Chalk Masha from cockroaches

Today the stores have a wide selection. effective means from crawling and flying insects. It is modern effective gels, emulsions, sprays and even smoke bombsdifficult to compete with obsolete Dustam and crayons. But not all products created decades ago are ready to give up.Chalk from cockroaches Masha confidently stands on some shelves with the latest developments in this direction, in no way inferior to them in popularity. You can buy it not only in Moscow, but also in any city in the country.

Active substance

A remedy for cockroaches Masha, despite the long-term existence on the market, the drug is modern: the manufacturer regularly makes changes to the composition, adding new, improved insecticides.

The chalk, which can be purchased today, is composed of the following substances:

  • Deltamethrin. Poison intestinal and contact action. It affects the nervous system cockroach in contact with the body, legs or in the stomach. Rapidly leads to paralysis and death.
  • Zeta - cypermethrin. It differs from the previous component in the structure and composition of molecules. Synthetic substance from the group of pyrethroids.
  • Chalk filler, which includes poison.

The chalk from cockroaches contains two different insecticides. This is done so that insects do not develop resistance to the agent.

Chalk Masha
Chalk Masha


With proper treatment, the probability of developing resistance to a single insecticide is extremely small.To two at the same time - tends to zero.

The pencil from cockroaches Masha works in this way: an insect passes along a drawn strip, touching it with paws, antennae, belly. In contact with the smallest particles of water, the active components penetrate through the cover of an insect and begin their destructive action.

The main damage is caused by particles of a substance that enter the insect's digestive system as it attempts to clean the parts of the body smeared in the jaw with its jaws. Within a few minutes, the cockroach begins to behave unusually, after which it is paralyzed and death occurs. In order for the chalk from cockroaches to fulfill its purpose, it must simply be properly applied.


We use Masha not only from cockroaches, but also from ants, bed bugs and even sometimes from pray helps. In general, we have not been using anything else except for small ones for many years. Cockroaches as many years ago brought out, so more and no. For the prevention, they drew patterns from them in the secluded places in the kitchen, and that was all. Although the neighbors crowd go. I was even ready for them to buy these small pieces myself - but where there, consider themselves smarter.

Jadwiga, Kazan

What is nice Masha

Chalk Masha-1
Chalk Masha

Pencil Masha from cockroaches has a number of advantages, thanks to which millions of buyers choose this tool:

  1. Shallow Masha from cockroaches, reviews of which may be ambiguous, effectively destroys cockroaches.
  2. The low price of a pencil makes it accessible to all groups of the population. Even the cheapest means of a different type will cost more than Masha’s chalk.
  3. This tool does not dust, does not smell, does not emit toxins - it is safe at work. This is especially important for families with children or owners of furry pets.
  4. Wash off the strip from the pencil is very easy, unlike other drugs from cockroaches.
  5. Masha is well remembered from childhood. In those days when other means were unavailable or they were not at all, Masha helped to get rid of cockroaches.

These reasons explain the fact that in many apartments, even today, chalk strips can be found around the sinks, behind the refrigerator, on the inside of the doors of kitchen cabinets. Often in the vicinity of the traits are the corpses of those who underestimated crayon from cockroaches.


Since childhood, I remembered that we always had a refrigerator, around the sink and the trash can, around the kitchen furniture, in the toilet there were these lines and stripes.Therefore, when I myself needed to bring cockroaches in the house, I immediately ran to the store for Masha. I thought it would not work today, because cockroaches mutate, adapt. But no, Masha did not disappoint, as many years ago.

Olesya, Novosibirsk


No matter how good the drug is, it has some drawbacks:

  • short duration - bands should be regularly updated so that they do not lose their effectiveness;
  • possible insufficient effect in case of severe contamination of the apartment;
  • inhalation of insecticidal particles by animals is possible poisoning.


When applying chalk should wear a medical mask or respirator gloves. Wash hands thoroughly with soap after work.

How to use

The use of chalk Masha
The use of chalk Masha

There is nothing difficult to use Masha for the fight against cockroaches. It is necessary to apply stripes in those places which are especially frequented by cockroaches: behind the refrigerator, around heating pipes or appliances, at the sink, near the garbage can. All necessary places are indicated on the chalk package.

Rules of application:

  • Draw lines on baseboards and back panels.Especially carefully it should be done on kitchen furniture. If possible, mark the entire perimeter of the back panel.
  • Enclose a trash can in a chalked ring. Make sure that the bucket always stands inside the circle.
  • Make a mark around the perimeter of the sink. Mostly, it is from this source that cockroaches quench their thirst.
  • Outline the perimeters of all ventilation ducts.
  • To surround the table legs with a chalk drawing, so that the insect, crawling on the table, had to walk along the chalk.

The bands should be fat, so that cockroaches could not step over them, but pass with all their legs. The price of chalk is low, so the savings here is inappropriate.

The number of prusaks destroyed by small ones depends on the timing of its use: the longer you don’t touch the “pictures”, the longer they will destroy the arthropods. Remove the strip until the complete disappearance of cockroaches should not be. Processing should be repeated until the cockroaches disappear. Only there you can be sure that man and means have defeated the most ancient creatures on earth.


I still remember how my mother regularly bought Chinese pencil from cockroaches on the market. Dead almost instantly.Now, when I was touched by such a problem, I did not think that I would find a piece of chalk. Folk remedies did not help. I was preparing to buy expensive sprays, gels, although I don’t really believe in their effectiveness. And suddenly in the store I see a pencil Masha, similar to what I remember! I was delighted with him as an old friend. Bought immediately annual stock. True, I used it very generously, so my stock has decreased significantly. I smeared everything that I could, I tried not in the most conspicuous places. And now I have been living calmly for a month. And there are no old cockroaches, and I am no longer afraid of the new ones.

Larisa, Novokuznetsk


To improve the effectiveness of chalk should be used with additional funds.

If there are many insects, it is necessary to purchase not only insecticidal pencils, but also gels and aerosols, such as:

Other uses

Chalk Masha-2
Chalk Masha

In addition to the usual drawing stripes, crayons are used in various ways:

  • they crush the product into powder, scatter it in the habitats of the Prusak;
  • diluted pencil with water, ensuring complete dissolution. Wash all surfaces (floor, wardrobes, cabinets, baseboards);
  • dust the room - the method is dangerous with a high probability of inhalation of toxic substances.


Chalk can be used not only for extermination of cockroaches, but also to prevent their occurrence. If it is known that the neighbors have such “pets”, you should secure your house by drawing all the holes through the pencil through which cockroaches can enter the apartment: air vents, the perimeter of the door, and various slots. For prevention, you need to regularly draw on the back panels of lockers, by the bin, near the sink.

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