Cockroach Trap - an overview of the most effective species
- Cockroach traps
- Electronic traps
- Cockroach traps
- Pitfalls Raid and Raptor
- Kombat and Taiga traps
- Homemade traps
In an unequal struggle with cockroaches any means are good, the main thing is the result. Industrial devices that allow the destruction of dangerous insects are very popular among the population. They are distinguished by a rather high efficiency and affordable price.In specialized stores and on the market in Moscow and other locations in Russia, you can buy a variety of configurations of these devices.
In the lineup insect repellent electric, ultrasonic, insecticidal and adhesive traps for cockroaches are presented. Each of them has its own principle of impact on pests and the mechanism of work. The choice of one or another version of the trap depends on the preferences of the buyer. Consider the commercially available varieties of these tools to combat cockroaches.
Sticky glue traps
The glue trap for cockroaches is one of the safest remedies for humans and domestic animals used to control dangerous pests. They look like small cardboard houses with slits on the sides. At the bottom of the device is placed a sticky base on which is attractive bait for cockroaches. Once in the middle of the product, the insect will not be able to get out, as it will firmly stick to the sticky, non-drying basis for a long time.
Trap houses should be thrown away as they are filled with pests.The safe devices should be located in the places with the largest accumulation or active movement of cockroaches, which can be easily identified by the traces of their vital activity. Considering the recommendations of manufacturers and numerous consumer reviews, in order to achieve the maximum effect, it is preferable to use cabins for cockroaches in several copies. Among the wide variety of products of this type, traps are especially popular with the population:
I want to share my personal experience of using traps on a sticky basis. I had to buy them, as uninvited guests came to the apartment. I think that they were attracted to a bowl of cat food. Chemistry did not want to use because of a small child and pet. We put the houses. Cockroaches have become much smaller, but for complete destruction will have to use a stronger tool. Pitfalls are good as a prophylactic.
Catherine, Saratov
Electrical insect control devices
Electric cockroach traps operate on the network. They are durable and practical.Inside this special house there is a bait that attracts insects with its smell. Products do not have a poisonous effect on humans and domestic animals, as inside it there is no insecticidal drug.
Electric cockroach trap requires compliance with safety measures provided when working with devices connected to the network. In accordance with the instructions, the product is recommended to be installed in dry places inaccessible to children, and periodically cleaned from destroyed insects. The principle of the device is quite interesting:
- the cockroach is lured by the bait into a special tank and dies there;
- a trap kills an insect with a discharge of electric current;
- in the same way, disinfection of pests from accumulated bacteria occurs;
- under the influence of current, corpses of cockroaches emit special pheromones that attract their relatives to a trap.
The effectiveness of the products is confirmed by numerous positive consumer reviews. The most important thing to buy a quality original product.
Thought that exhausting fight against cockroaches will never end.What means I have not tried, all in vain. On the advice of friends acquired electric trap for cockroaches. Attracted by the fact that you can use it for a long period of time and cockroaches instantly die. The effect just stunned me. Gradually, I got rid of all the unpleasant guests. And most importantly, did not have to use hazardous chemicals. Recommend a really good fixture.
Svetlana, St. Petersburg
Electronic cockroach trap is a rather original device, equipped with light indicators and making loud clicks. This type of devices include ultrasonic repellerwhich, with their different frequency sound vibrations, force insects to leave the room. Products do not destroy living individuals, and prevent the penetration of pests into the house.
Insecticide traps
The most effective traps for cockroaches from well-known manufacturers can be purchased in the trading network of any settlement in Russia. They differ in the active chemical agent and price. Inside the special boxes is a poisonous bait with a pleasant smell.The design of the trap provides free entry into the middle of the fixture and exit from it. This was done in order to cockroaches, having tasted poison, could smash it into the habitats of their relatives and infect them.
Insecticidal traps for cockroaches are equipped with a velcro, which allows them to be fixed on any surface out of the reach of children and pets. They look aesthetically pleasing and do not spoil the interior of the room with their appearance. The undeniable advantage of products is their affordable cost and the fact that they can be used in places with high humidity. The greatest effect from the use of devices with bait for cockroaches comes in about two weeks.
In the line of products in this category are the most popular and popular traps for cockroaches:
- Insect repellent Raptor. In its composition there is a very strong insecticidal drug of the neuroparalytic action of chlorpyrifos. By eating the bait or contacting it through the outer covers, the insect becomes a peddler of the poison. The cockroach trap Raptor does not emit odors, fumes, is safe for humans and pets.The maximum effect of using the device can be observed in about two weeks and be 100% sure that the Prussians will not appear in the house in the next six months.
- Traps Reid. They are intended to conduct a systematic fight against insects. The chemical formula of the drug does not allow the Prussians to develop immunity to poisons. It helps even get rid of those pests that have become resistant to other insecticides. The main advantage of Reid baits is the action of lambda cyhalothrin, which not only destroys the cockroaches that have tried the bait, but also sterilizes individuals that do not touch food. The tool effectively fights with the larvae of parasites. The cockroach trap can be placed in any place of the mass accumulation of pests, and the presence of a transparent lid on the box will allow you to control the presence of the bait without opening the device.
- The best cockroach traps Combat and Combat SuperByte. These devices are characterized by high efficiency, thanks to specially designed toxic substances that are successfully used in many foreign countries.Products are absolutely safe for others, they do not emit any toxic vapors and odors, so they can be placed near food, kitchen utensils. The action of the trap is based on the principle of dominoes, that is, the insect, infecting itself, infects the entire colony of cockroaches. The manufacturer claims that within two weeks the settlement of pests in a certain territory can be completely destroyed. Prusacs do not produce immunity to the main toxic components, so the beetles are massively killed by the influence of poison. The life of the Kombat traps for cockroaches is calculated in several months, which can guarantee complete deliverance from aliens.
- Taiga cockroach trap. The manufacturer does not recommend using aerosol preparations with the device. Effective insecticide will easily get rid of dangerous parasites.
- Adaptations Dohloks and Brownie. The effectiveness of these traps is ensured by the insecticidal drug fipronil, which is classified as of low toxicity to surrounding substances. Judging by the consumer reviews,products are best used in combination with gel preparations from other manufacturers. This will reduce insect addiction to insecticides.
- Means Clean house. A trap from a well-known company is odorless and safe to use. The effectiveness of the product is maintained for two months. The poison component chlorpyrifos enters the body of a cockroach with bait or by external contact with poison.
I decided to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment and bought Reid traps in the nearest market. Installed devices and, frankly, forgot about the cockroaches. They stopped appearing to my eyes. Recently made a rearrangement in the kitchen and was just shocked. Under the fridge was found a whole cemetery of dead Prusaks. So everything is correctly written in the instructions on the action of the insecticide. We need to buy fresh traps, but for safety I will process the kitchen with something else.
Olga, Perm
All of the above and other cockroach traps can be purchased in stores or ordered from online stores. If for some reason it is impossible to buy industrially made devices, then with the help of available tools, they can be made on their own.
Homemade traps for cockroaches
Craftsmen offer two types of destructive houses. Such products are successfully used by people in the fight against disgusting insects, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the Internet. Make traps can be in the following ways:
- Velcro for cockroaches can be done using any small box or piece of cardboard. Double-sided tape should be attached to the bottom of the improvised house or special long-lasting glue should be applied. Above the sticky layer or at the edges of the box should be placed food bait with a pronounced odor. In food, you can add boric acid or any other toxic substance. On the back of the Velcro from cockroaches, glue a fixing tape and attach it in places of mass habitat of insects. As you fill up the box or carton, you must dispose of it. For the manufacture of sticky traps, you can use a special mass trap. This glue from cockroaches is applied to the surface of a homemade product and serves as a bait for insects. The contents of one tube can be processed up to 50 square meters. The adhesive mass retains its properties for two months.
- Trap banks.This device will require a liter jar, at the bottom of which you need to pour a little beer or place a piece of bread soaked in kefir. The inner edges of the jar to a depth of 5 cm should be carefully greased with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. It is advisable to wrap the outer surface of the device with paper in order to facilitate the access of insects to the fragrant bait. Put a trap under the kitchen sink or in another place. After some time, pour the contents of boiling water and rinse into the sewer.
Cockroach traps are a good and safe way to destroy survivable parasites.