Spiders in bananas in Russia

The banana spider (lat. Banana spiders) is a large member of the arachnid family. The largest species live in tropical countries - Africa, America, Australia, Asia, Madagascar. They belong to the family of nephil orbital beetles. Weave the largest, sturdy cobwebs, with a diameter of up to 2 m. Even birds, rodents, snakes can withstand fishing nets.

What it looks like

The Brazilian banana spider, who is also a wandering, wandering, soldier, grows to the size of 4 cm, together with the spreading legs - 12 cm.Males are half less.

  • The body consists of a convex abdomen, cephalothorax. Covered with fine thick hairs.
  • The color is gray, almost black.
  • A black stripe runs along the body.

A photo of a banana spider is located below.

Paws long, powerful. They serve not only for movement, but also are organs of smell, touch. There are 8 eyes on the head, providing a 360 degree view. He sees a Brazilian wandering spider silhouettes, shadows, responds well to movement.


A distinctive feature is not the appearance, size, but a special posture that the banana spider takes before an attack. It becomes on the hind legs, raises the upper limbs, spreads to the side. From such a position, the predator is almost lightning-fast jumping onto the victim, the enemy, injecting poisonous substance.

Brazilian Banana Spider
Brazilian Banana Spider

Where dwells

Arthropod is a representative of tropical fauna. Loves heat, moisture, does not tolerate temperature changes. Banana spider in Russia in the wild is not found. But often give birth as a pet.

Lives on banana trees, but do not eat them. Often use fruit for laying eggs, temporary shelters.The predator does not build holes, constantly moves, for this he was called wandering. Often it penetrates into human housing, hides in boxes, lockers, clothes, shoes.

On a note!

Banana spiders in bananas, transported from America, Africa, Asia, are often found in boxes, boxes, inside bunches. A sign of the presence of a predator in the fruit itself is a tubercle under the skin, a clearly visible dark spot.


Spiders in bananas live, mate, lay eggs, wait for the victim. Females weave huge trapping nets, which are 2 m in diameter. The web is so strong that it freely holds small rodents, birds, amphibians. The main ration is insects, small spiders, caterpillars.

The predator jumps well, runs fast, and attacks lightning fast. Injects a toxic substance, saliva. The victim is paralyzed for several minutes, the insides turn into a liquid mass. Only chitinous cover remains from prey. An African spider in bananas suits a real battlefield, weaving the entire plantation with its nets.

Brazilian Banana Spider
Brazilian Banana Spider


The poison of a banana spider is recognized as the most poisonous in the world, because of this feature, the arthropod has entered the Guinness Book of Records.Frog, rodent toxic substance kills in 15 minutes, insects die almost instantly.


Long courtship is not, but there is a special approach. The male brings treats to the female, with the only purpose that she does not eat it. After fertilization, his task is to escape as quickly as possible. Fertilized females of eggs on the peel of bananas - up to 300 pieces at a time. Cubs are born in 20 days.

On a note!

The average lifespan of an adult individual is 3 years.

Danger to humans

Poisonous spiders in bananas are found all over the world, the brightest cases are shown in the news. In 2013, a resident of Samara bought a bunch of bananas on the market, found there a Brazilian predator. Carefully put it in the bank, carried it to the examination. In Moscow, such cases occur much more frequently. Spiders in bananas are found in supermarkets, in the market, shops.

The predator does not belong to aggressive creatures, it attacks a person, feeling danger to itself. A bite can be dangerous for young children, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, allergies. Theoretically, a Brazilian banana spider can kill a baby in 15 minutes,adult for half an hour. Almost no deaths were reported.

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