How to deal with the shield on thuya and spruce
- Shchitovka coniferous trees
- First aid equipment
- Chemically anti pest drugs
Methods of dealing with the shield on conifers include the use of insecticidal preparations, folk remedies. Scraped from the bark of the scutes, the larvae are quickly disposed of with toxic substances. But all this must be done in a timely manner. Breeding peak occurs in July-August.
Shchitovka and false shield
Insect scytwick strikes garden crops, decorative and coniferous.Small bugs on needles of conifers look like small bumps, plaques. The body size is about 2.5 mm; the male is even smaller. Scutelet rounded, gray-brown, reddish. The shape is oblong. Photos of shchitovki on needles can be viewed below.
A snood box differs from a conventional shell mount. If you gently otkovyrnut nail shield, the insect remains on the needles. In the shield of the shell, it merges tightly with the body. There is no significant difference, but experts have noticed that it is the false shield that causes significant damage to crops.
Larvae are born in large numbers, within 2 hours they crawl around the plant. Voracious the larvae feed sap of trees. Insects parasite all year round. One female lays up to 70 eggs, wintering under the shield.
The presence of scutes can be recognized by the presence of tubercles, in the form of scales. Adult individuals are completely immobile. The main role of the female is to lay more eggs. They hibernate under the shield and easily endure a frost of 30 degrees Celsius. With the onset of spring, they get out, looking fussily for food.
Needles lose shine, turn yellow, turn black, fall off.As a result of severe contamination coniferous culture is able to die. This is especially true of young trees.
Methods for the destruction of parasites
How to deal with the shield on thuja, spruces, pines, and other coniferous trees depends on the degree of infection, personal preferences. For the destruction of scutes are used professional drugs, folk remedies.
You should not try to get rid of the false scapes on conifers by physical means. When you try to remove the bug, the shell remains in the hands, and the insects themselves hide in needles, it is difficult to catch him there. In this way, the larvae can only be facilitated by the process of getting out of the shield, the parasites also remain grateful for such assistance.
On a note!
If the bark of conifers is heavily infected, it is allowed to remove the upper layer with a special spatula or knife. After the procedure, spray the tree with soapy water.
Fighting a shield on spruce trees with insecticides is also not that easy. Durable shell protects insects from the effects of poison, to destroy contact pests is problematic.But do not despair, with the right approach, choosing an effective means, you can save the tree.
First aid equipment
Infested with saplings, young trees sprayed with soapy water. Dissolve tar soap. A bucket of water will need a bar of soap. Pass through the needles with a brush. It is necessary to repeat the procedure every 7 days.
It is also recommended to remove the top layer of soil around the tree, or treat with hot water with the addition of wood ash. Aktar can be added to the ground once a month to fight and prevent or water the Confidor.
- Laundry soap is diluted in water, crushed garlic is added. Let it brew for about an hour. Spray the trees - bark, needles. The next day, wash off with a stream of water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 3 days until the cultures are completely cured.
- Grind 4 medium onions, pour 1 liter of water. Insist 2 hours. Strain, spray the trees.
- Add red hot pepper to the water, insist day. Dilute the green soap, carry out the spraying procedure.
- Add wood ash to boiled water, stir, let it brew.The solution is sprayed with needles, bark of trees, watered the soil.
- Celandine pour cold liquid, let it brew for a day. Strain, spray the trees.
Fighting folk remedies involves several treatments in the first two weeks.
Professional preparations
Spruce shchitovka parasitizes in the warm season. Already in early spring you need to take care of reliable protection of trees.
- Actellic. Based on a broad-spectrum insecticide. One treatment is enough to keep insects away all summer. Not addictive. Among the shortcomings - an unpleasant smell.
- Aktara. Universal remedy for harmful insects. But it is recommended to apply in early spring, before flowering trees. Deadly to bees.
- Bitoxibacillin. Biological drug. It is slower, but can be used in any period of the growing season of plants. It is recommended to process every 2 weeks.
Dummy parasitic on many cultures: currant, grapes, lemonplum. Damage to the sheet, on the site of the lesion formed dark spots.If there is a constant infection of fir trees, it is necessary to examine the trees growing nearby. It is necessary to process not only conifers.