Description and photo of the peacock spider

Peacock spider (Maratus volans) refers to the species of horses. Bright, colorful, miniature spiders live in Australia. They live in the wild, almost never come close to a man’s house. The name was due to the unusual appearance of males, mating behavior. Females of this species are inconspicuous - gray, brown, but somewhat larger in size.

Appearance Description

The peacock spider is a miniature arthropod that is no larger than 5 mm. Males have a bright color, attractive appearance.The abdomen is colored orange, blue, red, blue, forming a clear pattern. Along the contour, long hairs resembling feathers are distinguished. Head and chest, legs gray. The last limbs are somewhat longer than the others. Females are always larger, inconspicuous brown-gray color. A photo of a peacock spider is located below.

On the head there are 4 pairs of eyes. Provide a wide outlook on all sides. But vision is weak. Peacock spider sees only silhouettes, shadows at a distance of 30 cm from him. It responds well to movement, smells. The organs of smell, touch are the lower parts of the limbs.


In unfamiliar terrain, the arachnid initially feels everything with its feet, then begins to move forward.

Peacock spider
Peacock spider

Peacock behavior

Of interest is the male with a bright color. Motley colors are needed to attract females. The gentleman lifts the belly, hind limbs, begins to move from side to side, as if performing a ritual dance. Outwardly, it all resembles the movement of a peacock, hence the name. During the rest of its life, the spider lowers its legs, folds its “tail”.


The chosen one, who dared to approach at the wrong moment, is eaten up by the female. The same thing happens with the "gentleman" after fertilization, if he does not have time to escape in time. This is one of the reasons why the life expectancy of female peacocks is much longer.

After fertilization forms a cocoon, splits eggs. After a few weeks, a young generation of peacocks appears, which almost immediately begins an independent life. Shed several times, constantly increasing in size. At the last stage, the genitals are formed. The maximum lifespan of a female is 12 months.


Peacock spider is a predator. Dexterous nets do not form, but protect with the web their refuge. The peacock prefers to sacrifice not to wait, but to track. The main diet - insects. It even attacks those specimens that are several times larger than a hunter in size. Powerful jaws bite through the chitinous cover, holds the victim with its paws, injects poison, saliva.

Peacock spider
Peacock spider

Toxic substance causes paralysis of the muscles, saliva in a few minutes turns the insides into a liquid mass. Peacock spider sucks food, leaving only chitinous cover.Without food can live for about a month. For nutrition, it is enough to catch insects 1 time in 10 days.

Danger to humans

The peacock spider has poisonous glands, but for humans, this dose is too low to cause significant damage. Spider attacks rarely, can bite, only defending, protecting their own lives. At the site of the bite appears redness, burning, swelling. The condition is normalized after a few days.

Because of the unusual appearance, peacocks are often kept as pets. They live in artificially created conditions for no more than a year, they multiply. They are fed with insects once a week.


Peacock spiders are chosen to treat spider-like phobias. Patients are advised to monitor arthropods, touch them, pick them up. This type of horses - the most convenient option. Spider is small, beautiful in appearance, does not cause feelings of disgust, fear.

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