Folk remedies for Giardia in children

Infection with Giardia especially often occurs in children's groups. When you go to a doctor with abdominal pain and diarrhea of ​​these parasites, they are found in 35-50% of children of preschool age. Treatment of Giardia in children folk remedies are considered as an auxiliary method of combating the disease.

Lyambly manifestations

Giardiasis is a parasitic disease. Its cause is the simplest flagellates. They are common in the environment, the mechanism of infection by the fecal-oral.

On a note!

Giardia in the form of inactive cysts are in the gastrointestinal tract of a child with drinking water, food, in contact with a sick person.

Passing through the stomach, they enter the small intestine, pass into a vegetative form, “stick” to the walls and begin to actively feed on a person’s account. Then Giardia multiply by dividing in half. Once in the large intestine, they again become covered by a protective membrane and pass into the form of cysts. In this form, they enter the environment.

In most children, Giardia infection occurs without marked clinical signs. Therefore, the parents of the baby do not always remain alert and in time seek medical help. It is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms of Giardia in children:

  • nausea, refusal to eat;
  • diarrhea for 7 days or more;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • bloating;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • irritability, tearfulness;
  • pallor of the skin.

These symptoms do not appear earlier than a week after infection with Giardia and indicate a parasite multiplication in the small intestine and an increase in toxicity.The carriage of the simplest has an effect on the immune system - in such a child, itching begins, an annoying, dry cough appears. He often suffers from colds.

Symptoms of Giardia Infection
Symptoms of Giardia Infection

Giardia causes intoxication and hypovitaminosis. The child becomes sluggish, pale, the skin on the face flakes off, and the characteristic "jam" appears in the corners of the mouth. Violation of the outflow of bile leads to pain in the right hypochondrium.

If the above signs and symptoms are detected, an infectious disease specialist should prescribe treatment.


It is strictly forbidden to prescribe their own children any drugs. Giardia treatment is carried out only when the parasite is detected by the analysis of feces, blood or the contents of the duodenum against the background of complaints from the child and objective examination data.

Folk remedies

Use folk remedies for Giardia in children with caution. When the condition deteriorates, parents should immediately seek medical help.

Principles of treatment

Unsystematic use of folk methods will not lead to the recovery of the child. You also need to be patient and not wait for the complete disappearance of symptoms during the first fewdays Here are the basic rules of therapy:

  1. Any appointment must be agreed with the infectious diseases physician. If there have been allergic reactions in a child or his parents to the components of the remedies, treatment should be abandoned, since the probability of a rapid systemic reaction of the body is high.
  2. It is not recommended to give various non-traditional drugs to children under 2 years.
  3. To start treating Giardia with folk remedies should be only together with taking antiparasitic drug.
  4. During the fight against parasites, it is important to carefully monitor compliance with the rules of hygiene.
  5. During the treatment of Giardia in a child should pay attention to the use of a sufficient amount of boiled drinking water. This is necessary to relieve symptoms of intoxication.
  6. For the treatment of children prohibited products containing ethyl alcohol.
Lamblia treatment
Lamblia treatment

Many parents point to the effectiveness of unconventional methods, describing that they really managed to bring giardia out of the child by folk remedies. This statement is only partly true. A number of patients, including children, after the treatment of the parasite is really not detected.A negative result may be a sign of laboratory error or a result of self-lamblia leaving the body.


2-3 weeks after the course of treatment, repeat tests should be taken to ensure that there are no protozoa.

Lamblia drinks

To combat the intestinal parasite in a child, it is recommended to prepare fruit drinks, decoctions and juices that increase gastric acidity. The use of these drinks helps to create an unfavorable environment for Giardia and to make the treatment more effective.

Among the most effective recipes is a remedy from juices and infusion of leaves:

  1. In 200 ml of boiling water insist 5 birch leaves, cool.
  2. Take 80 ml of freshly squeezed juice of beets and carrots.
  3. The ingredients are mixed, the lamblia treatment drink is stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

The remedy is given to the child, starting from the age of 3, three times a day before main meals. Daily volume - from 120 ml. Course duration is 2 weeks.

The simplest treatment recipe is regular consumption of cranberry or currant fruit drinks. A drink for a child is prepared from 500 ml of boiled water and half a glass of berries.If possible, you should limit the addition of sugar in the juice, as getting into the intestine improves the reproduction of Giardia. Drink from the berries give three times a day, 100-150 ml, the duration of treatment ranges from 4 weeks.

At infection with lyambliya and helminths at the same time recommend infusion from dill and cumin. To make it:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of each type of raw material, mix.
  2. Pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 10 minutes.
  3. The solution is cooled, filtered and given to the child.
  4. At one time drink 50 ml of the drug, the frequency - 3 times a day.

Course duration can be up to several months.

Infusion of dill and cumin from Giardia
Infusion of dill and cumin from Giardia

On a note!

An alternative treatment option is the use of oats decoction. Plant material is thoroughly washed with boiling water, then poured with clean water at a ratio of 1: 5 and evaporated for 30 minutes. Preschoolers are given half a glass 4 times a day, with age the dosage is increased to 200 ml per dose.

Choleretic drugs

Garden and meadow herbs from Giardia in children are widely used. For the treatment of stagnant bile with Giardia recommend bitter remedies. Among the effective - infusions of tansy or calendula.

Lamblia tansy is made from 20 g of raw material per glass of water. The grass is brewed with boiling water, infused for 10 minutes and drunk in the morning for 2-4 days.

Calendula for the treatment of parasites brewed with boiling birch sap. The recipe of cooking means is as follows:

  1. Per liter jar take 1.5 Art. spoons of dried flowers.
  2. The ingredients are combined in a saucepan, kept on the fire for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cover with a warm towel or blanket and leave overnight.
  4. In the morning the solution is filtered and placed in the refrigerator.

The duration of treatment is 5 days. At this time, the child should take calendula infusion three times a day, 70 ml.

Clove oil is used for the same purpose. It also helps fight infection, relieve inflammation in the duodenum and improve digestion.

Calendula and clove oil from Giardia
Calendula and clove oil from Giardia


Clove oil is used only after dilution with vegetable oil in the ratio of 1: 100. Failure to comply with this proportion will cause harm to the child, since a large concentration of cloves can cause over-stimulation of the nervous system, abdominal pain and vomiting.

The components of the product are thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator.The child is given 1 teaspoon of oil in the morning for 5 days.

Detoxification of the body

To cure Giardia in a child, it is necessary to improve the elimination of the parasites and their decay products from the intestines. To do this, apply lime ash. In a clean metal dish burned about 300-400 grams of lime branches. Then, the resulting ash is sifted, carefully divided into 15 parts and give the child 1 part 2 times a day with milk. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

Purify the body will help infusion of cucumbers. For this:

  1. Take about 300 grams of fruit, cut into pieces.
  2. Cucumbers are placed in a blender and poured with 1 liter of water.
  3. The resulting liquid is filtered and given to the child 150 ml 3 times a day.

The duration of detoxification is 4-6 days.

The condition of the child facilitates treatment with a decoction of birch leaves. To prepare it, take about 150 grams of raw materials and steam 400 ml boiling water. The medicine is kept through the night. Give 60 ml 3 times a day for 2 weeks. It is effective to combine treatment with leaves followed by a warm heating pad on the liver area.

Tasty and healthy products

The safest and most delicious treatment for Giardia is pumpkin seeds. This healing delicacy is offered to children in a pre-cleaned form, trying to keep a thin transparent film on the seed itself,and was not thrown out. It is in this part of the pumpkin that contains the substance that helps get rid of Giardia in children. A child is given 30-50 grams of seeds 3 times a day in a course of 4 to 7 days.

On a note!

Among food products in the treatment of lamblia, citrus fruits, strawberries, and currants take a special place. They are taken orally to acidify the environment.

Folk remedies for Giardia in children are used with caution. Do not start treatment without consulting a doctor. With the deterioration of the child against the background of the disease, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Bed bugs

