Spider is an insect or animal
- Spiders
- Spiders
Spiders in Latin Araneae, Aranei. They belong to the animal kingdom, the type of arthropods, the arachnid class. In the world there are 42 thousand modern species, about 1.1 thousand minerals. Distributed everywhere, occupy almost all the continents of the globe. Obligatory predators - feed on insects, small animals, amphibians. The exception is the spider-horse Bagheera kiplingi, whose diet is the green part of the acacia. On the territory of Russia, the former CIS countries 2888 species inhabit. The science of spiders is called arachnology.
What kingdom are the spiders
Small creatures, which are often met in the wild, in their own home, apartment, in attics, outbuildings, resemble all sorts of bugs and beetles. Often, spiders and insects are combined into one family due to their small size, similar lifestyle. However in tropical countries. where arthropods live up to 35 cm in size, such associations practically do not arise.
There are 5 kingdoms in total - animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Historically, spiders and insects belong to the same kingdom, the type - animals, arthropods. It differs only class or squad. Therefore, the question of who is a spider - an animal or an insect, is fundamentally wrong. The animal is the kingdom, the insects the class.
On a note!
Since everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that insects are insects, and animals are full-fledged mammals, there is a confusion in terms of ordinary people. Why the spider is standing apart, due to its unusual way of life, small size. In order not to appear uneducated, it is necessary to clearly understand that the spider is not an insect.
What class are spiders
In this case, there is no confusion in terms, because the class has a consonant name - arachnids. Total known 42 thousand modern species, 1.1 thousand minerals.In all animals, the body is divided into 2 parts - abdomen, cephalothorax.
The main external difference from insects is 8 legs instead of 6. Spider-like also have chelicerae, located in front of the cephalothoid, pelipalps, similar to tentacles. Placed on the sides, somewhat different in length from the front limbs, perform similar functions - help move, keep the victim.
On a note!
Often they ask the question - to which family do the spiders belong, to which group of animals? These are arachnids, arthropods.
Types and squads
It is very easy to answer the question to which order spiders belong. To the detachment with the same name - spiders. They stand apart. Different from other animals lifestyle, size, reproduction, nutrition. There are differences among themselves in the same family, depending on which species the spiders belong to.
General characteristics:
- The body consists of 2 parts - the cephalothorax, the belly of an oval, round shape.
- Only 4 pairs of legs, a pair of chelizer, pelipalps.
- There are no antennae, but the forelimbs may be claw-shaped, ending in claws.
- Distinguishes arachnids from insects the ability to form webs.Not all weave trap nets, but use the threads of their own production to form a cocoon, move down, migrate long distances.
- Predators have poisonous glands, paralyzing the victim. Turn the insides into a liquid mass.
- In contrast, insects rarely live in pairs, a large family. All spiders are solitary. In some species, young spiders live together with their mother until they get stronger. Almost all females eat males after fertilization or in the near future.
Arachnids live everywhere, some of them climb into the house of a person, an apartment, settle in the economic premises. Exotic specimens are kept as pets.