Sydney funnel spider

Sydney funnel spider belongs to the family aranomorphic. There are 516 species, united in 42 genera. Sydney spider is a bright representative of the family, lives in areas of Sydney, on the island of Fraser. Worldwide found as a pet.

Appearance Description

Sydney funnel spider reaches the size of 7 cm with limbs. Males are half less.

  • The abdomen is smooth, convex, shiny, without hairs.
  • Head-flattened, broad, with durable shell. Massive jaws are clearly visible.
  • Four pairs of legs are fastened to the cephalothorax, one more pair - tentacles that perform the same functions.
  • The coloring is red-brown, brown, on paws light rings.

Photo funnel spider below.

On a note!

On the head is placed 8 eyes - 4 in front, 2 on the sides, another pair in the back. Such a visual mechanism allows the Sydney spider to see everything that happens around it. He sees shadows, silhouettes, responds well to movement.

Sydney funnel spider
Sydney funnel spider

Where dwells

The Voronkovy spider lives in natural conditions on the territory of Sydney, Fraser’s Island. Due to the unusual appearance, large size, lovers of the exotic world around them keep the predator as a pet.

Lives grass spider in burrows under the ground. Labyrinths go inside to 40 cm. The entrance is protected by a web that looks like a funnel. Clever nets do not build, hunt without leaving shelter. The animal is nocturnal, becomes active with the onset of the day.

The females spend almost all their lives in the burrow, the males travel around the neighborhood.They are frequent visitors to human lands. The spider-web spider climbs into the house, hides in the corners, in things, shoes, among the dishes. He cannot climb up the wall, the web does not form, and therefore does not reveal his presence.

On a note!

A dangerous creature often builds its burrows on a golf course, under curbs, in flower beds, doorways, and rotten trees. Find the predator swimming in the pools.


Sydney funnel spider goes hunting at night. The main diet consists of insects, smaller spiders, beetles, caterpillars, small birds, rodents, frogs. With powerful jaws, the predator gnaws through the skin, chitinous cover, shell, even the nail plate of a person.

At the sight of the predator, the predator takes a threatening pose - it rises upward on its hind limbs, and the fore postures upward, the sides. At first it stops, at the right moment it rushes to attack. Lightly injects poison, which paralyzes the victim in seconds. Waiting a few minutes until saliva turns the insides of the prey into a liquid mass.

Females often wait for the victim, sitting on the web. From the vibrations of the threads, he finds out that someone has been caught in the net.Slowly approaching, biting, entangling with cobwebs, pulling into his burrow, waiting a few minutes, and then proceeding to the meal.


After 3 weeks, when the web becomes clogged, the predator moves to a new place of residence, builds a new maze.

Sydney funnel spider
Sydney funnel spider


The male seeks the shelter of the female, approaches it, taps a certain way, causing the hostess. If the "lady" will reciprocate, mating occurs, the couple lives a few weeks together. After that, the “boyfriend” needs to have time to leave in time, as the female can eat it.

The fertilized female weaves a cocoon from a web, lays eggs, leaves in a hole. Several hundred spiders evolve at a time, but about 50 are born. They crawl away in different directions, each starting its own independent life. Under natural conditions, the arachnid lives for about 3 years.

Danger to humans

The Sydney as well as the Australian Funnel Spider is one of the most venomous members of its huge family. After a bite, a toxic substance is carried along with the blood throughout the body, disrupting the function of the nervous system.Muscle spasm occurs, breathing becomes difficult. If untimely medical care is provided, a person may die.

Sydney funnel spider has an aggressive disposition, hiding on the floor, in things, shoes, so it can bite completely unnoticed by humans. At the site of the attack appears pain, swelling, redness, burning. Intoxication symptoms develop within 20 minutes:

  • abdominal pain;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • vomiting;
  • the temperature rises;
  • blood pressure changes;
  • difficulty breathing.


The bite is especially dangerous for small children, people with weakened immune systems, allergy sufferers. The baby can die in 15 minutes, an adult dies in half an hour. There is an antidote, if it is administered in a timely manner, nothing threatens life.

Most of the representatives of spider-like females are always more aggressive, more poisonous than males, the Sydney funnel spiders are exactly the opposite. Great danger are wandering males.

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