The most effective folk remedies for cockroaches
- Cockroaches in the house
- Boric acid
- Cockroach Remedies
- Cockroach Remedies
Interesting! Cockroaches are one of the oldest pests in the world. They can live without food for about 40 days, and for about 70 days without water, their lifespan makes no more than 7 months. However, due to their fertility, they are able to fill the entire apartment in a short period of time.
Besides the fact that the cockroach itself is a carrier of various diseases, its feces are also unsafe. They contain enzymes that attract other individuals, and the number of parasites in the house increases dramatically.
Cockroaches are able to appear in the house where there is a lot of garbage, dirty floors, water and food are available - that is, ideal conditions are created for the life of insects. In clean housing, where there are no large cracks, puddles of spilled water, and food debris, the pests will not survive.
Not always easy and fast get rid of uninvited guests. Cockroaches very quickly get used to different chemical preparations and subsequently simply do not react to them. And the use of insecticides is not always safe for people and pets. Therefore, effective folk remedies for cockroaches are more relevant than ever. In addition, they are more affordable and economical.
Bura from cockroaches - one of the famous folk means of struggle. The substance is a white powder. It is safe for people and animals and unbearable for parasites. Fighting cockroaches with borax can be done in different ways:
- One boiled potato must be crushed with a boiled egg. In mashed potatoes add 1 tbsp. l borax Balls are formed from the resulting material and laid out in insect habitats;
- It will take 100 g of borax, in equal quantities of starch and powdered sugar (30 g each) and a bag of vanilla sugar to give the bait flavor. All ingredients are mixed, after which water is added to the mixture until a gluten mass is formed. Apply the tool in a similar way;
- It is possible to get rid of cockroaches if the borax is scattered in places of large concentrations of parasites. The particles of poisonous substance will remain on the paws of each insect running through it.And when you try to get rid of them, the pest will swallow a few grains, which will be enough for death.
Boric acid
Boric acid - Another traditional folk remedy for cockroaches, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Previously, it was even applied orally as a disinfectant. For the human body, this substance is safe, it has a neuroparalytic effect on cockroaches. A small dose can cause parasite intoxication. If a larger amount of poison enters the pest’s organism, it will inevitably lead it to death.
This remedy is an absolutely tasteless and odorless powder that does not attract the attention of cockroaches. Therefore, it must be combined with certain products:
- From boric acid, flour, water and sugar, taken in equal quantities, knead the "dough". Small balls are formed from it, which are laid out in places of probable appearance or the greatest accumulation of insects;
- Cook a poisonous treat for cockroaches can be a different recipe.It is enough to mix 40 g of boric acid with boiled egg yolk and arrange the “treat” in small portions in different places;
- Mixing boric acid with water, you can prepare a drink for cockroaches. It is important that there are no extraneous sources of water nearby (the sink should be wiped dry). Insects will have nothing to do, how to use a poisonous source.
Also popularly used chamomile from cockroaches. Pyrethrum is a remedy made from dried, ground inflorescences of a plant. A chamomile-based bite is done in a manner similar to boric acid, and is an effective way to control pests.
Another popular remedy is geranium from cockroaches. Those who have such an indoor plant on the windowsill are unlikely to meet insects in their home. The smell of this amazing plant does not like many pests. Cockroaches are no exception. In addition, such a means of combating cockroaches, as geranium will give beauty and comfort to every home.
There is another effective way to fight cockroaches: traps. The use of this method will significantly reduce the number of pests. Insect fishing gear can be purchased at the store or do it yourself.
- To do this, you need to pour a beer or put a spoonful of honey on the bottom of a large can. The edges of the glass container to grease with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil. In the morning you will be pleasantly surprised to find cockroaches in the bank. By making a few of these traps, you can significantly reduce the number of "uninvited neighbors."
- Glue a sheet of cardboard around the edges with double-sided tape, and in the middle lay out some honey. The smell of sweet delicacy will beckon cockroaches, but they still will not be able to get through the sticky obstacle.
Many housewives in the fight against pests apply vinegar - it is traditionally a folk remedy used to destroy various insects. Not only 9% table solution, but also acetic essence is suitable for this. They are used for processing floors, baseboards, crevices, ventilation holes.
You can also use a vinegar, water, and red pepper to prepare a spray that you can use to spray the surface of the walls, kitchen furniture, and the place where there is the greatest accumulation of pests.
Essential oils
An effective deterrent against cockroaches are essential oils. You can prevent their occurrence by treating the sites of their possible appearance with a solution of water and a few drops of eucalyptus, cedar, lemon, mint, lemon balm or citronella oil.
To enhance the effect with a large accumulation of cockroaches, essential oil is better to use in combination with poison baits.
Perfectly scares cockroaches ammonia. Such a means of control does not provide for the complete destruction of pests, but their expulsion is guaranteed. To do this, it is enough to wash the floor with water, in which 1 tsp should be added. ammonia. Thanks to a strongly developed sense of smell, insects feel a specific odor well and tend to leave this place as soon as possible.
There are also emergency means of fighting cockroaches, which should be resorted to in case of excessive contamination of the premises. These include kerosene, turpentine or denatured alcohol. Insects cannot tolerate their peculiar smell. It is enough to put a few drops of money in places of large concentrations of parasites and leave in this state for 2-3 days.After this time the cockroaches leave housing.
Get rid of cockroaches can be and this method of struggle, like cooling or freezing the apartment. The fact is that these insects belong to heat-loving creatures and simply cannot tolerate excessively low temperatures. Therefore, in the winter season it is enough to open the windows and cool the room. In order to avoid rupture of radiators and pipes, they must be insulated with the help of some insulating material.
The fight against cockroaches in the apartment provides not only the use of folk remedies, but also the maintenance of cleanliness. Get rid of insects forever living in an apartment building, it is unlikely, because unscrupulous neighbors will be everywhere.
- General cleaning is the key to a successful fight. It is necessary not only to clean the floor, but also to bring order to hard-to-reach places and cabinets. All bulk products should be poured into hermetically sealed containers.
- You can not leave a bucket of garbage at night, as it contains food waste will be a source of food insects.
- After eating, the table and dishes should be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
- It is detrimental to cockroaches lack of fluid, so do not forget to dry the sink after use.
- Use folk remedies to fight cockroaches.
Galina: You can not succeed in the fight against cockroaches, while in the apartment dirt. Various crumbs and mote, dirty dishes - what insects love. Therefore, restore order, and then any tool will give effect.
Natalya: I use vinegar for cleaning from time to time - this is poison for cockroaches, and no need poison. With a solution I process all surfaces in the house. No cockroaches, no fleas, no ants. I hope my review will help you in the fight against parasites.
Semen: Our method of struggle is quite simple: the wife simply spread geraniums. In each room, several pots are of a different type - and it is beautiful and there are no cockroaches.