Professional remedies for cockroaches
- Cockroaches in the house
- Cockroaches
- Cockroaches
- Cockroach Gels
- Sprays Combat
- Cockroaches
Professional remedy for cockroaches can be used as the owners of the apartment, infected with cockroaches, and professionals - disinsectors. But by individuals, professional insecticides are used less frequently, as they have some differences from popular products from cockroaches.If there are large populations of cockroaches in the apartment and conventional means cannot cope with them or pests have developed resistance to household insecticides, it is wiser to call the pest control service for destruction of cockroaches with a guarantee.
Features of professional tools from cockroaches
Unlike household insecticides, professional ones require work skills:
- knowledge of the preparation of solutions;
- availability of professional protective equipment;
- use of professional apparatus for spraying and processing large surfaces.
Professional means of cockroaches are often sold in the form of concentrates, which must be bred in accordance with the number of insects and instructions. Often, these insecticides are sold in large containers, are expensive and require the use of special protection tools - suits and respirators. Therefore, it is more profitable to apply to special services than to process the apartment yourself. But if the owners for some reason decided to do without the help of professionals, then they need to know by what criteria to choose insecticides for the apartment.Good tools must meet the following requirements:
- Efficiency - the drug must destroy the entire population of cockroaches and eliminate the risk of the return of insects. Many professional drugs have barrier properties and prolonged action.
- Rapidity - in accordance with this criterion, you can choose the means of quick action, which will instantly destroy not only the imago, but also the laying of eggs. And you can choose drugs of delayed action, with a prolonged effect.
- Security - funds used in residential premises must be non-toxic for warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment;
- Ease of use - a criterion that is not always fulfilled when choosing professional means of dealing with cockroaches. It is easier to place traps or apply gel than to prepare solutions from a concentrate or powder;
- Cost of - an important selection criterion, since professional tools are expensive because of large volumes and it is often cheaper to call pest control.
But if a person does not live in Moscow or another large city in which to call professionals simply and inexpensively, then he will have to choose the most effective and safe means that will quickly and permanently save his house from cockroaches.
Professional liquid means of extermination of insects
Liquid insecticides are considered to be the most effective, because when they are used, the cultivated area is larger, they penetrate the most inaccessible places - in the cracks and behind the plinth, it is there that most often the Prusaks are hiding. Depending on the nature of the active substance, liquid insecticides vary in duration.
The active substances of liquid insecticides are the peritroid pesticides or FOS. Professional chemistry from cockroaches contains:
- FOS or organophosphorus compoundswhich have a high degree of activity and a wide spectrum of action, have a neuroparalytic effect on cockroaches. Characterized by speed of action, but more toxic for warm-blooded animals and require careful use:
- chlorpyrifos;
- Malathion;
- fenthion;
- Peritroids - synthetic analogs of feverfew cyanuriline, which are distinguished by safety, but have some drawbacks - they quickly decompose under the action of light and require direct contact with insects:
- deltamethrin;
- fenvalerate;
- lambdacygalotrin;
- zeta-cypermethrin;
- cypermethrin.
Modern insecticides - These are drugs of 2-3 generations, which have already been modified taking into account all the shortcomings and are now being produced in a form that guarantees efficiency and long-lasting action. Those active substances that quickly decompose under the action of microclimate factors are produced in the form of microcapsules, which allows prolonging the effect of the drug. When choosing a professional insect repellent, you must take into account the composition and know the mechanism of action.
The best liquid insecticides include:
- Cucaracha - the tool is used by professional disinsectors, but it is easy to dilute it in accordance with the attached instruction from the concentrate. The composition includes 20% cypermethrin and 10% malathion. Requires the use of protective equipment, as it refers to the 2 class of toxicity. Instantly destroys pests. After treatment, the room needs to be ventilated.
- Get - available in bottles of 100 ml, the active substance of contact and intestinal action. Microcapsules allow you to prolong the effect of the drug. After the solvent dries, microcapsules remain on the surface, which the insects on the paws and the surface of the body carry to the nests.Does not require airing, as it has no pronounced odor. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment when processing at home.
- Delta Zone - concentrated microencapsulated drug based on deltamethrin, an insecticide of contact and intestinal action. The drug is safe for warm-blooded animals and humans, has no odor, has a fast and prolonged effects, leaves no traces and prevents the penetration of insects into the apartment.
- Lambda zone - similar to the method of action on the previous drug. It is safe not only for humans and pets, but also for indoor plants. You can handle the room where the child lives. The drug, according to the manufacturer, contains the active substance in the nanotubes enclosed in microcapsules. Does not cause habituation and the emergence of resistant generations of cockroaches and other insects. Easy to prepare from concentrate, requires compliance with safety measures and personal protective equipment.
- Xsulat 25 - a professional tool, similar to Empire 20, but with a higher concentration of the active substance (chlorpyrifos). Available in the form of a concentrated suspension with microcapsules.The tool is recently supplied to the Russian market and may not be available. Order the means of cockroaches can be in SES or disinsection services. The tool is distinguished by a high degree of toxicity for insects and complete safety for warm-blooded animals. It can be used for processing children's homes, catering units, storerooms, food warehouses.
Many people prefer liquid disinfestations, they are now on the market, and they are very effective and safe with proper preparation and use.
The drug Delta Zone could not be purchased in their city. I had to order via the Internet and wait for the parcel. Fortunately, it was not for long. We diluted strictly according to the instructions and used everywhere — we did not leave a single dry part of the surface. I was pleased that there were no stains and stains on the furniture, there was no smell and the cockroaches began to breathe simply in bundles. Vymetali day three. Then a lull - a month did not see a single Prusak. But then a new misfortune — the neighbors began to poison their cockroaches with some sort of smelly drug, and they rushed into our apartment. Pleased that the Delta Zone worked and this time - cockroaches are dead, but less. We'll have to handle more to clean the apartment from alien pests.
Maxim, Rostov-on-Don.
Cockroach Gels
Gel is a potent contact and intestinal insect repellent. Many professional preparations from cockroaches in the form of a gel have a pleasant taste and attractive smell for insects. Among the most effective gels from synanthropic insects called:
- Trap Gel-paste Sturm - contains two types of active substance, which increases the effectiveness of the drug. Insects die within 2-3 days. The effectiveness of the gel is maintained for 1-2 months. Apply drip in places of accumulation and movement of cockroaches.
- Gel Fas - similar to the previous drug of enteric-contact action. The composition includes diazinon and cypermethrin, which increases the efficiency, since it eliminates the development of resistance to two types of toxic substances at once. The drug belongs to the class IV toxicity. The gel can be used in the processing of household electrical appliances. Leaves no marks.
- Gel Global - expensive, but highly effective drug. The structure includes two insecticides against insects - diflubenzuron and deltamethrin. A tube with a comfortable nose allows you to apply the gel, even in hard accessible places.According to reviews, one drop of gel is enough to kill 500 cockroaches.
A common disadvantage of all insecticides against insects produced in the form of a gel is their delayed action. The first dead cockroaches appear after 2-3 days, and the mass death of insects is observed only after 1-2 weeks. But there is no need to leave the room for the period of treatment, insect repellents are composed of bitterness, which precludes the animal from eating the drug.
I love the drug Globol. I like the fact that it is made in the form of a gel, it can be applied in inconspicuous places, and it will remain its qualities for a long time. I use it even in cabinets in the kitchen - I put it on pieces of paper and stick it on the top wall. How many times she used - never failed. Cockroaches disappear for a long time, returning if the neighbors begin repairs or dressing their apartment. But the convenience is that the tuba can be screwed tight and it waits unchanged for the next “coming”. I used a gel that I kept for two years and did not notice that it began to act worse - cockroaches died as successfully as two years ago. Now I use it in preventive measures.I will only hear that the neighbors are knocking and dragging furniture - I put the gel under the threshold and near the shower seats.
Catherine, Samara
Insecticides in the form of an aerosol
The effectiveness of drugs from cockroaches in the form of an aerosol is comparable to liquid concentrated insecticides. They are also often used disinsectors. Convenience is that poison no need to dilute - it is ready and easily sprayed as an aerosol over a large area of different surfaces.
The most effective insecticides for synanthropic insects are aerosols:
- Raptor, which destroys not only crawling, but flying insects.
- Combat has a pleasant lemon scent, refreshes the air and kills cockroaches. Available in several versions - Multi Spray and Super Spray. The composition of the aerosol two active ingredients imiprotrin and cyphenothrin, which instantly and totally destroy insects. The flexible nozzle ensures the penetration of the drug into hard-to-reach places and avoids smudges on the wallpaper and polished surfaces.
For many years we have been using Raptor. Very convenient, especially when there are not so many cockroaches, but it destroys flies, ants and other living creatures.I try to use as soon as I see red mustache under the baseboard, so I do not have hordes of cockroaches snooping around the apartment. Very effective and reasonable price.
Oksana, Naberezhnye Chelny
Powders from synanthropic insects
Insecticides in powder form are in demand because of their ease of use and safety, as some are based on natural raw materials:
- Peretrum Powder produce from dried and crushed plant materials - chamomile Dalmatian, Persian, Caucasian. Safe for people and animals. In Moscow, you can buy on the official website, it is impossible to find in stores, but it is possible to prepare from raw materials that are sold in pharmacies. It acts on all types of crawling synanthropic insects, not addictive.
- Medilis Tsiper - the drug was created to combat pests of the garden and vegetable garden, it contains cypermethrin insecticide.
- Borax - mixed with flour or powdered sugar and scattered in the habitats of cockroaches.
- Boric acid - effective if insects do not have access to water.
In addition to the advantages - safety and efficiency, powders have their drawbacks.Under the influence of light, they lose their properties after 1-2 days, but in order to ensure complete destruction of insects, it is necessary to exclude their access to water sources and regularly change the powder.
The old-fashioned baiting of cockroaches with balls of yolk eggs, sugar and boric acid. I believe that the tool is time tested and environmentally friendly. It may not be as effective as chemistry, but it also works. I lay out in those places where they have "hunting grounds" and "torny roads." If there is not a large amount, it helps perfectly.
Lidia Filippovna, Minsk.
In compliance with the instructions and safety rules, all professional means of cockroaches are effective and everyone can find the drug in the form that best meets their needs and finances.