Proshka Brownie gel from cockroaches
- Proshka Brownie
- Proshka Brownie
- Gel application
Cockroaches - one of the nastiest insects settling in human habitation. These arthropods carry dangerous bacteria, spoil the food. In order to get rid of the unpleasant neighborhood, it is recommended to use gel from the Brownie cockroaches.
Action means
Insect, trying means with an attractive smell, absorbs the active substance "brownie". Once in the body, the poison begins to act.The gel affects the nervous system of the Prusak, paralyzing it. After a short time the cockroach dies. Death does not occur instantaneously, but only 24 hours after contact with the drug. During this time, he manages to meet with relatives, passing poison to them. An insecticide, like a dangerous virus, spreads inside the colony, killing cockroaches. The greatest mortality can be expected in a week after the application of the tool.
Aromatic additives attract only insects, for animals their smell is repulsive.
The toxicity of the gel is low, it can be used not only in apartments, but also in children's and medical institutions. The gel has a fatty basis that does not allow Domovoy to spread or evaporate, therefore its consumption is economical. The creamy consistency allows you to apply the gel not only on the floor and baseboards, but also on inclined or inverted surfaces (lower part of the table top). Especially effective "Brownie" against small colonies.
The composition of the drug
In the remedy for cockroaches Brownie added special ingredients that attract insects, but repel animals.The pronounced bitter taste will not allow the child to swallow the gel, who saw the applied "brownie" next to the plinths.
The active substance of the gel is fipronil. This insecticide paralyzes and kills cockroaches and other insects. Fipronil inhibits the respiratory functions of the body, making it difficult for air circulation in the respiratory organs of Prusacks.
In addition to the active substance, the gel contains:
- stabilizer;
- bitrex, giving bitterness;
- preservatives that allow the agent to stay fresh for a long time;
- gelling agent.
The moisture retaining components do not allow the gel to dry, allowing one application to cope with a large number of insects. To kill not only the existing insects, but also those still in the oteke, you should not remove the Brownie for at least 30 days.
Brownie from cockroaches is available in a syringe containing 30 grams. gel. This amount is enough to handle a small apartment. The nozzle of the syringe makes it convenient to apply even in hard-to-reach places.
Drug benefits
Gels rightly considered the most effective, destroying not only cockroaches, but also other insects settling in residential premises.Proshka Brownie has several advantages over other insecticide species:
- It is odorless, which allows it to remain on surfaces in the presence of people and animals.
- Gel structure prevents evaporation, for a long time affecting insects.
- When drawing does not require removal from the apartment of family members and animals.
- Ease of application, high efficiency.
- Cost effective use. When drip application can be processed with a single syringe up to 50 sq.m. square
- Packaging and application technique eliminates the contact of the gel with the skin, minimizing the risks to humans.
- Preparation of a preparation is not required, processing of hard-to-reach places is possible.
- Unused gel "Domovoy" can be stored for about 3 years.
- Acceptable price of the drug.
Despite the safety of the active substance for humans, it is recommended to put the drug in gloves. In case of contact with the skin and after work, the hands should be washed with soap and water.
Instructions for use
To the colony quickly disappeared from the apartment, it makes sense to find the nest and destroy it. Most often, the bulk of cockroaches are located in cabinets, in the slab, behind the slab, under the tiles.Having found large accumulations of insects, they are poured with boiling water or drawn into a vacuum cleaner, after which they destroy the filters.
- Before starting work, the room is washed, not forgetting about all the surfaces on which the gel will be applied.
- Products and dishes are packed, excluding insects.
- Learn instructions for the drug.
- Household extrude, causing it to dot or dotted in 5-10 cm. Apply on baseboards, under the bath, under the sink, near the bin and toilet, around the holes of the ventilation shafts, etc. To process not only horizontal, but also vertical surfaces: walls, door box, walls of kitchen cabinets.
- If there are a lot of cockroaches, a house with a cockroach should be applied with solid lines. Often the drug is placed on small pieces of paper, which are placed under the side tables, refrigerator, stove, etc.
- After reducing the efficiency, after a certain period of time, the apartment is washed with warm water. Paper with the medium discarded. Put a new portion of the gel.
Proshka Brownie gel from cockroaches, reviews of which can be viewed at the end of the article, is valid for up to 2 months.To avoid habituation of cockroaches to the gel, it is necessary, after double application, to change the agent.
Brownie is a great tool. You can buy it in any store, it is inexpensive, but it acts quickly. Within a day after applying the gel began to detect corpses in the kitchen. More and more, in a week almost a whole scoop swept up. After that, the death rate subsided. A month later, I did not see a single cockroach, but just in case I processed the kitchen again. Everything, we got rid of the cockroaches.
Lera, Moscow
We had so many cockroaches that they did not dare to confine ourselves to one gel. In parallel, more aerosols used. They were used less often because I was sitting at home with the child. But still, before the walk, I squirted them in the kitchen. The gel throughout the apartment inflicted, the benefit of the child is not even crawling. She worried that the cat would be interested in the remedy, but he sniffed, sniffed and ran away once. No more trying even. What can I say ... My complex treatment has given fruit: there are no cockroaches. AND ants, who settled with us in the summer, is also gone. The husband tried to seal all the cracks so that the cockroaches would not have a way back.
Tatyana, Ishim