What is the name of the fear of spiders (phobia) and treatment methods
- Fear of spiders
- Fear and spiders
The fear of spiders is present in many people, but the pathological fear is called arachnophobia. The disease develops for no reason or has an investigative relationship. Sometimes a panic attack is not a living thing, but its image. According to numerous studies, women are more afraid of fear, they cannot explain their condition.
Causes of disease
Fear of spiders and insects is found in people around the world, regardless of whether they are in contact with arthropods in everyday life or see them only in the picture.The disease is called spider arachnophobia. The majority of arachnophobes cannot explain the nature of their pathological condition, as experts do not find an explanation.
- The fear of spiders appears unexpectedly to humans. At the sight of the arthropod, the heartbeat quickens, throws into heat. Unpleasant sensations increase when arachnids accumulate in one place.
- The cause of spiders phobia is an event that occurred in a person’s life. Most often this occurs in childhood, leaves in the memory of vivid sensations, specific emotions. Being frightened once by a big spider, a person will be afraid all his life even of small spiders. Always at the sight of a arthropod, experienced events, experiences, sensations come to mind.
- The squeamishness and fear of spiders are completely different concepts. The first feeling arises in more than half of humanity, associated with the habitat of arthropods, lifestyle. Predators live in the wild, as well as abandoned buildings, in attics, in caves. Weave a huge amount of web, thereby increasing fear. Activate their activities in the dark.
- The disease fear of spiders sometimes appears at the sight of large specimens.An ordinary house spider does not cause such emotions, but a huge creature with an unusual look is making fear.
- Often they fear not the arthropods themselves, but their bite. All representatives of arachnids have poisonous glands, they bite painfully. Collision with some of them can lead to death. People at the sight of a large spider begin to fear attack from his side. Justified is fear when confronted with an unknown species.
- Why children are afraid of spiders - because this stereotype of behavior is imposed on them by adults. Characteristic of an arthropod from adults - vile, scary, unpleasant, dangerous. Small children, who still do not understand the meaning of these concepts, calmly take the spiders in their hands, stroke, play with them. With age, all the immediacy, carelessness disappears, there is fear for their lives.
It is difficult to explain the cause of a phobia when there are no large poisonous specimens in a particular area, a person does not even know that a small creature can bite, but panic fear is present. Something happens on a subconscious level, which is very difficult to get rid of.
Most people are afraid of arachnids only when they appear indoors, the pathological state does not occur in the wild. In undeveloped tribes there is no arachnophobia. Aboriginal people contact spiders of various sizes every day, eat them, and children play with toys instead of toys.
Symptoms of the disease
The phobia is called the fear of spiders, but often occurs at the sight of insects. In most cases, arachnophobia is false, associated with emotional shock or imposed stereotype of behavior from adults. The causes of true arachnophobia are impossible to figure out, a person is not only afraid of big spiders, but also of small ones, as well as images. The main symptom is panic attack. The state is uncontrollable, it appears lightning-fast, only disappears when the spider disappears from view.
Manifestations of the disease:
- uncontrollable strong fear;
- heart palpitations, pulse;
- dizziness until fainting;
- inhibition of reaction - a stopper, or excessive activity - the desire to run;
- the voice disappears, the person cannot say anything, only “mumbles” or shouts hysterically;
- trembling through the body;
- pallor of the skin;
- excessive sweating;
- desire to kill a vile creature.
On a note!
It is not so easy to get rid of fear, because the reason lies in the psychological state, the reaction of the nervous system. Taking sedatives will help to normalize the condition, but does not prevent relapse in the event of a similar situation.
How to get rid of the fear of spiders
If a person is afraid of only large specimens, the right way out is to exclude contact with them, do not consider pictures with the image of arachnids. It should be understood that the disease is then not treated, but only provoking factors are eliminated.
What to do when you are afraid of spiders:
- You need to study your "enemy" in order to know more about his behavior, lifestyle, possible danger. Fear often arises before the unknown, when the picture clears up, the pathological feelings disappear.
- When you see a spider in the corner of your own apartment or in nature, do not run in different directions, but try to calm down, watch a living creature for a while. Even the largest spiders do not attack people if nothing threatens them. The presence of a person nearby is not perceived as aggression.
- Get rid of arachnophobia help themselves spiders. Psychologists recommend having an arthropod as a pet. Often, for therapeutic purposes, keep tarantulas. Quite large specimens, but seemingly not nasty, with a bright interesting color, fluffy. With proper handling do not bite, but if it happens, the consequences are no harder than from wasps, bees, hornet.
- A modern method of therapy that gives very good results - visualization using computer technology. A person gets into virtual reality, where he is to contact spiders, fight with them, kill. The information is fixed in the brain that the spider is much weaker, it can be killed, it does not pose any danger. In reality, a person ceases to be afraid.
Each method, method is selected individually in each situation.