Description and reviews about Pest Repeller from cockroaches
- Pests
- Pest Repelling
- Pest Repelling
Rodents and a variety of insects - the scourge of private homes and apartment buildings. No matter how the mistress tries to equip her nest, the presence of parasites reduces all efforts to zero. The most successful today are the devices that relieve simultaneously from various insects and rodents. One of these devices - Pest Repeller, reviews of which are not always unequivocal.
Why you need to get rid of parasites
Pest Repeller was created to get rid of:
All these creatures are harmful, not for nothing that they are called parasites and pests. Rodents with their sharp teeth spoil the walls, furniture and floors, eat food. Mice and rats are carriers of dangerous diseases that can be picked up not only by direct contact, but also by using food products that rodents used to eat. The feces of these creatures carry viruses and bacteria, helminth eggs.
Cockroaches are smaller, they make a little noise at night. But reproduction rate just scary. Insects are carriers of harmful bacteria and viruses, spoil the products. Bedbugs bite painfully, resulting in unhealing painful wounds on the body.
Despite the difference in “discomfort”, all these creatures have common features:
- it is not easy to get rid of them;
- they carry diseases dangerous to humans.
Whatever types of parasites settled in the house, including cockroaches, you need to get rid of them immediately.
Do not destroy, but drive away
The devices of the latest generation eliminate cockroaches and other pests in a humane way, eliminating destruction. Pest Repelling Aid rodent and insect roach repeller emits impulses unpleasant to cockroaches and other things. For humans and pets, the Pest Repeller is completely safe.
Repellers of this type produce high-frequency impulse waves, unpleasant for cockroaches. After turning on the device in the socket, the entire power grid becomes a repeller. This ability of the device involves its use in the central part of the house. In this case, the walls are not an obstacle to the waves, as in the case of using ultrasonic devices.
So that the insect is not accustomed to the waves, the Pest Repeller from cockroaches independently changes the frequency range.
Some models differ in radius of action, others - the principle of creating waves. Some devices are solar powered. Sometimes the sound made by the device is heard by a person.
Most repellers do not harm humans, cats and dogs. But for guinea pigs or aquarium insects such sound will be extremely unpleasant.
Repeller Pest Repeller
Pest Repeller from cockroaches designed in the USA. Produced in factories less prosperous countries: in China, Vietnam, India.
The instructions to the repeller state that its effect can cover an area of up to 230 sq.m. But customer reviews suggest a more realistic indicator - 70 squares. For the average buyer, this difference does not matter, since the majority of apartments do not slightly exceed or exceed this footage.
The manufacturer claims that the Repeller copes with cockroaches, spiders, bedbugs, mosquitoes, ants, rats and mice.
How to use the repeller
To get started, you just need to insert the plug into the outlet. The repeater green indicator should light up first, then red. This is a signal to start work. The microprocessor begins to change the magnetic field using digital technology.
At this stage anything is possible. The light bulbs may not light up or go out quickly if lit. This means that the device is faulty. Chances are good that the Pest Repeller from cockroaches was just a fake. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to require the presentation of a certificate of quality.
It should be understood that the presence of a certificate does not guarantee the eternal operation of the device. Even a proprietary device that has all the documents can spoil.
If power surges occur in the network, the device may burn out. To avoid this, you should purchase a common or separate current regulator.
After the start of the use of the repeller, cockroaches begin to show increased activity, because they need ways to retreat. In search of suitable slots and holes, they rush around the room in panic.
Sometimes the owners believe that the repeller does not help at all, because insects behave more arrogantly, going into the rooms during the day, without fear of people. This is not at all the case: it is “arrogance” that manifests their desire to quickly leave the zone of influence of the device.
Dignity Pest Repeller
Pest repeller against cockroaches has several advantages over other methods of combating insects:
- Easy to use. No need for additional equipment, special knowledge.
- The repeller is completely safe for humans and animals, including during pregnancy.
- The device is light and small.This makes it possible to install it at any time where necessary.
- Pest Repeller does not harm the work of other electrical appliances.
- Does not emit toxins, odors, smoke.
- Can serve as a night light. If this is not necessary, the function can be disabled.
- It works for a long time without shutting down.
- Fits any design.
Secrets of effectiveness
In order to use the repeller to produce results, you must follow the rules:
- keep windows and doors closed, excluding entry of new insects or rodents;
- make sure that you do not bring with the things or furniture of new parasites;
- always clean food, food, water.
Worth knowing!
In order not to run into a fake, Pest Repelling Aid is not recommended to buy from the hands, without “native” packaging, in questionable places. The seller should require documents that guarantee the originality of the device.
The result of applying the Pest Repeller should be noticeable within 7 days after switching on the device. Completely leave the house cockroaches have about three months, but the action will begin in a week. If the number of the colony has not changed, then the device is either faulty or counterfeit products have been caught.After the disappearance of cockroaches, other insects or rodents, the device should not be turned off so that they will not return again.
Has a similar effect Pest Reject Repeller.
I did not notice the difference before and after the start of the application. As they walked around the apartment, they walk. And time has passed enough. And all the lights are on as it should. About the certificate is not sure. There was a piece of paper with hieroglyphs. Did I buy a fake and it will not act?
Ivan, Kostroma
I got the Pest Repeller just 4 months ago to get rid of cockroaches. Yes, at the very beginning there was just a nightmare - they began to run everywhere, although I don’t have so many of them. But after 10 days they almost disappeared. So, the piece went out. Now there is not a single copy. I periodically turn on the repeller so that they do not reappear.
Inna, Blagoveshchensk
I attack, the usual for private homes - a mouse. Cats are there, but they do not cope. And the smart rodent went - it runs under the inside panels, and rarely comes out. That acquired the electric repeller Pest Repelling. I did not expect it, but the mice really became smaller. I am waiting, maybe in a couple of months they will disappear altogether.
Sonya, Astrakhan
My opinion is: this nonsense is your complete repeller. Well, it does not help at all. How can he scare away if cockroaches walk on him and in him on foot and spit on him from a high ceiling. And not only spit ... Just threw money.
Alexey, Moscow