Agran remedy for cockroaches

Insects have long inhabited a person’s housing, taking advantage of his food and water. Such creatures are called synanthropes. The most unpleasant and tenacious among them - cockroaches. Anyone who meets these creatures wants to have effective remedyable to reliably rid the home of uninvited guests. Agran from cockroaches - an active insecticide that kills in parallel bed bugs, wasp, a flea, ticks and mosquitoes.


In appearance, Agran is a clear liquid, slightly colored in yellow-brown color. Concentrate low toxicity, referring to the third class of hazard.

Emulsion diluted with water is safe for humans. Before buying a drug, you should clarify on the Internet how the tool looks in the original so as not to run into a fake.

In case of undisturbed packaging, Agran can be stored for 2 years in a warm room.


Agran from cockroaches
Agran from cockroaches

Agran means from cockroaches is intended for use in residential and industrial premises. The versatility of the tool allows you to get rid of insects of various species. The emulsion consists of:

  • active ingredients: cypermethrin 5% and chlorpyrifos 50%;
  • stabilizers and emulsifiers responsible for the stability of the emulsion;
  • flavors.


Produced Agran in India. Given the rich experience of the country's specialists in the destruction of pests, this tool can be trusted with pest control at home. The quality of the drug is not inferior to European counterparts.

Used for extermination of cockroaches and as a preventive measure. In the second case, the solution should be less concentrated.


Agran really helped from cockroaches.But he still has one. Even careful airing did not save much. I am worried whether such fragrances will harm children.

Maria, Samara

Precautionary measures

To process the room is permissible only in the absence of people and pets. Windows must be open. Carefully pack food, dishes.


Work should be done in protective clothing: a coat, scarf, respirator, gloves and goggles.

Do not eat, drink, smoke or rub your face while working. After processing, you should wash your face and hands, rinse your mouth, wash clothes.

Violation of safety rules can lead to poisoning. If after applying a remedy, a weakness, unpleasant taste in the mouth, headache, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, pupils narrowed, cough appeared, salivation increased, you should consult a doctor.

If the product is in contact with the skin, gently remove the drops with cotton wool (avoiding rubbing). Wash skin with soap. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water, drip with sodium sulfacyl. If the eyes hurt, you must use a 2% solution of novocaine.

In case of poisoning through the respiratory organs, it is necessary to change clothes, go out into the air,rinse your mouth with a weak solution of soda. Drink activated carbon with plenty of water. Consult a doctor.

Application of the remedy

Agran from cockroaches-1
Agran from cockroaches

Prior to use, the instructions on the use of AGRAN should be studied, since such substances must be used according to certain rules.

To prepare a solution of cockroaches, in one liter of water you need to add 10 ml of agran. Water should be at room temperature, tap. Stir the solution thoroughly. It is necessary to work with fresh solution, since it cannot be stored.

During the pest control all the places in which cockroaches settled are processed. The solution is especially carefully applied to the cracks, doorframes, sills and baseboards, around the ventilation holes, at the joints of the water supply, sewage and heating systems. They process all premises infected with the Prussians.


Completely desperate to bring cockroaches. Than already not used - a temporary effect of everything. Then I saw on the network Agran. I was interested because I did not use Indian funds. Expensive, but I bought. No regrets - the tool really saved us from cockroaches.

Artem, Vladivostok

End of work

After drying the treated surfaces, the apartment must be thoroughly ventilated. Wash surfaces with people (tables, chairs, door handles) with soda or soapy water. In other places, do not wash out the product.

Agran from cockroaches, reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of the drug, does not affect the eggs, so after a month it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

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Bed bugs

