Cockroach Aqua Fumigators

Insect repellent becoming more diverse and modern, some of them are not at all like insecticides in the usual sense. One of the newest devices is an aqua-fumigator from cockroaches, in which cyphenothrin is an active substance, which is completely safe for humans. The drug was created in Japan for the destruction of all types of insects that live in residential areas.To eliminate the danger to humans and animals, it is necessary to act in accordance with the instructions and observe safety measures.

How does the aqua-fumigator

The active substance is in a metal container. When water is added, a reaction occurs, resulting in the release of steam. He is able to penetrate everywhere, destroying cockroaches even in the most secluded corners. This makes it possible to get insects everywhere. Digenotrin is a nerve agent. The effect of the effects of funds lasts a long time.



I had cockroaches - horror how much. All sorts of gels didn't help much. For some reason, she did not trust such means as an aqua-fumigator. But decided once to try Raptor. Brought, installed, left home with children. Animals also had to take with them. They returned home in about 4 hours. There was a strong fog in the apartment, the smell was terrible. Children with dogs sent another walk, rushed to air. Although while I got to the balcony, I thought, I cough up my lungs. The reaction to the smell of this very unpleasant. But my cockroaches did not like this thing. And immediately there were a lot of dead, and then they continued to die.But still I would hardly venture to use it again, if I don’t find where to move for a day - the eldest child managed to get a good fit.

Olga, Krasnodar

Advantages and disadvantages

Aqua-fumigators are powerful devices designed not only to scare insects, but also to destroy them. The most famous in our country is the cockroach fumigator Raptor, which is very easy to use: just add water.

Advantages of the device:

  • high efficiency;
  • low price relative to other types of repellers: ultrasonic, electromagnetic, etc .;
  • universality: the active substance destroys most species of domestic insects.

The disadvantages include:

  • the need to leave the house during processing;
  • short duration of action;
  • high price in relation to powders, gels, aerosols.


Smell when releasing poisonous vapor is extremely unpleasant. Such air in the body can cause headaches, severe coughing and allergies. After using the fumigator, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room.

Choosing an aqua-fumigator

When choosing a means, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition, giving preference to substances that are not hazardous to humans.Experts recommend the most safe means: Raid, Raptor, Off.


The aquafumigator from cockroaches, the price of which ranges from 450 to 700 rubles, quickly and permanently destroys insects. But the larvae are reliably protected by the “packaging”, the poet does not act on them. Re-processing or complex use of various drugs is required: dust, gels, aerosols, traps.

Room preparation

Using an aqua-disinfectant is a snap. For effective exposure it is enough to follow the instructions. All toys are safely stored in the package, food - in the refrigerator. Dishes should be hidden, while bedding and clothing can be left. Cabinets open wide to allow access to the facility.

If there is an aquarium at home, it must be protected by sealing it tightly with a film or adhesive tape. Fish are sensitive to insecticide, so when inhaled poisoned air will die. Amphibians, reptiles, four-legged must be removed from the apartment.

Before processing the room windows tightly closed, the hood is stuck masking tape. This is important so that insects are not saved by running to their neighbors.Steam begins to stand out immediately after the combination of water and the active substance. First comes a thin stream, then the amount of poisonous steam increases. Within a few minutes the room is covered with fog with a strong unpleasant odor.


If you have smoke detectors installed, they must be disabled, since they work on the steam that appears from the fumigator.

One fumigator is enough to fumigate an area of ​​30-40 square meters, but experts recommend placing one container in each room. Between the kitchen, bathroom and toilet should be placed one more: with a strong infection it is better to “outrun”.

Rules of application

Akvafumigator Raptor
Akvafumigator Raptor

Both the Raptor and other types of aqua-fumigators contain potent poisons. When working with this tool is required to comply with safety to avoid poisoning.

After preparation of the room, the package is opened and the container is taken out. A small amount of water is poured into a plastic jar (ice cream bucket, mayonnaise, etc.). The container is placed inside the jar. Arranged in all rooms. Removed from the apartment to the phase of active vapor release.


The room should remain locked for 3 hours, but the effect will be higher if you do not return to the apartment for 6-8 hours. After returning it is necessary to thoroughly air all the rooms. Wash hands with soap.

Aqua-fumigator Raptor from cockroaches, reviews of which can be viewed below, are recommended to be reused after 3-4 weeks: after new cockroaches hatch from eggs.


Somehow we missed the moment of the appearance of cockroaches, not paying attention to them, while the insects were few. We realized that when they almost walked over our heads. My wife and I decided that nonsense such as gels and sprays will not save us. Decided cause disinsector, good in Moscow with no problems. Before the call began to monitor what they are generally producing in this area. Well, I saw aqua-fumigators. I decided to try before calling specialists. The family just departed for the sanatorium, I got ready to go fishing with the men.

I put them everywhere: in every room, in the kitchen, in the corridor, in the bathroom and in the toilet. I wanted to stand, to see how it all will happen, but already at the initial stage of production of steam could not breathe. Left Three days later he returned, at home he did not stink much.I aired everything, removed the insect corpses, laundered everything. No complaints of smell were received from neighbors. And with one treatment they disappeared! Of course, a month later there was a repetition, but not so much anymore - I put only three things on the whole apartment. Well, the gap is all sealed up, so that there is no repetition of this outrage.

Michael, Arkhangelsk

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