Treatment of giardiasis folk remedies
- Giardiasis
- Garlic against giardiasis
- Oats from giardiasis
- Folk remedies to combat giardiasis
- Prevention of Giardiasis
Treatment of Giardia folk remedies is a good way to get rid of parasites in a short time, without causing additional harm to the body and without unnecessary costs.A course of wellness therapy based on traditional medicine can be successfully conducted at home. Recipes are simple to prepare and suitable for all age groups of patients, but for safe therapy it is necessary to dose and use medicinal ingredients, especially in children.
Signs and ways of infection with giardiasis
With giardiasis, the parasites colonize the mucous membrane of the upper part of the small intestine. Symptoms and treatment of the disease will largely depend on the degree of damage to the body. Without timely intervention, giardiasis can become chronic.
The reason for going to a doctor for confirmation of the diagnosis of giardiasis is often the following violations:
- decreased appetite;
- pain in the navel;
- nausea, belching, vomiting;
- abdominal distention, disturbed stool;
- weight loss;
- pale skin, eyeshadow;
- frequent allergic reactions;
- sores and cracks in the lips.
Symptomatology depends on the duration of infection with giardiasis, the number of parasites present, the age of the patient. Especially quickly negative changes occur when infection with lyambliya in children.
Delaying therapy leads to disruption of the digestive process, painful thinness, skin dermatosis, the spread of bacterial infection. With prolonged absence of treatment, lambrose damage can cause cholecystitis, colitis, and other lesions of the biliary tract.
To determine the presence of parasites in the body with giardiasis can be in laboratory conditions 10 or 20 days after infection. It occurs most often due to non-compliance with hygiene requirements. This may include the use of raw water, insufficiently washed berries, fruits, vegetables.
On a note!
Infection with giardiasis provoke bathing in reservoirs with stagnant water and in public pools. The infection can also be spread by flies crawling on the table or food. Carriers of the disease are often cats and dogs. To prevent infection, you must keep your hands clean, be sure to use soap after using the toilet or working with the ground.
Folk remedies
Treatment of giardiasis folk remedies is widespread. About the high efficiency of the method says a lot of positive feedback about treatment.Folk remedies successfully complement the drug therapy Giardiasis. The herbal ingredients of traditional medicine preparations require a more prolonged use compared with medicines, but minimize the harmful factors from treatment.
With a mild form of the disease and the absence of serious complications, you can permanently get rid of Giardia folk remedy.
On a note!
In addition to directly getting rid of parasites, you will need to remove signs of intoxication from the body and restore healthy intestinal microflora. To consolidate the success of the block treatment of folk remedies for Giardia in adults and children can be fearlessly repeated.
Recipes from giardiasis with garlic
Garlic-based preparations are among the most widely known. Garlic from Giardia is used in the form of infusions or tinctures. It is also helpful to eat garlic raw.
- Milk infusion. Chopped garlic heads pour a glass of boiling milk, insist 10 minutes. Infusion strain and drink in one gulp. Repeat 1 glass for three days. After taking milk with garlic from lamblia, the patient must lie on a flat surface for at least an hour. You can perform the procedure at night.
- Garlic tincture.100 g of finely chopped garlic pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Tincture ready for use in a week. Take a teaspoon before meals.
- Tincture of garlic with horseradish. Crush 50 g of garlic and horseradish root. Pour a liter of vodka and insist a decade. Take a tablespoon for 30 minutes. before meals.
On a note!
Alcoholic garlic tincture is best to drink with warm water or milk. Course treatment for giardiasis lasts up to 3 weeks.
Tibetan medicine recommends its recipe using garlic to cleanse the body of Giardia and other parasites:
- Pepper oil mixture with garlic. Take 100 g of crushed garlic, red pepper powder and melted hot butter of good quality.
- Mix well and keep the mixture in the sun in a dark capped container for 30 days.
- Take a spoon before breakfast and lunch. The course of treatment of giardiasis is for the reception of two cooked portions of the tool.
The use of folk preparations based on alcohol-containing agents for the treatment of giardiasis in children is prohibited.
Treatment of giardiasis with oats
To treat folk remedies that have in the recipe oats, the disease is possible in both adults and children. This is one of the safest components.A decoction of oats against Giardia is prepared using straw or grain.
- Straw decoction. Finely chop a glass of oat straw, pour 5 cups boiling water. Steam the mixture for two hours in a water bath. Strained decoction taken for 2 weeks on the floor of the glass.
- Oatmeal jelly. Two incomplete glasses of oat grains pour overnight liter of water. In the morning, boil the mixture on a quiet fire for half an hour. Pour everything into a thermos and leave to infuse for another 12 hours. Then the jelly is filtered and drunk on the glass floor for at least 60 days.
- Oat tea Oat grains, lightly dried in the oven and grind to a powder. 4 tbsp. l Raw materials fall asleep in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water overnight. Then drink tea during the day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.
All medical preparations for removing Giardia must be taken before meals. The course of treatment of giardiasis with oats is very long, but its big plus the absence of adverse effects. If the disease has turned into a chronic form and a large number of parasites have developed in the body, then recipes of traditional medicine with oats may not be enough to cure it.
Infusions and decoctions of herbs
Most often herbs from Giardia in adults are used in the form of infusions, decoctions, herbal teas. They are available in composition and easy to prepare.
- With tansy. Tablespoon of flowers to brew a glass of boiling water. Drink warm before eating 100 ml.
- With wormwood. A teaspoon of dried bitter wormwood to insist in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Use in 20 min. before meals for ½ cup.
- With cloves. 2 teaspoons of dry collection brew a glass of boiling water. The resulting infusion divided into three doses before meals. Drink until all symptoms of the disease have passed. Carnation from lamblia can also be used as an oily infusion of buds.
- With celandine. 2 spoons of dry herb boil for 20 minutes. in a liter of rich country milk. Accepted filtered milk broth of celandine from lamblia before lunch and dinner 0.75 cups a week.
Use for the treatment of tansy and wormwood from Giardia is not recommended for pregnant women and children.
Means based on other plant components
Herbal therapy is successfully combined with the use of other herbal medicines. It is possible to remove Giardia from the body with folk remedies that have pumpkin seeds, birch leaves, oats, horseradish, and viburnum.
- Honey extract pumpkin seeds.Pound a glass of pumpkin seeds into powder and mix well with ¼ cup of water and 2 tbsp. l honey To sustain 3 days. Take a two-week course for adults for a tablespoon before meals, children for tea. Then you can take a week break and repeat. It is also useful to eat 5-10 pumpkin seeds from Giardia and other parasites daily for prevention.
- Honey infusion of horseradish. Place a glass of chopped horseradish roots in a 1-liter jar and fill it with cool, boiled water to the top. After three days the infusion is drained, mixed with the same amount of honey and allowed to stand for another three days. Take, until the means is over, a teaspoon before each meal. Children dose reduced by half.
- Infusion of birch leaves. 100 g of leaves pour a liter of boiling water. Ware close and wrap overnight. Drink half an hour before meals for one and a half months. The leaves are best harvested in the spring after blooming.
From opisthorchiasis and lamblia a good therapeutic effect shows the use of dry powder from a mixture of fennel seeds and cumin. The course of treatment is long - from 3 to 6 months.
To eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to observe precautions when using products that contain bee products.
Principles of diet with giardiasis
In the process of ridding the body of lamblia and their metabolic products to restore impaired activity of the intestines and the immune system, an important role is played by the observance of proper nutrition. Diet enhances the effects of used remedies. In drawing up a nutrition plan, it is necessary to take into account several principles that make it possible to create discomfort for the parasites.
It is necessary to use more anti-lamblia products that increase acid levels in the gastric and intestinal tracts. The menu should be dominated by cereals, vegetable oil, fermented milk products, sauerkraut, fresh fruits and vegetables, stewed fruit and sour teas. To exclude from the daily diet you need milk, sweets, spicy, salty and fried foods. It is not recommended to drink soda, especially sweet.
On a note!
Compliance with the proposed principles in nutrition will restore metabolic processes, improve digestion, speed up cleansing and significantly improve well-being.
Prevention of Giardia Infection
To eliminate the risk of infection with giardiasis, it is necessary to observe a number of preventive measures:
- drink only boiled water;
- Do not swallow water when bathing in open water;
- wash fruits, vegetables and berries, which are not cooked, under running water or scald with boiling water;
- wash hands thoroughly with soap, always after contacting cats and dogs;
- prevent the spread of flies, especially in areas with food.
If Giamblia is found in one of the family members, then all the others should be examined for the presence of parasites. Persons in contact with the sick, also does not hurt to undergo a course of preventive treatment of folk remedies for giardiasis. The course of treatment according to the recipes of alternative medicine can be repeated after some time to exclude infection.
Before starting antihelminthic therapy, it is necessary to consult a parasitologist or infectious disease physician to establish an accurate diagnosis and assess the possibility of treating Giardia with folk remedies.
The son from three years was ill, coughing, choking.Treated from bronchitis, suspected asthma. And after almost a year of unsuccessful treatment, Giardia was revealed. A course of drug treatment was accompanied by taking garlic with milk. About Giardia forgotten. But for the prevention of pumpkin seeds gnaw the whole family all year round.
Irina, Abdulino
Fatigue and poor intestinal work have long been blamed on my husband for age and spring avitaminosis. It turned out that both giardiasis, stuck should be in the country. Were treated with pumpkin seeds with honey and decoction of wormwood. The result - a month later, good tests.
Maria Petrovna, Cheboksary
I drink a decoction of oats not only from various parasites, but also to cleanse the liver twice a year. Feeling great.
Ivan Gavrilovich, Yelets