Means Executioner from cockroaches
- Cockroach executioner
- Cockroach executioner
Remedy for cockroaches Hangman has firmly won a leading position in the market for drugs from synanthropic insects. Compliance with "price / quality" makes the drug competitive and in demand. The original Executioner is packaged in white bottles with a protective hologram.
Composition and mechanism of action
The active ingredient of the drug is fenthion, a chemical in the form of a brown oil with the smell of garlic.Used as an insecticidal and acaricidal agent. The substance belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity - low toxicity for animals and humans.
Means Executioner on insects acts by contact and airborne droplets. Fenthion inhibits an enzyme that serves to transmit nerve impulses. Blocking activity cockroaches, the drug violates the function of innervation of the muscles of the respiratory, motor and other systems, as a result of which the insect perishes from the paralysis of all the systems that provide vital activity.
On the market there are many fakes of the Executioner, so before you buy, you should be familiar with the certificate of quality. The original Executioner is sold in plastic containers of 6 ml each and in Russia costs, on average, 80 p. In counterfeit active substance - cypermethrin. Be afraid of fakes, buy the tool only on the official website.
Despite the fact that the manufacturer assures that the product has no smell, consumer reviews claim that there is a smell, but it is weak and disappears quickly.
The way to handle the apartment
The executioner from cockroaches is diluted in water (temperature does not matter) at the rate of 4 bottles of funds for 1 liter of water.Instructions for use contains detailed recommendations for breeding and use.
After thorough mixing, the agent is placed in a container with an atomizer, used as recommended. Spray means in places where insects are supposed to accumulate — behind baseboards, on the back surface of furniture, around electrical appliances and outlets, behind a stove, refrigerator, etc.
In case of contact with mucous membranes and skin, the drug causes burning. Therefore, the treatment of the premises should be carried out in clothing, covering the whole body, rubber gloves, goggles and a cotton-gauze bandage or respirator.
At the initial processing of 10 m2 living space is required to dissolve 3 bottles of funds for 6 ml.
After processing the apartment must be left for 7-8 hours, closing the windows and doors. After the exposure time has expired, you can ventilate the apartment and start cleaning.
Preparation for processing
Before using an insecticide, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the apartment, especially in secluded places, where the pest can hide, so that after treatment with a cockroach medication, the Executioner does not flush the preparation for a while.Move the furniture back, cover the upholstered furniture with plastic wrap, roll up carpets, remove pictures.
At the time of disinsection and after it in the apartment should not be anyone. Plants and pets should also be removed from the house. Remedy for cockroaches Executioner, reviews of which are only good, safe when properly used.
Symptoms of drug poisoning
In case of contact with the skin or mucous membrane, it must be removed with plenty of water and soap. Atropine drip into the eyes.
In case of severe poisoning by the means, the following symptoms may occur:
- difficulty breathing;
- muscle weakness, up to muscle paralysis;
- increased salivation;
- abdominal pain and diarrhea;
- apathy or intense excitement;
- confusion of consciousness.
If these symptoms are present, the person should be placed in a hospital.
With a low degree of intoxication in humans can be noted:
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- headache;
- drowsiness.
Symptoms go away on their own after a few hours.
In the Russian market, a means of cockroaches Hangman, reviews of which can be read on the Internet, is popular as a drug for bedbugs.Due to the high cost of processing cockroaches, it is used less frequently.
After my cockroaches successfully survived a variety of chemical attacks, I decided to buy a German hangman tool. I bought it in the online store, spread it out according to the instructions and processed the apartment. At the time of pickling went to the country. When I returned, dead cockroaches were waiting for me in the apartment. Washed out the corpses, cleaned up and live for a year without Prusak neighbors. Cockroaches did not like the German remedy!
Alexey, Odessa
We liked the executioner even when the husband from the business trip brought bedbugs and we fought with bloodsuckers for a long time and painfully until we used the Executioner. Once a proven tool, we decided not to experiment and get rid of cockroaches in an apartment. They did everything according to the instructions, left the house, and when they returned, they found an insect cemetery in the kitchen. In addition to cockroaches, there were several earwigs, spiders and some transparent centipedes. They could not even imagine that such a zoo lived in our apartment! There was no smell at all, it worked the first time and for a long time. For a couple of years cockroaches haven’t come to us.
Angelica, Kiev
For a long time did not dare to write. For me, the topic of insects in the apartment is very scrupulous.I try to keep it clean, but the first floor above the grocery store makes itself felt. So all God's creatures climb into my one-room "Khrushchev". Recently cockroaches ran, they began to poison in the store, so they found a loophole. A friend advised the German agent Executioner, I doubted, but I bought it. I processed all the slits and little corners. While I was closing the apartment, I saw three “carcasses” in the corridor at once. And when it came time to return, all the cockroaches died! Now I will use only this tool - so effective and fast! I also advise the residents of our house – let's get together and together we will remove the cockroaches forever so that they cannot travel from apartment to apartment.
Olga, Kovel