Means Fas from cockroaches: tablets, gel and powder

Cockroaches - household pests that can appear even in the apartment of the cleanest mistress. After all, the causes of insect infestation are many, and therefore the sanitary condition of the dwelling may simply be conducive to their reproduction. In the event of these "uninvited guests" we throw all the strength to search effective means for pest control. So, Fas from cockroaches, reviews confirm this, is one of the most effective drugs. High level of efficiency and reasonable price are its main advantages.

Forms of issue funds

Remedy for cockroaches Fas let out both for disinsectors, and for independent use. It is produced in the form of tablets, gels and powders. The active active ingredients are Z-cypermethrin and thiamethoxam. Fas is a whole line of drugs, among which are:

  • universal means - designed to combat various types of insects;
  • acting on a separate species (in this case, cockroaches).

Insecticidal preparation Fas is often used both for processing public buildings and for apartments.


Tablets Fas from cockroaches
Tablets Fas from cockroaches

Tablets Fas from cockroaches intended for professional services of a planned disinsection in child care facilities and hospitals. However, an insecticide in this form can be purchased commercially and used for self-treatment of contaminated premises.

The principle of application is quite simple. Tablets are poured with the amount of water specified in the instructions, stirred until they are completely dissolved. The resulting solution is sprayed into the room with a spray bottle.When processing moisture-absorbing surfaces, the concentration of the solution can be increased.

Processing should be carried out throughout the apartment, and not only in those rooms where insects were observed (usually a kitchen and a bathroom). This will prevent the migration of insects to other rooms and achieve the maximum effect. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after 14 days.


Cockroach Powder Powder Available in two variations: Super Fas and Double. The effectiveness of drugs due to their high toxicity, which indicates their danger to human health and pets.

Super face

Super Fas from cockroaches
Super Fas from cockroaches

Super Fas from cockroaches - a universal remedy, which is intended to kill not only cockroaches, but also ants, and even bugs. It is produced mainly for disinsection services, but the drug can be found in a specialty store.

The insecticide is packaged in sachets of 10 mg. The principle of application is similar to the method described above, however, since the product is very toxic, it is recommended to use a protective kit (respirator, goggles, gloves and the most closed clothing).

  1. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions.
  2. During processing indoors children, pregnant women and pets should not be present.
  3. If possible, take out all the food, or hermetically pack them. You should also do with children's toys and things.
  4. The powder is diluted in water according to the instructions (1:20). On 1 square. m. need 50-100 ml of solution (depending on the degree of contamination of the premises). The presence of an excessively large population of cockroaches requires the processing of adjacent territories.
  5. The resulting mixture is treated with places of obvious and suspected pest infestation. Particular attention should be paid to the plinths, kitchen furniture, plumbing and sewer risers.
  6. After 1-2 hours, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.
  7. To carry out wet cleaning.
  8. If necessary, the procedure is repeated no earlier than one month.

On a note!

The prepared solution is not intended for long-term storage. After a period of time, the active components evaporate, which leads to a loss of effectiveness of the agent.

Fas Double

Fas-double from cockroaches
Fas-double from cockroaches

Fash Double from cockroaches - one more modification of the powder.A lesser degree of toxicity is its main feature. Therefore, it is widely used for self-treatment of residential premises.

Gel Fas

Gel from cockroaches Fas - a type of insecticide of this brand. This is a less toxic drug that does not require the removal of households from the apartment during processing. Its advantages are:

  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • no traces after application;
  • the possibility of applying to electronic and household appliances;
  • affordable price.

For convenience, the gel is released in a special syringe, which helps to significantly save money. It is applied with a dotted line around the entire perimeter of the room. Particular attention is paid to the places where cockroaches most often move.

Gel Fas from cockroaches
Gel Fas from cockroaches

Do not ignore safety measures when working with poison. It is also not recommended to use a highly toxic remedy in apartments where people with allergies and infants live. It is preferable to use more benign drugs that have in its composition of natural ingredients.

Bane Fas from cockroaches sold in many retail outletstherefore, it will not be difficult to acquire it. The poison can also be purchased at specialized disinsection services and pharmacies.


I tried a bunch of different means and methods of fighting cockroaches. But only Fas helped to finally get rid of pests. It was enough to dissolve the powder, and spray them with the kitchen. The result was not long in coming - just a sea of ​​dead Prusaks, did not even expect this. I advise everyone, a very effective tool.

Evgeny, Moscow

A friend recommended the Fas tool for handling the dacha, the cockroaches just stuck there. Used the gel not only in the kitchen, but also in the living room. More than a month has passed, there were no Prusaks. The bane is really cool.

Angelica, Voronezh

After the treatment with Super Fas, not only cockroaches disappeared, but also fliesand woodlice. It is said that the tool can even poison bed bugs. The main thing is to thoroughly spray all hard-to-reach places. Recommend.

Olesya, Novoshakhtinsk

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Bed bugs

