The best gels against cockroaches

Cockroach Control remains an unsolved problem for many citizens of the country. The chemical industry supplies a large number of insecticidal drugs against these tenacious parasites.The main criterion when choosing one or another means should be its safety for warm-blooded animals, humans, efficiency and affordable price. All these criteria are answered, judging by consumer reviews, gel from cockroaches. Its use eliminates the ingress of toxic substances in the respiratory tract and on the skin.

The composition and principle of action of gels

Cockroach Gels
Cockroach Gels

All gel-like agents against cockroaches are produced in convenient for use packages in the form of a syringe or tube. Due to this, the poison can be distributed in the most inaccessible places of the apartment. Smell poison attracts insects, and they run into it. A person does not feel the aromatic components of the tool. The effectiveness of liquid toxic substances is due to the fact that cockroaches prefer food of such consistency.

Gels from cockroaches are composed of the following components:

  1. Attractants or bait. Mandatory component of any drug whose action is aimed at the destruction of pests. Thanks to this component, the poisoning agent is eaten with pleasure by cockroaches.It is spread by them to the places of mass habitat of relatives, where the infection of the colony takes place and the subsequent death of pests.
  2. Fat. It contributes to the preservation of the working consistency of the drug for a long period of time from the moment of application, and also allows the point dosing of the substance.
  3. Poisonous substances. The percentage of insecticide in the tool is not large and is approximately 2% of the total mass of the drug. The stronger the toxic substance, the less its content. Higher efficacy of the gels is achieved by using two insecticides in the same tool.


If there is a child or animal in the house, then it is necessary to choose products from cockroaches that contain bitterness. This will protect them from poisoning when trying to try a find.


Fat components are sensitive to bright light. They can oxidize on contact with air, therefore, gel cockroach should be stored in strict accordance with the instructions set forth in the instructions.

Manufacturers use such modern insecticides as highly effective active components:

  • chlorpyrifos;
  • deltamethrin;
  • cypermethrin;
  • fipronil;
  • lambdacygalotrin;
  • diflubenzuron and other substances.

All of them are detrimental to the central nervous system of the insect, penetrating into the gastrointestinal tract of the cockroach or upon contact with its chitinous integument. Infected individuals are able to infect the inhabitants of the colony.

Rules for the use of poisonous insect drugs

Gel application
Gel application

Indisputable advantages compared with other means of combating resilient insects have gels from cockroaches. They are particularly popular with the population, due to convenient packaging, low toxicity and reasonable price. You can select and purchase a gel preparation in specialized stores in Moscow or other regions of Russia. The tool is ready for use, does not require additional manipulations to prepare the working substance. To increase the effectiveness of measures, you can additionally use a spray or liquid preparation for treating all surfaces and secluded corners of the house.

Putting gels from cockroaches is carried out in such ways:

  1. Place small drops of the drug with a diameter of up to 5 mm in places where pests accumulate.The distance between the drops should not exceed 20 cm. The tool processes the rear walls of the furniture, baseboards, door jambs, pipes and sanitary fixtures.
  2. Put drops of gel on small strips of paper and spread them out in places inaccessible for children and pets to the places where insects are supposed to accumulate.

The expense of means depends on degree of infection of the room. With regular treatment of the apartment should choose products that contain different insecticides. This will eliminate the habituation effect of cockroaches to the poison. The possibility of pest access to water should be minimized.

Despite the harmlessness and low toxicity of the gels, it is necessary to strictly observe the measures of personal safety when conducting insecticidal treatment of the room.

Excursion to the country of gels from cockroaches

Choose the best gel from cockroaches, which will help once and for all get rid of annoying pests is very difficult. This is explained by the fact that insects migrate from room to room, adapt to poisons, and produce resistant immunity to them. Therefore, the effectiveness of the struggle depends largely on the correct choice of the drug used, as well as its quality.Below is a description of the gel preparations, which, judging by the feedback from consumers, helped them quickly and effectively get rid of parasites.

Means EXIL Schaben Paste (former Globol gel)

EXIL gel
EXIL gel

An effective drug that has conquered the Russian market is produced in Germany and packaged in plastic tubes equipped with a sharp tip. The tool is absolutely harmless to people and pets. The poisonous substance chlorpyrifos has a contact-intestinal way of entering the body of a cockroach and has a devastating effect on the nervous system of the insect. Infected pest becomes a peddler of poison, thereby contributing to the destruction of relatives. Global from cockroaches has a sweet chocolate smell, brown tint due to the presence of cocoa butter in the preparation.

One tube, with a capacity of 75 ml, is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​about 80 square meters. The bitter component, introduced into the composition of the poisoning means, will not allow it to be eaten by young children or domestic animals. The duration of the active components is saved for two to three months, after which it is desirable to repeat the treatment.

Gel Raptor

The manufacturer claims that the tool retains its properties for 6–8 months from the date of its application. This is achieved through an improved gel formula. The current insecticide is lambdacygalothrin. A standard volume (75 ml) is enough for a single treatment of approximately 30 square meters. m square. Attraction of cockroaches contribute to the natural aromatic substances with the smell of vanilla and apricot. The advantage of the drug is that it can be easily removed from the surfaces on which it leaves no traces.

Cockroach raptor
Cockroach raptor


Friends advised to purchase gel raptor. Bought it at a nearby store. I thought that the effect would be average, because I’ve been fighting cockroaches for years. At first they disappear, and after a while it all starts over. But to my great surprise, the gel turned out to be really effective. For almost two years now I have been living in peace. Horrible insects have forgotten the way to me. Recomend for everybody.

Anastasia, Kazan

Absolute gel

Domestic insecticidal drug Absolute gel from cockroaches, contains the active ingredient chlorpyrifos.It is allowed for use in food, children's and medical institutions. The tool kills cockroaches and garden ants. A large tube of 125 ml is enough to disinsect a room with a total area of ​​up to 50 sq.m. It is noteworthy that the gel begins to act on the day after treatment, and the maximum effect occurs after two weeks. Proper use can guarantee disposal of cockroaches for a long time.

Dohlox and Absolute
Dohlox and Absolute


Dohlox Cockroach Gel contains the insecticidal substance fipronil, which has a neuroparalytic effect on the insect and destroys its nervous system. The tool belongs to the category of the least dangerous drugs, thanks to this, it is allowed to use at catering establishments, as well as in children's and medical institutions at various levels. The tube, with a volume of 30 ml, is equipped with a convenient sharp tip that allows you to apply the gel in hard to reach places. The manufacturer guarantees infection of the entire population of insects, with their further complete destruction. Eliminating the adaptation of cockroaches to the tool is possible due to the constant improvement of the chemical formula of the drug.

Insecticide Taiga

Gel Taiga from cockroaches is designed for the complete destruction of indoor pests. The effect of using this tool can be seen the next day after the treatment of the apartment. The main active ingredient is the toxic substance chlorpyrifos. Gel is used strictly according to the instructions. With a small contamination of the premises, ten drops of the drug per square meter are sufficient. In the case of a large accumulation of parasites, it is recommended to distribute the tool with dotted lines up to two centimeters at a distance of approximately 10 cm. In order to prevent re-infection of the room, it is desirable to treat the base of the entrance door and the ventilation grilles.

Taiga and Combat
Taiga and Combat

Combat Super Gel

Kombat Cockroach Gel characterized by high efficiency. The presence of an extract of goose liver in its composition contributes to the active attraction of insects to the poison. Modern insecticide hydramethylnon provides fast death of pests and does not cause the effect of addiction.

This list can be continued, because manufacturers offer a large arsenal of various toxic substances used for extermination of cockroaches. The main guideline in choosing one or another tool should be a manual, as well as advice from consultants, friends or reviews on the Internet. It should be remembered that no drug will not help if you do not follow basic rules of hygiene and prevention.

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