Effective poison for cockroaches
- Cockroaches
- Gels Dohlox and Global
- Cockroach Sprays
- Cockroach traps
- Crayons from cockroaches
- Ultrasonic Cockroach Repellers
What to look for
Get rid of even the largest population of cockroaches possible if you use time-tested quality drugs. When selecting them, you should pay attention to the following criteria:
- Efficiency - the final result depends on this indicator;
- Security - no less important factor, since it is not always possible to use a gas mask or other chemical protection when processing even the most effective means. Therefore, it is more expedient to choose a drug for cockroaches that is safe for the health of people and pets;
- Speed reaction - not the most decisive parameter when choosing a poison. It all depends on the degree of contamination of the premises and the deadlines set;
- Ease of use;
- Cost of - its indications vary depending on the quality of the product.
Today on the market there are many drugs that can repel pest invasion. And then everyone has a question, what kind of poison from cockroaches is better.
On a note! Popular previously poison from cockroaches dust and dichlorvos in the past. You no longer need to endure a terrible smell, risking your health, as there are a lot of more effective and safe means. Modern Dichlorvos - this is a completely different preparation based on synthetic pyrethroids by chemical composition.
Varieties of poison from cockroaches
Modern poison from cockroaches are the following types:
- Gels;
- Aerosols;
- Traps;
- Crayons;
- Powders;
- Smoke bombs;
- Boric acid
- Ultrasonic Repeller (electronic).
The best poison from cockroaches in the opinion of many people is gels. In addition to the insecticidal substance, they are based on food additives, flavors and thickeners, which allows the device to stay on the surface for a long time and not lose its capacity.
The tool is applied in dotted lines in places where insects were spotted. The distance between the segments depends on the level of contamination of the room: if there are many cockroaches, it should be at least 5 cm, with a small number of insects, the gaps increase.Insecticide begins to act within 1-3 days, after 7-10 days there is a massive death of pests. The most effective products are:
- Global - poison for German-made cockroaches. High efficiency, ease of use, safety for human health and pets - its main advantages.
- Dohlox - gel, which very successfully destroys parasites. Its active ingredient is fipronil, which blocks the nervous system of a cockroach, causing its death. Application requires special care, as the poison has a high level of toxicity.
The following brands are also very popular: Trap, Sturm, Fas, Raptor.
Aerosols - an effective poison from cockroaches, which is made in cans. It is enough to spray it in the places of the greatest accumulation of insects, and the result will not take long. The effect will be insufficient with excessive contamination of the premises, when pests are widespread.
Many aerosols have an unpleasant smell, as a result of which the treated room after a certain time (specified in the instructions) needs to be ventilated.Yes, and the person who processes the premises, you must have personal protective equipment (mask, gloves, closed clothing). In addition, aerosol means are not provided for prophylaxis, which is another disadvantage of this method of control.
Today, aerosols are sold at any supermarket or hardware store. The following brands are most popular:
- Geth - quite effective poison for cockroaches, the active substance of which is the insecticide chlorpyrifos. The advantage of the tool is its safety for the health of households and their pets.
The geth is made in the form of a suspension saturated with microscopic capsules, which dissolves in water before use. The resulting solution is treated flat, and after some time it is thoroughly aired. The action of the agent occurs within 3 days from the time of treatment. This time is enough to infect all pests. - Raptor - According to customer reviews, not less effective means. The poison from cockroaches is made on the basis of toxic substances (cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonylbutoxide), thanks to which insects cannot adapt to poisons.Once in the area treated with aerosol, the insect becomes a dangerous carrier of poison for its fellows.
- Spray Baron - poison from cockroaches, which does not have a repulsive odor, is absolutely non-toxic. It is not required to be mixed with water, but can be used immediately by spraying from the bottle.
Aerosols of marks have a similar effect. Raid, Combat, Clean house.
Traps are another way to kill cockroaches. They are safe for the health of people and animals, and also quite easy to use. The device is a plastic box with poison inside. The device has holes that serve as an entrance for insects. Climbing into a house and eating poison, a cockroach becomes dangerous for their relatives.
Traps are effective in the fight against insignificant infestation of parasites in the room. It is better to install them in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the balcony - that is, in places where insects are likely to stay.
The Kombat trap is in special demand. Insecticide includes hydramethylnon, detrimental effect on cockroaches. Insect, hitting the device and eating the bait, will poison and their relatives.
Traps of the following brands are no less popular: Forsyth, Taiga, Argus, Jeb.
According to consumer reviews, the most effective bait with the smell. In search of delicacy, a cockroach runs into a cardboard house, and is glued to a sticky tape. An example of this is the Forsyth trap.
Such houses can be made independently at home. To do this, honey or other sweetness is put on the bottom of the jar, and the inner walls of the glass container are smeared with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. Climbing into the bank, the cockroach will not be able to get out of it.
You can also make a cockroach trap out of a strip of cardboard, pasting each side with double-sided tape. The bait for the Prusak (a piece of sweetness, bread, cheese or smoked meat) is put in the central part. The aroma beckons a cockroach, but in order to approach the delicacy, it needs to overcome a sticky path. So the insect is glued to the tape. Having made several of these traps can significantly reduce the population of parasites.
Chalks and powders
Crayons (pencils) - this is one of the oldest methods of dealing with cockroaches. In comparison with other modern means, it is less effective, since with a large accumulation of insects it allows only for a while to reduce their numbers.A more effective analogue of domestic crayons, such as Mashenka or Clean Yard, recognized Chinese poison.
Powder mixtures have a strong effect on pests. Enough for an insect to walk on the bane, and this will inevitably lead him to death. But to get rid of cockroaches forever, you need a large amount of the drug. In addition, the powder scattered around the kitchen or bathroom creates a feeling of not being groomed and messy. And cockroaches often bypass such bait.
Smoke bombs
Insecticidal smoke bombs are a less popular remedy for poisoning cockroaches in an apartment. The disadvantage of this method of struggle is the long-lasting smell of burning and white bloom, which remains on the surface of the furniture.
Boric acid
Perhaps this is the most effective popular method of getting rid of cockroaches. Boric acid is deadly to cockroaches, but safe for animals and people. It is a white, odorless powder, which is used as the main component for the preparation of poison from cockroaches. In Moscow, boric acid can be bought at any pharmacy, and it also costs quite a bit.
Boric acid can be used to bait cockroaches in different ways:
- All sources of water are sprinkled with powder (sink, toilet, bath or shower). Trying to get to the water, cockroaches get a dose of boric acid.
- Boric powder can be used as the main component of the poison. In addition to its composition includes raw egg yolk. These ingredients are mixed to form a mushy mass. From it then form small balls, which are laid out in the place of occurrence of insects.
To poison baleen pests with boric acid, it is necessary to limit the access of insects to water. The tool dehydrates the body of the parasite, so the presence of liquid helps to neutralize the poison. As a result, the struggle will be unsuccessful.
Similar to boric acid properties has a drill - another popular poison from cockroaches. However, both methods do not allow to get rid of Prusacks quickly.
On a note! A good prophylactic against cockroaches is ammonia. Add a few drops of alcohol to the cleaning water and the insects will leave your apartment. The smell of ammonia deters pests.Vinegar or vinegar essence has a similar effect.
Ultrasonic Repeller
The electronic cockroach repeller in the apartment is a modern solution to this problem. The device gives an audible signal, which is unheard of to the human ear, but unbearable for insects, from which they simply escape. Security is the main advantage of this method of struggle.
The following models have proven themselves well: Grad, Typhoon, Banzai.
Preventing the appearance of cockroaches
At self baiting insects It is important not only to find an effective poison from cockroaches, but also to monitor cleanliness, that is, to create unfavorable conditions for them.
- Dirty dishes, crumbs and leftover food on the tables, a garbage can with waste - this is what cockroaches love. Therefore, to fight insects need to start with respect for order in the house.
- Parasites need to be deprived of not only the power source, but also water. Therefore, it is necessary to timely eliminate leaks of pipes, taps and wipe puddles around the sink.
- The cause of the presence of cockroaches is improper storage of food.Everything that pests can eat should be stored in hermetically sealed containers.
- Cracks - another nuance that should be considered in the fight against cockroaches. Their absence is a guarantee that insects will not pass to you from a neighbor.
Maria: With the appearance of cockroaches in my house, on the advice of my friends, I decided to purchase an electronic device called Grad. The mother-in-law reacted with disbelief to this device. However, in fact, it turned out that Grad is a really effective way to get rid of insects. In addition, there is no need for any harmful poison.
Oleg: If cockroaches started relatively recently and in small quantities, then the Kombat trap and Mashenka pencil will be enough to get rid of them. This combined method is quite effective. With a large accumulation of insects, the wife bought Global gel, after this poison of parasites is no more.
Natalya: And we use Dohlox - a super poison: not only cockroaches are bred, but also ants, and even mosquitoes.
Evgeniya: I didn’t use any poison: Masha, and traps and boric acid with an egg - zero sense, until I bought Raptor spray. Cockroaches after him endured scoops.Soon there will be a year, as these red parasites do not live in my house.