Cockroach Powders: Types and How to Use Them
- Dusty from cockroaches
- Dust application
- Dusta
Cockroaches - ancient creatures. And almost the same ancient powder from cockroaches - dust. Since dusts are still used, it can be assumed that they do destroy insects. It is necessary to figure out what is so effective tool.
What is dust
A large series of various powder products that are potent insecticides are called Dusts. The strength of the funds is so great that they only pack it in 50 grams.One such package is enough for processing the premises of 10 square meters. m
Today, all powders of cockroaches are called dusts, although this is not entirely true. At the very beginning it was DDT, improved for use at home.
The composition of the drug includes a substance that increases the time of exposure of the powder to the cockroach. This means that for the destruction of insects there is no need to run with the tool every day / week - just pour the powder once, and then wait for the results. External factors do not affect the effectiveness of a substance: it acts equally well in heat and cold, today and in a month. Protect powders and dusts from cockroaches should be only from moisture.
Product selection
Dusts can be different. This may be a large packaging for industrial premises or a small bag for the kitchen. May be extremely toxic or completely safe for humans. Some are odorless, while others smell. How not to get lost in this sea of poison?
It is necessary to pay attention to two factors:
- How infected is the room. If there are many insects, they spread to all the rooms, you should choose the most efficient powder possible. These are drugs based on malathion.
- The amount of furniture and other items that complicate the removal of a substance after the destruction of insects. Here we must proceed from the safety of the family and ease of use. These substances include dust Clean house or Turan. Chinese cockroach powder is no less effective.
Starting the treatment of the apartment, you need to protect yourself: wear a respirator, goggles, gloves. Protective clothing is desirable. Even using a safe product for people, it is necessary to remove children and animals from the house at the time of application, because particles of a substance flying in the air can cause allergies.
How to apply dusts
The method of application is indicated on the packaging of each product. Usually use one of two options of drawing.
- The powder is scattered on the contaminated surface. Particular attention is paid to baseboards, spaces behind kitchen cabinets, fridge, under the sink, under the bathroom. If it is possible to remove the family from the house for a few hours, the product is spread over the floor area. In this case, before returning the children, thoroughly clean the floor, removing residues.
- Dilute the powder with water and the resulting solution is sprayed onto the walls and poured into the slots. Use this method can Turan powder from cockroaches, proven to be effective.
It should be remembered that many dusty lose their effectiveness when wet, so you need to carefully study the instructions before use. If there are a lot of cockroaches in an apartment, you cannot limit yourself to processing the kitchen - you need to cover the whole apartment.
Pay special attention to the places of insects: near the batteries, along the baseboards, in the crevices of the floor - where cockroaches live and hide. If the carpets are on the floor, it is necessary to treat their wrong side. The means produced can be anywhere: China, Moscow, Tmutarakan - the principle of the action of the means is the same.
Precautionary measures:
- Before processing, carefully pack the food, remove small objects, remove animals and children from the house;
- use a brush or sponge to apply the powder;
- leave the treated room, wash hands thoroughly with soap, wash your face, put clothes on, send for washing;
- after 24 hours, ventilate the room, remove the powder from the open areas;
- Wash all exposed surfaces with soap and water.
Advantages and disadvantages
Powder advantages:
- Compactness - a very small amount of powder is required for processing the entire apartment.
- Price - the cost of drugs in this group from 15 rubles per pack.
- Efficiency - guaranteed to kill cockroaches, a large period of time.
- Broad spectrum of action. It destroys not only cockroaches, but also other insects: fleas, bedbugs, flies, etc.
- High penetrating power. Thanks to a consistence easily gets even into hard-to-reach spots.
In the price category, Dustov has only one competitor - Masha, a Chinese pencil for fighting cockroaches.
Powder Disadvantages:
- Inconvenience. The powder "hangs" in the air, causing allergies in some cases.
- Unable to delete completely.
- Deferred expiration date. Insects do not begin to die immediately after application. It takes time for the cockroaches to run over the powder and inhale them.
It should be borne in mind that with a strong infection of an apartment by pests it is better to use several various means from cockroaches. In this manner get rid of insects can be much faster and for a longer period.
To avoid the reappearance of insects, it is necessary to carefully seal all the holes through which cockroaches can get into the apartment from the neighbors. Ensure that leftover food and water are not accessible.