Pest Reject Ultrasonic Cockroach Repeller

What only mankind did not invent to destroy once and for all annoying roommates - cockroaches. Besides chemical insecticideswhich are becoming more sophisticated, the latest technologies have been delivered to protect the dwelling. Testimonials from the Pest Reject cockroach testify that a safe and effective weapon against insects has been found.

Pest Reject working principle

Pest Reject cockroach repeller was created to prevent the colonization of human habitation by synanthropic species of insects and rodents.It is designed to produce high-frequency waves in the ultrasonic range from 42 to 64 kHz. The frequency changes 60-80 times per second, not allowing insects to adapt to the stimulus.

Ultrasonic waves, inaudible to man, have a damaging effect on tissue cells. They act on the nerve endings of the sensitive insect receptors, causing them to leave the discomfort zone. Under the influence of powerful ultrasound, cavitation occurs inside the cells - the plasma cell oscillation, which leads to the formation of microscopic bubbles in the liquid, which, when destroyed, literally tear the cell from the inside.

Pest reject
Pest reject


Sound waves travel in a straight line and are not able to go around obstacles. Sound is the vibrations of air, so it cannot penetrate through dense barriers - walls, ceilings, floors, furniture. Textiles, carpets, upholstered furniture extinguish ultrasound, reducing the effectiveness of the device. The boundary of the propagation of ultrasound is of utmost importance; in the case of Pest Redzhe from cockroaches, it is 200 meters away from the device. When purchasing a device, it is important to take into account its characteristics so that the device covers the entire perimeter of the room.

Ultrasonic vibrations change the state of biological fluids, turning them into colloid, disrupt intercellular bonds, change the speed of metabolic processes. Influencing small insects and rodents, the ultrasound produced by Pest Reject is insufficient to damage large biological objects - humans and domestic animals.

The principle of operation of Pest Redzhekt is based on many years of research into the effects of ultrasound of various powers on insects. Ultrasonic repellents have long won recognition as an effective and safe means of combating pests and small rodents.

How the device acts on cockroaches

Cockroaches are a nocturnal insect, so their senses have adapted to the dark and help to avoid the threat of death from nocturnal animals that use, including ultrasonic waves for navigation.

Pest reject

The cockroach perceives ultrasound not only by the organ of hearing, which is located on the last segment of the abdomen of the insect, but also by other parts of the body. Sensitive hairs are located on the cockroach's paws, which capture airborne vibrations.Ultrasonic waves cause these hairs to oscillate, causing discomfort to the cockroach and forcing them to move away from the source of irritation.


Sense organs exist only in adult insects, therefore the repeller does not act on the larvae and insect eggs. To achieve completely ridding the apartment of cockroaches, it is necessary that PestReject worked for a long time, at least 1-2 months, until all clutches of cockroaches turn into adult insects capable of “hearing” ultrasound.

It is worth emphasizing once again that the owner of the Pest Reject will not detect the corpses of insects, which is perceived by some as a lack of effect. Pest Reject cockroach repeller only expels insects from the apartment.

Benefits of the Pest Reject

In the market for a variety of means of fighting cockroaches and other synanthropic and alien insects, the Pest Reject scare against cockroaches is popular because it has several advantages compared to chemical and biological insecticides and traps. Pluses ultrasonic repeller from cockroaches Pest Reject:

  • environmentally friendly and safe;
  • it can even be used in the room where the child is located;
  • it does not require replacement of batteries, as it operates on 220 v;
  • no need to change the bait or clean the drive;
  • does not affect the operation of household electrical appliances;
  • easy to operate and has a large margin of safety;
  • fireproof;
  • the device is designed for multiple use;
  • silent;
  • does not affect humans and pets;
  • scares off all types of insects and animals susceptible to the frequency generated by the device.


Pest Reject Ultrasonic Cockroach Repeller should be tuned to the frequency perceived by insects. Complaints about the inefficiency of ultrasonic repellers come from owners of counterfeit or improperly adjusted devices. Such a device can rid of mice and rats, but do not act on cockroaches.

Pest reject

You can buy the device both in stores and order in the online store. The cost of one repeller from cockroaches is about 1,400 rubles. You can order delivery without leaving home.

Pest Reject Instructions

The use of Pest Reject requires compliance with some rules that ensure its long-term performance:

  • it is necessary to insert a repeller only into a serviceable outlet that operates from 220 V mains;
  • prevent foreign objects and moisture from entering inside;
  • do not disassemble the device;
  • protect from damage, falling on a hard surface;
  • if reptiles or domestic rodents live in the house, they should be removed from the apartment where Pest Reject is installed.

The network has a lot of reviews about the ultrasonic repeller Pest Reject. Opinions of the owners are very different. Here are some reviews of the Pest Reject cockroach remedy.


In the summer the whole family go to the cottage. The old wooden house is populated not only by pets - cats Musa and Murka, the hedgehog Fimo, but also various alien guests. This year we were visited by unpleasant tenants - cockroaches. We feared to fight the invasion with the help of chemistry, because the animals revolve in the house all day, and most importantly we did not want to poison the grandchildren. So we decided to purchase a safe Pest Reject, which, according to the manufacturer’s assertions, will scare away the Prusaks, but will not harm the rest. A small, compact device was installed in the kitchen, where red cockroaches was the most. The first few days there was no effect. We would not know that the Pest Reject works if it were not for the light bulb on the front panel. After a week, it became apparent that cockroaches were disappearing.Now, if we turn on the light at night, we jumped 1-2, but not entire hordes, as it happened. By the end of the summer the house was clean, so going over to the city, they took the device with them so that they could carry out preventive maintenance in the city apartment.

Leonid Semenovich, Mariupol

Cockroaches descended on our neat small-sized car after the neighbors started an overhaul in their apartment. Prusak just crawled over the thresholdbrazenly and massively leaked from the baseboards and through the ventilation grilles. Even the cat was stunned by such arrogance - hiding from the invaders on the closet. We have all allergy sufferers in our family, so we decided not to “chemize”, but to purchase a newfangled and widely advertised tool - the TestReject deterrent. I do not know how anyone, but we had no effect. We decided that the money spent in vain and fell for a banal "divorce." But they didn’t pull the device out of the socket - maybe they forgot it, or maybe, deep down they hoped for a Russian "maybe." Two months passed before we remembered about the device, and at the same time ... about cockroaches! They are not left in our apartment. I don’t know, maybe they didn’t like cleanliness and order, or maybe PestReject worked. But since then we have not seen the insolent, but the device was left in the outlet, you never know ... And it consumes only energy, nothing.

Kostya and Lena, Konotop

I have always been interested in new equipment, so I have many different devices at home that make life easier. When the question arose how to get rid of cockroaches, I did not think for a long time, I decided to buy an ultrasonic repeller. I read the specifications, ordered it on the Internet and in a day already inserted the device into the socket. Week One - the effect of zero. Week two - again, it is not noticeable that something has changed in the apartment. The family made fun of me, nobody believed that PestReject would work. But then my wife noticed that she was sleeping peacefully. mosquitoes disappeared. Yes, and cockroaches diminished. Nobody considered them “over their heads”, but now they didn’t rush to the side, it was worth turning on the lights in the kitchen. I decided to wait again - suddenly the day will come when I will not see a single one.

Maxim Vasilievich, Brovary

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