Spider mow with long thin legs
- Spider seedling (kosynozhka)
- Spider seedling (kosynozhka)
Spider haymaker he is a centipede, kosynozhka distributed throughout the world. More than 6 thousand species of representatives of this family are known. Differ in size, foot length, colors. The most diverse species live in tropical countries. The synanthropic spider kosynozhka lives in the house of a person, economic extensions, abandoned premises, warehouses, barns, and other buildings. In Russia, there are 60 species of haymakers.
Appearance description
The centipede spider living in our area reaches a body size of 2-10 mm. At the largest representative abdomen equals 22 mm. The length of the legs is comparable to the size of the body or several times more. The most common spider is the owner of the legs, which are 20 times longer than the body - up to 16 cm.
Unlike other spiders, the abdomen with the breast is connected by a wide jumper, it practically merges together. While many spiders have a thin "waist." The body in most cases is oval. When the soil is heated very strongly, long surfaces raise the body high to avoid overheating.
On a note!
Color is the most diverse. Nocturnal haymakers, black, gray, brown, red. The kosynozhka day has more bright coloring - orange, red, with patterns, spots. The centipede spider, found in the house, is gray-brown in color with almost transparent limbs.
There are 6-8 eyes on the head, but it sees the animal very badly. The organs of touch and smell are located on the legs. This is the main body that connects the grassland with the outside world. The long-legged spider feels the slightest fluctuations of air, vibration, smells.You can carefully examine the features of the arthropods in the photo of the spider spider, located below.
origin of name
Insect with long legs, like a spider, has several names.
- The paws of the arthropod are easily torn off, the damaged area is quickly tightened without causing harm. The leg continues for some time to make movements that resemble a scythe during haymaking. Hence the name - kosinozhka, mating, spider kosisen, goat leg. Paw attracts the attention of the enemy, while the spider runs away. Other spider-like birds are natural enemies.
- The Latin name opiliones literally means "shepherd". Associations have arisen because of long legs, resembling stilts. In ancient times, shepherds often used stilts to make it easier to keep track of the herd.
- An American writer called spider opiliones because of the massive spread in pastures.
The matinger is also called a tick, which has nothing to do with arachnid. According to genetic studies, the kosinozhka DNA is more similar to scorpions than spiders.
Lifestyle Habitat
Spider with long slender legs is ubiquitous. Occurs in forests, meadows, fields, near the river, in outbuildings, abandoned buildings, apartment buildings. Some species live in deserts, mountains.
During the daytime, the spider hides in shady places away from direct sunlight. Often found on the walls of a building with legs splayed to the side.
On a note!
At the sight of the enemy, the haymaker flees in flight, and develops a sufficiently large speed. A domestic spider sits in a shaded place during the daytime - in the corners of the room, in the bathroom, in the pantry, under the furniture. At night, she goes in search of food.
What do the mowers eat?
Spider with long legs is a predator. It feeds on small arthropods, insects. Some species of grasslands eat snails, slugs, and plant food. Unlike their relatives, the spiders, a kosyynozhka eats not only liquid food, but also solid food, eats the whole victim. Grind help jaw, front legs. With a lack of basic food, the seedling feeds on plants, bird droppings, carrion, and mushrooms. Some long-legged kosinozhki are day-living, resting at night.
Spider glands are poorly developed or absent altogether. In a messy web, the victim gets confused in a few seconds. The haymaker injects poison, paralyzing the prey, then eats it calmly.
The marriage period lasts from the beginning of July to the end of August. The method of fertilization is internal, more like insects. A fertilized female lays eggs in the soil. Reproduces up to 600 pieces at a time. Wintering is the younger generation, eggs. For the year there is one population, rarely two. Spider lives no more than 2 years.
Cubs are not much different from adults. Spider with a small body, with large legs. The period of maturation lasts several days. Sheds young seedlings 7 times. Gradually increases in size, acquires a darker color. At the last stage of development, puberty begins.
Marriage games do not occur, but fights between males occur quite often. Males have a maternal instinct - they protect eggs from females capable of devouring their young.
Poisonous or not
A spider with a round body, long legs is often found in a living room. The question naturally arises whether it is poisonous or not.Toxic substance the seedling injects into the body of the victim during the bite. The poison paralyzes the muscles, immobilizes the prey, allowing the kosinozhke to quietly make a meal.
Poison is not dangerous to humans. Experts say that the seedlings do not bite at all. In a life-threatening situation, he flees, sometimes even sacrifices his limbs. Attack does not rush. The presence of arachnid in the house is unpleasant, irritates the nervous system, can frighten the child. There is no other harm from kosynozhki.
To get rid of the grass mower in the house, you need to clean, walk with a broom in the corners, behind the furniture, remove garbage, deposits of paper, rags, things. And also get rid of flies, cockroaches, ants, which act as food for kosinozhki in the house. There is no need to use poison to get rid of the seedling.