Means Dohloks from cockroaches
- Dohlox from cockroaches
- Dohlox from cockroaches
- Gel application
- Dohlox from cockroaches
The most popular and sought-after drug for survivable parasites today is rightfully a remedy for the cockroaches Dohloks. Effective insecticides in gel form attract buyers with ease of packaging in the form of a syringe and an affordable price. The cost of one tube of the drug is within forty rubles.You can buy it without much difficulty in the trading network of Moscow and other regions of Russia. In addition, the tool retains its activity for 60 days after treatment, and the first result can be seen on the second day.
For the quality of the best Russian drug from cockroaches Dohloks meets the eminent manufacturer LLC Dohloks Technologies. The company specializes in the production and development of household insecticides based on modern low-toxic components.
The composition means Dohloks
The classical formulation of all gel-like preparations assumes the presence of such essential components in their composition:
- fat base in the form of a gel;
- insecticidal substances;
- attractive bait for pests and flavors;
- preservatives.
Dohlox gel for the destruction of cockroaches is no exception. The fatty base allows the agent to maintain its original structure for a long time, so that the drug has a long period of action.
The main active component of the gel is a powerful insecticide fipronil used in veterinary medicine and agriculture.The drug has good intestinal activity and a strong contact effect on cockroaches.
The tool has a neuroparalytic effect on the insect's body, blocking gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is responsible for the speed of passage of nerve impulses. This leads to paralysis of all vital organs and for eight hours cockroach dies. For a person and an animal living in an apartment, fipronil is practically safe.
To gel began to destroy the insect, it must enter the body of the latter. How quickly this happens depends on the quality bait, which makes up almost 50% of the formulation. It attracts pests and infects them with a dangerous poison. Preservatives ensure the safety of funds for the entire shelf life indicated on the package.
Terms of use of gel Dohloks
Gel Dohlox instructions for use of which is attached to each package at home is used in very small doses. The number of purchased packages depends on the area of the processed premises. One 20 milligram syringe means enough toto destroy cockroaches on an area of 45 sq.m. In the case of a large infestation at home, the amount of gel must be doubled.
Following the instructions set forth in the instructions, the tool should be applied in dotted lines. The gap between the drops of the gel should not exceed 2 centimeters. In order to save the drug, this distance can be increased up to 4 cm. A dohlox syringe from cockroaches allows you to directly process all areas of the most likely accumulation of parasites.
To destroy insects, the drug can also be applied to strips of paper or cardboard. Such use of the gel will allow you to achieve a good result if you decompose the bait behind the furniture, on the windowsills, near the bin, in the bathroom and in other places where cockroaches can stay.
Efficacy and Benefits of Dohlox Cockroach Gel
Cockroach Repellent getting rid of insects even in very contaminated areas. Its effect on pests is unparalleled, since the action of the insecticide is based on a chain reaction that allows the spread of the poison throughout the entire population.The peculiarity of the so-called Dohloks effect is that it is impossible to see dead cockroaches, they are simply absent. The fact is that the surviving individuals destroy the dead relatives without a trace. The visible result from the use of the gel can be seen in a week, as the number of pests will significantly decrease.
The gel does not have a damaging effect on the laid eggs and larvae of cockroaches. However, the newly born individuals, having tasted the bait, will poison themselves and cease to exist. Thus, the entire colony will be destroyed.
It is very convenient, effective and economical to use Dohlox gel from cockroaches. Re-treatment of the premises will not have to, but to add bait to the improvised feeders should be until the complete disappearance of pests from the house. To increase the effectiveness of the drug can be achieved by adhering to elementary rules of hygiene and limiting access to water for insects.
The tool has won the trust of customers from the first moment of the appearance of goods on the market. The high efficiency and affordable price of Dohlox gel further strengthened its position among other insecticidaldrugs. Numerous customer reviews confirm the indisputable advantages of the tool, which include:
- the convenience and ease of use of the gel preparation, placed in a syringe with a thin nozzle;
- high profitability;
- long term exposure;
- low toxicity to humans and animals living in the apartment;
- availability;
- lack of strong odors and fumes;
- guaranteed one hundred percent effect;
- fast result;
- possibility of use for the mass destruction of cockroaches.
Despite these advantages, you should not forget that the Dohlox gel contains an insecticidal component, therefore, working with it requires the observance of elementary precautionary measures:
- store the tool must be out of the reach of children, away from drugs and food;
- room treatment should be carried out with gloves, and after completion of application of the preparation, wash hands thoroughly;
- prevent the ingestion of the gel in the oral cavity or on the mucous membranes;
- Watch out for small children and pets so that they do not start to try poison.
These simple rules will avoid unpleasant consequences from the use of a chemical drug.
The creators of an effective remedy recommend using Dohlox cockroach traps in addition to the gel. Such an integrated approach to solving the urgent problem will allow to achieve complete cleaning of the room from dangerous insects. To consolidate a positive result, it is desirable to repeat the whole range of activities in a couple of months.
To curious little children and pets did not bother to "try on the tooth" attractive droplets, you can place the gel in simple traps that are very easy to make from improvised means. To do this, you will need the usual matchbox without the inside. A gel is applied inside the frame with a syringe and these trap houses can be arranged throughout the apartment in secluded places. Cockroaches will be able to climb into the design and feast on a poison. For these purposes, you can also use small glass containers.
Shopping Tips
Manufacturers warn that recently there have been frequent cases of the presence of counterfeit goods in the sale, the quality of which does not correspond to branded products. This leads to the fact that buyers complain about the lack of guaranteed effect by the developers.Therefore, before buying Dohlox products offered by sellers, it is necessary to pay attention to such aspects:
- Package design. Original products are sold in an oblong cardboard box, inside which is a syringe with the drug or traps.
- Each unit of branded goods is provided with detailed instructions for using the product.
- The official manufacturer of Dohloks brand products is Dohlox Technologies LLC.
Products from other manufacturers is not original, and its quality may be questionable. Therefore, it is best to buy Dohlox products from authorized dealers or directly from the manufacturer via the Internet.
Dohlox gel from cockroaches reviews which are listed below indicate the high quality of an effective and affordable drug.
For a long time I could not cope with hordes of cockroaches who regularly visit my apartment. A friend advised to buy Dohlox gel. I didn’t care what to poison insects, since I’ve already tried a lot of tools. The recommended tool found in the vet pharmacy. Has processed the kitchen and bath. The next day I found several dead cockroaches.This went on for a week. As a result, in less than a month there was not a single insect in the apartment. Thank you very much to the developers for the good drug Dohlox, and to your friend for the advice. Recomend for everybody.
Irina, St. Petersburg
I have been looking for a cure for cockroaches for a long time, which would not exhaust my finances too much, but it would be effective. Going into the store, drew attention to the bright box at an affordable price. I carefully studied the instructions, listened to the consultant and decided to buy Dohlox gel. To my great surprise, cockroaches disappeared in a few days. For the past month I have not met them day or night. Dohlox is super.
Olga, Kazan
Eloquent reviews confirm the excellent quality and high performance of the domestic drug.
If Dohlox did not fit in the fight against cockroaches, then you can choose another most suitable method of dealing with a pest using folk remedies, eg, with boric acid, effective modern means. They are sold as: