Do spiders know how to fly


Flying spiders in tropical countries is a common, fascinating, frightening phenomenon. In the middle belt migration is not so obvious, but it occurs. Spiders do not have wings, so everyone will answer that they do not know how to fly. Creep well, some jump. But thanks to the web they can migrate for a long distance - up to several kilometers.

How spiders fly on the web

The animal descends on the cobweb down, waiting for a gust of wind. Sometimes the female forms a cocoon, lays eggs there, sits on top, prepares for the journey. The wind picks up a thin, weightless cobweb, carries a long distance. A photo of a flying spider is located below.

It is impossible to predict in advance how the flight will end. There are a lot of obstacles on the way - tall grass, bushes, trees. To fly an animal washes several meters or kilometers.


In the process of a safe long journey, spiders control the speed by adjusting the length of the web. On a short speed increases, on a long - slows down. If you eat - the flight ends. To successfully land, you need to throw a new web on the plant, tree branches.

Why do spiders fly on the web

The migration process is a natural phenomenon, however some spiders cannot fly even on the web. Small members of the arachnid family are engaged in migrations - the tenetics, bokohody, and wolves. All the others live all their lives in the same locality or settle in the neighborhood.

Flying spiders are preparing to travel in late September. In this way, the young generation is ready to mate, as well as females with a cocoon, inside which are eggs. This desire is associated with lifestyle. Many spiders live alone, going in pairs only during the mating period. The rest of the time they hunt in a certain area.

Young spiders after the birth of light throw a thin cobweb, hanging in the air, waiting for a gust of wind. Air flows carry them in different directions, settling in the neighborhood. Spider-like climb up to 1000 m, fly safely over a distance of hundreds of kilometers. In tropical countries, mass flight brings fear to the locals, tourists. The sky seems to be overcast.


In 2013, British scientists proved that the cobweb can accumulate a statistical current. Thanks to this feature, the threads are repelled, not tangled. In laboratory conditions, without gusts of wind, spiders rose. It was necessary to turn off the electromagnetic field, as they fell.

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