Spider species
Description and photo of the goliath bird spider
The goliath tarantula spider is the largest representative of arachnids. The leg span is up to 28 cm. It lives in South America. The predator feeds ...
Jumping Spiders (Jumping Spiders)
How do spiders racers, belonging to different genus. Than eat, objects of hunting of spiders of horses. Are the racers dangerous for humans?
Description and photo of the spider Sak (Heiracantium)
Yellow Sak spider belongs to the genus Heirakantium. There are a total of 194 species. A predator with powerful jaws is spread all over the world. Leading ...
Weaver Spiders
Spider webtails are found everywhere. They live in the forest, on the field, in the garden, in abandoned buildings, in the courtyards, and household outbuildings. Weave a web of radius ...
Water spider (silver spider)
Silverfish spider - an unusual water inhabitant living in stagnant water. Size not more than 15 mm. The body is colored dark, ...
Australian hunter spider
Spider Hunter lives on almost all continents of the globe. The largest, brightest specimens live in tropical countries. Settled near water ...
Description and photo of the peacock spider
The peacock spider is an exotic arthropod that lives in Australia. Males have an unusual bright color, females are gray. Spider size does not exceed 5 ...
How does the spider karakurt
Where karakurt spider lives, what it looks like. What types of karakurt spiders can be found in Russia, how they differ. Who are they...
What a tarantula spider looks like
Southern Russian tarantula spider: area, appearance, way of life. Terms of life and reproduction, who hunts. How dangerous for humans. How many...
House Spider (Tegenaria domestica)
House spider lives everywhere, loves to live in rooms for different purposes. It settles in the corners of the room, on the windowsills, behind the furniture. It feeds on insects ...
The most beautiful spiders in the world
The most beautiful spiders in the world live in tropical countries or terrariums.Attract attention with an unusual color, shape, size. Many of them...
Green Spiders in Russia
Green spiders in Russia are found everywhere. Differ in size, lifestyle. Their bites do not pose a mortal danger, but an attack may end ...
Sydney funnel spider
The Sydney funnel spider is one of the most dangerous members of its family. Males are more poisonous. The size of the spider is about 7 cm. Lives ...
Brazilian wandering spider (runner, wandering, soldier)
Brazilian wandering spider is the most poisonous member of its family. Lives in natural conditions in Central, South America. As a pet ...
Spiders in bananas in Russia
Banana spider is considered one of the most venomous around the world. It lives in tropical countries. Often found in bananas transported from ...
South Russian tarantula (spider Mizgir)
Mizgir Spider can be recognized by its large size, dark color with light spots. Females reach sizes of 32 mm. Other names South Russian ...
Top 10 most terrible spider in the world
What are the worst spiders in the world? Top 10 most poisonous spiders.Why are huge tarantulas safer than small and inconspicuous spiders ....
Giant crab spider
The giant crab spider reaches the size of 30 cm. It lives in Australia. The predator eats insects, spiders, amphibians. Lives on trees. In humans ...
Description and photo of crab spider (non-isometric bokhoda)
Spider bokhod, he is a crab, was named because of the peculiarity of walking sideways. The size of the female is no more than 1.2 cm with a span ...
Brown hermit spider
Where the hermit spider lives. How poisonous and dangerous to humans is this arthropod species. Is there a difference between Chilean and brown ...
Wolf spiders
Who are wolf spiders? Where do the representatives of this family live? What are the dimensions of wolf spiders, lifestyle and method of hunting. Dangerous ...
Phalanx spider description and photo (camel spider, solpuga)
Camel spider, it is also solpuga, phalanx - a unique creature that combines the qualities of a spider, scorpion, insect. Has an aggressive temper, lives ...
Description and photo spider tramps
Spider tramp - a rare exotic animal. It lives in tropical countries on banana plantations. Exotic lovers keep it as a home ...
Crusader Spider Description and Photos
A spider or a crusader spider differs from the rest with a clear pattern on the back in the form of a cross. The coloring differs depending on the type ....
Spider wasp with yellow stripes on the back
Spider wasp has an unusual yellow-black striped color. It looks like a wasp, a bee. Other names - spider argiope Brunnich, tiger, zebra. Distributed ...
Spider mow with long thin legs
Spider matinger, he is a kosynozhka, distributed everywhere. Often appears in the house of man. The main diet is insects. Affects the victim with poison. People...
Description and photos of the largest spiders in the world
The largest spiders in the world live in tropical, subtropical countries. Body size reaches 9 cm, leg span up to 30.5 ...
Description and photos of the black widow spider
The black widow spider is distinguished by its calm disposition, nondescript color, and strong poison. Without the provision of qualified medical care, a person is killed by bites. AT...
Description and photos of the most dangerous spiders in the world
Poisonous spiders are ubiquitous, but the most dangerous of them live in tropical countries. Every year more people die from the arachnid bites ...
Varieties of spiders photos with names and descriptions
What are the types of spiders, which of them are dangerous and whether to fear. Do I need to fear spiders weaving in the corners of the web ....
Description and photos of tarantulas
Bird-eating spiders are exotic animals that live mainly in tropical countries. Surprise a variety of colors, behavior. Females live to 30 years. Main...
What kinds of spiders live in an apartment or house
Home spiders in most cases are not dangerous to health, do not bite a person. They get into the room from the street, hide in the corners, ...

Spider species

Types of spiders.

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Bed bugs

