Recipes remedies for cockroaches with boric acid and egg

The question is about how to get cockroaches in the apartment, excites humanity for many centuries. This process is rather laborious and not always productive. One explanation for this is that pests quickly adapt to poisons. In addition to various insecticide for parasite control are using traps, scarerscrayons gels, dusty, smoke bombs, solutions and herbs. Folk remedies based on boric acid, used since time immemorial, remain the most popular among the population, due to their effectiveness and safety for people. It is necessary to get rid of Prusacks at the first detection, otherwise they will have to be removed with the help of chemicals.


General characteristics of boric acid and its effect on insects

Before using boric acid to fight cockroaches in an apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with this tool in more detail. The substance is a colorless crystalline powder with slightly pronounced acidic properties. It is poorly soluble in water, has no taste and smell. The main natural sources of the drug are mineral waters, geysers, sassolin mineral, as well as hot springs. The chemical belongs to the third class of hazard. The use of powder in many areas of human activity due to its safety. In everyday life, they actively use boric acid from cockroaches. It is used in its pure form or as a basis for the preparation of various means.

The chemical can be purchased at the pharmacy, packaged in 10 grams in bags. It has antiseptic properties and is part of boric alcohol, which is not effective in the fight against cockroaches. The pungent smell of a liquid preparation only frightens away Prusacks from the bait, whereas the powder is almost imperceptible to them. This is the basis of the method of using the tool.

From the explanation of scientists how does boric acid cockroaches, it follows that it is for them the strongest poison. Getting into the insect's digestive system, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and affects the central nervous system of the cockroach. As a result of the onset of paralysis, the pest is killed by suffocation. Therefore, to ensure that the remedy for cockroaches with boric acid had an appropriate effect, it is necessary to make the insect eat it. It is enough to Prusak to use inside of 2-3 mg of substance, and the lethal outcome is guaranteed. One sachet weighing 10 grams is enough to poison a large number of insects.

Boric acid
Boric acid

Effective control of cockroaches involves the use of the following methods:

  • the use of boron powder in its pure form;
  • preparation of edible boric acid bait;
  • the use of solutions of the substance as poison from cockroaches.

Practice shows that it is not always necessary to prepare all kinds of baits in order to poison the insects. Quite often, for the destruction of cockroaches with boric acid, it is scattered in the places of their movement. It can be baseboards, furniture perimeters, as well as the space under the sinks. Insect enough to run on the poison. The powder particles will remain on his limbs and be brought to the shelter. By cleaning the paws with jaws of pollution a cockroach swallows poison. The result is not long in coming. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to exclude the slightest possibility of contact with water by the prusak. After drinking a large amount of liquid, he may not die.

Boric acid from cockroaches is a low-budget and effective means of dealing with the Prussians. To prepare liquid bait, dry powder must be diluted in water and poured into small containers. It is best to place them in the sink, pre-wiping them dry. Lack of water will force cockroaches to drink the prepared liquid.

Edible lures

There are many recipes for poisoning cockroach with boric acid. It should not be forgotten that powder and poisonous mixtures prepared on its basis are not recommended to be laid out in places accessible to children and pets.

Make a poison for cockroaches easy. All folk remedies are based on the use of egg yolk, which neutralizes the smell of boric acid and awaken the appetite in insects.

Important! To force a cockroach to eat cooked poison, care must be taken to ensure that there is no food or garbage available in the kitchen.

People have invented and successfully used various baits. Positive reviews about the recipe with egg, posted on the Internet, are a clear confirmation that the tool is effective and allows you to get rid of pests at home. Most often cook this "tasty" food for insects:

Boric acid and egg yolks
Boric acid and egg yolks
  1. Boric acid from cockroaches recipe with egg. One raw yolk is mixed with fifty grams of boric acid. Everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass.Molded boric balls spread out in the most crowded places.
  2. Boil one potato and an egg. Cool products, peel and turn into a puree mass. In the prepared mixture, you must add boric acid powder in the amount of one tablespoon.
  3. Cook hard boiled egg. Extracted yolk and boric acid, in the amount of 40 grams, mix well. In the resulting mass is recommended to add a small amount of fragrant sunflower oil.
  4. Boron balls from cockroaches can be prepared from a mixture of raw yolk, 40 grams of powdered acid and two tablespoons of sugar. Water or flour will have to be added to this mass in order to impart a greater viscosity to the composition.
  5. The following recipe will require 200 grams of boric acid, 60 grams of powdered sugar and starch, and a bag of vanilla sugar. All ingredients mix. They will have to be diluted with a small amount of water to form a thick molded mass.
  6. Mix one small boiled potato, four sachets of acid and boiled egg (yolk). All knead and add kefir. The proportion of liquid is determined by the consistency of the mass.

Of all the above mixtures, small balls or pellets are prepared and laid out in those parts of the apartment where the cockroaches are most likely to find them. The ratio of active ingredients can be changed, since in order to erase insects from the house, a large amount of poisonous mass is required.


“Cockroaches came from dysfunctional neighbors. So that they did not settle down with us finally, they decided to poison them with a gel of cockroaches and balls of boric acid. The combination of modern and popular methods has worked and cockroaches are no more! ”

Alexandra, Krasnodar


“A month ago, going into the kitchen at night to drink a glass of water, I saw a cockroach! According to reviews of friends, she prepared balls of boric acid, potatoes and eggs. Already two weeks of parasites is not visible! "

Elena, Omsk

Room processing

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

To get rid of prusakov in the apartment with the help of folk remediesshould carefully prepare for this event. Excretion of insects involves the following actions:

  • preparing an apartment for the persecution of pests;
  • cook a poison in one of the proposed recipes;
  • spread out the bait in the house.

It is necessary to fight pests and poison them in a clean room. Insects can poison the bait in the absence of water and other available food. Cooked balls with boric acid from cockroaches are laid out on paper in the favorite places Prusakov. Eaten by the poison can affect the behavior of insects - they become slow, leave the shelter even in the daytime. Cockroaches will die in a few days.

Prevention of re-infection

Having cleared the apartment of parasites, you should not calm down on this. If there are pests in the adjacent rooms, then you should be afraid of their return to a clean house. Boric acid against cockroaches will provide effective assistance in carrying out preventive measures. To prevent the infestation of pests in the house, you must follow simple rules:

  • periodically powder treatment should be done at the communications center;
  • make and lay out in secluded places fresh bait from eggs and poison, which will poison the cockroaches;
  • maintain order in the living room.

Boric acid is a common and popular means that is used to control pests.Safe powder, instructions for use of which are printed on the package, will allow you to prepare a large number of different baits, allowing you to work on tenacious parasites. If there are too many Prusaks in the house, then it is better to use insecticidal preparations, and then to use folk remedies as a preventive measure against reinfection. The most effective drugs include such agents in the form of gels, powders, spray, aerosols:

The above information on how to get rid of cockroaches with boric acid, will help in a timely manner and without financial losses to clean the house from pests.

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