you can also use external ointment. Zinc ointment and syntomycin helps with itching in the anus. Means should be lubricated perianal area once a day before bedtime.
Last Trimester Therapy
At the final stage of pregnancy, as in other periods, caution should be exercised. As prescribed by the doctor, candles from pinworms, Piperazin tablets can be used, as well as treatment with folk remedies.
In suppositories at this stage it is allowed to apply Girudotex. These are antiparasitic candles with tansy, wormwood, clove oil and cumin. Treatment is carried out at least a week, every day. The price of Hirudotex does not exceed 240 rubles per pack.
In exceptional cases, the doctor prescribes traditional drugs from the anti-parasitic group:
- Pyrantel;
- Vermox;
- Nemozol;
- Helmedazole.
These are chemical agents that are detrimental to the parasites. They disrupt the metabolism and inhibit the process of glucose uptake. As a result, pinworm muscle paralysis occurs. Parasites can not be attached to the intestinal walls and die.
Available drugs in tablets and suspensions. The cost of drugs up to 250 rubles for one course.
On a note!
Tablets are contraindicated to get rid of pinworms during pregnancy, but at high risk to the health of the mother are sometimes used. Dosages prescribe a minimum, short course.
Diet for helminthic invasion
During the treatment of pinworms, you should adhere to proper nutrition. The body needs increased intake of vitamins and minerals. Should increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits.
It is recommended to drink more and include in the diet natural juices with anthelmintic effect (carrot and beet). Food should not be rough, dry and monotonous.Good effect on the gastrointestinal tract work pureed soups and porridges from natural cereals.
With pinworms, pregnant women should limit the flour, sweet and fat.
Is it possible to get rid of enterobiosis without treatment?
Pinworms and pregnancy are quite compatible. Some doctors do not advise to get rid of them before delivery. But most professionals have a different opinion. With absolute contraindications to medication and the introduction of suppositories, they recommend using the method of self-purification from parasites.
It is based on the development of helminths. The life cycle of pinworms is circular. If the chain is interrupted, all parasites will die on their own. But for this you should avoid repeated hits of pinworm eggs into the oral cavity within 40 days. There are rules for the prevention of re-infections:
- wash hands before each meal and after using the toilet;
- change underwear twice a day;
- do not grow long nails during treatment;
- do not comb the area of the anus;
- after washing the bed and underwear ironed with a hot iron;
- three times a day to carry out wet cleaning in the room.
These activities will help to cure only with the simultaneous treatment of pinworms of all family members living together. If medications are not contraindicated to them, one should undergo the necessary course of therapy in order not to infect the future mom again.
Before becoming pregnant, every woman should be tested for helminthiasis, to avoid having to be treated during gestation. If this was not done, and the expectant mother learned about the pinworm infection before birth or after conception, no need to panic. Cure the disease at any stage. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the doctor and not to take any drugs on their own.