Treatment with pinworms in adults and children
- Helminth pyrantel
- Mebendazole against pinworms
- Helminth pyrantel
- Albendazole for worms
- Piperazine with enterobiasis
Modern tablets from pinworms have a wide spectrum of action and simultaneously affect several types of parasites. The drugs help to get rid of enterobiosis, ascariasis, trichinosis and other invasions. For the treatment of pinworms use tablets from the group of anthelmintic and antiprotozoal agents. They differ in a short course of application and high efficiency.
Features of the fight against enterobiasis
Pinworms are creatures that are not harmless to humans. If untreated, they can fill the intestines and cause obstruction, appendicitis or peritonitis. With a long course of pathology, the body is depleted, and its vital systems begin to suffer.
To combat the worms use medicines that are low cost. The dosage is selected depending on the age and characteristics of the disease. Courses are periodically repeated and supplemented by the intake of mineral complexes and vitamins. After specific therapy, retesting should be performed for control.
On a note!
Treatment of pinworms with tablets can be carried out only after medical examination.All drugs for worms for children and adults are prescription.
Varieties of worms tablets
Pharmacological industry does not stand still. Periodically, pharmacies are replenished with new drugs for parasites. But the basis of these drugs remain the same substances. Only the names and prices change.
In order to choose the most effective tablets for worms, it is enough to know the properties of the active substance of the drug. Many drug manufacturers in the instructions distort important information about side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before using the drug should examine the official instructions of the active component, which is always listed on the package.
All tablets from worms can be divided into 5 groups. Means differ in composition, cost, effectiveness and features of the application.
Active substance | Trade name of the tablet price and quantity in the package |
Pyrantel | Helmintox –75 rub. № 6 |
Pyrantel -42 rub. Number 3 | |
Albendazole | Nemozol - 202 rubles. № 1 |
Sanoxal - 267 rubles. № 1 | |
Helmodol - BM 169 rubles. № 2 | |
Piperazine adipate | Piperazin -13 rub. Number 10 |
Levamisole | Dekaris - 83 rubles. № 1 |
Mebendazole | Vermox –101 rub. № 6 |
Vormin - 157 rubles. No. 24 | |
Helmedazole - 83 rubles. № 6 |
The effectiveness of therapy depends on compliance with the recommendations of the doctor and the severity of helminthic invasion. Replacing drugs from pinworms for analogues without the advice of a specialist is prohibited.
Pharmacological action of tablets from pinworms
All anthelmintic drugs have a similar effect on parasites. They selectively inhibit the production of enzymes necessary for the development and movement of worms. In the body of pinworms, glucose ceases to be absorbed, cellular synthesis ceases and paralysis of muscle fibers occurs. As a result, worms lose the ability to stick to the intestinal walls and die.
Tablets act on mature and immature females and males, as well as penetrate the capsule of the larvae. Parasites that hatched from preserved eggs are destroyed with a repeated course.
During the treatment of pinworms, it is necessary to strictly observe preventive measures and to prevent the ingress of new larvae into the oral cavity. If the infection process is not interrupted, the therapy will not work.
Mebendazole Medicines
Mebendazole products (Vermox, Vormin, Helmedazole) are among the best tablets for pinworms. They are prescribed from the age of 3 years and are equally often used for the treatment of adults and for getting rid of pinworms in children.
When enterobiasis, mebendazole is drunk for 3 days, once a day (100 mg at a time). If symptoms persist, repeat the course after 21 days.
Side effect
The most common adverse effect in treating mebendazole pills is an allergic reaction. Pill reviews contain information about the development of urticaria, rashes, itching and even anaphylactic shock.
On the part of the digestive system, disorders in the form of vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain may occur. Also, patients may experience headaches and drowsiness.
Mebendazole preparations have many contraindications. For this reason, it is better to use these types of pinworm pills in the adult population. In addition to hypersensitivity to the active substance, the ban applies to patients with:
- ulcerative colitis;
- liver failure;
- Crohn's disease;
- lactose intolerance.
Also, treatment is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Within 24 hours after taking mebendazole, it is forbidden to consume alcohol, fatty foods and laxatives.
Pyrantel-based preparations
These are effective tablets from enterobiosis. They can be used from any age, but in children under 6 months with extreme caution. The therapeutic dose for pinworms is exactly 10 mg per kg of body weight once. With the combination of enterobiosis with other helminthic invasions, the course is increased to 3 days in the same dosage.
Preparations with pyrantel (Gelmintoks, Pyrantel) can cause:
- nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
- headache and hallucinations;
- disturbed consciousness, drowsiness, or insomnia;
- children have skin rashes.
Side effects are temporary and disappear after the end of the medication.
Pyrantel is contraindicated in pregnancy, myasthenia and in case of hypersensitivity to the substance. Breast feeding should be discontinued at the time of therapy.
Pyrantel should not be taken simultaneously with piperazine, theophylline and laxatives.
Albendazole tablets
Nemozol, Helmodol and Sanoksal are shown from the age of three. Compared with pyrantel, they have more side effects and are more toxic. Albendazole is able to penetrate bile, cerebrospinal fluid and pinworm cysts.
A single dose of the drug is 400 mg once a day once (including children). In the presence of concomitant invasions, the dosage is individual.
Side effects and contraindications
On the part of the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased liver enzymes.
From the side of the central nervous system and hematopoiesis: dizziness, meningeal symptoms and oppression of hematopoiesis.
Also funds with albendazole can cause itching, kidney failure, increased blood pressure and body temperature. During pregnancy and lactation therapy is contraindicated.
Experimental studies have proven the teratogenic effects of albendazole. Women of childbearing age should be protected from pregnancy during treatment.
special instructions
Preparations from pinworms with albendazole are prescribed with caution in patients with hematopoietic suppression, renal and hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis, and retinal diseases.
Piperazine products
They belong to the safest pinworm pills for children. They can be applied to patients of any age without restrictions, but babies better to buy a suspension. The only drawback is a long course of treatment of enterobiosis. To expel the parasites will have to drink the drug for five days in a row and then repeat the course up to 3 times with a break of a week.
Age | Dose per day |
Adults | 1.5-2 g |
Children | |
13-15 | 1.5 g |
2018-12-09 | 1 g |
2018-08-06 | 750 mg |
2018-05-04 | 500 mg |
2018-03-02 | 300 mg |
Children under 1 year | 200 mg |
In the intervals between the courses, enemas are shown to remove the worms from the rectal area. Enemas do in the evening or at night. The intestines from pinworms in children are washed with water in an amount of from 1 to 3 glasses, adults need one liter. Sodium bicarbonate is added to water (half a teaspoon per full glass of water).
Contraindications and side effects
Contraindications are hypersensitivity to the substance piperazine adipate, severe damage to the kidneys and the nervous system. Headaches, nausea, and vomiting may occur during treatment. Patient reviews contain information about the appearance of muscle weakness and tremor of hands during prolonged therapy.
Special features
During treatment with pinworm tablets with piperazine, laxatives can be used with a tendency to constipation. Laxative drink in the evening or at night during the reception piperazine.
This drug with levamisole is used with pinworms rarely. It is more suitable for getting rid of ascariasis. But often doctors prescribe it for mixed invasions or when enterobiasis is running.
The advantage of levamisole is the possibility of a short course. The drug is drunk once a day at night, once. Treatment of worms in children is carried out with three years at a dose of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of weight, adults need to take 150 mg at once. Re Decaris prescribed after 7 days.
Side effects
Mebendazole can negatively act on the stomach, intestines, nervous system and blood formation. In rare cases, internal bleeding and vasculitis may develop due to a decrease in platelet count.
Before initiating therapy of helminthiasis, Dekaris should undergo an examination and a clinical blood test.
The treatment of worms with mebendazole tablets is prohibited during the carrying of the child, during lactation and with intolerance to the drug.For diseases of the liver, blood and kidney therapy is carried out with caution.
Children medication in a dosage of 150 mg is contraindicated at any age.
Treatment with pinworm tablets should be carried out under the supervision of a physician and a clinical blood test. Children are prescribed medications strictly from the age of three (except Pirantel and Piperazin). It is advisable for a child to buy anthelmintic agents in suspension. The effectiveness of therapy is guaranteed only if all family members are treated at the same time.