Cockroach Raptor: Gel, Trap, Spray

No one will be pleased to find in his apartment cockroaches. Modern industry offers a large number insecticidal drugsdesigned to effectively deal with crawling dangerous insects. Cockroach Repellent Raptor is one of the recognized leaders among other means.Brand products are distinguished by high efficiency, quality and safety for others. Products appeared on the market in 1996, thanks to the joint development of Italian and Japanese chemists. Raptor brand is represented by a variety of products. Effective insecticides are available in the following forms:

  • aerosols;
  • gels;
  • traps;
  • fumigators with plates;
  • aqua-fumigators - the latest high-tech development.

All of them are created with the sole purpose - to save and protect humanity from pests. The line of means Raptor from cockroaches, reviews of which are posted on the site, confirm the high popularity of drugs among consumers. They note the high quality and safety of modern insecticidal drugs. Which modification of branded products to choose depends on the degree of contamination of the premises and the preferences of customers.

High-tech traps Raptor

Pitfalls Raptor
Pitfalls Raptor

Absolutely safe for pets and humans is the Raptor trap from cockroaches. Design traps completely excludes contact of people around with a poisonous bait. Products are small plastic boxes, provided with slots, thanks to which cockroaches have free access to the poisonous substance.Inside the device is an attractive filling, which includes:

  • fat base - 0.1% glycerin;
  • bait;
  • water;
  • insecticide chlorpyrifos or lambda cyhalothrin.

Cockroach poisoning occurs through the contact - intestinal route. A small concentration of poison allows the insect to reach its relatives and infect them, brought on the body and paws with a dangerous bait. The death of the poisoned Prusak occurs within half an hour. An infected insect is destroyed by relatives, they get their portion of the poison and the principle of a chain reaction begins to work, leading to the destruction of a large number of cockroaches.


The trap for cockroaches Raptor will, if used properly, destroy a small population within 2-3 weeks. The manufacturer recommends the use of three improvised cabins for 10 m².

The effectiveness of products is maintained for six months, but they need to be changed regularly, as cockroaches can eat all the bait.

User feedback points to a number of advantages enjoyed by Raptor traps:

  • ease of use;
  • safety for others;
  • long lasting effect;
  • no odors and traces of the bait.

It is necessary to place devices in places of the greatest congestion or possible penetration of insects into the house. Comfortable Velcro located on the back of the house, will allow you to attach it on any surface.

Reliable remedy - gel Raptor

Gel Raptor
Gel Raptor

Gel Raptor from cockroaches is a good alternative to aerosol preparations and one of the most popular gels. He perfectly copes with the task pest control, due to the presence in its composition of highly effective insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin. Possessing an enteric-contact action, the poison destroys the central nervous system of the cockroach and causes paralysis. A small concentration of a poisonous substance slows down its effect on the organism of a Prusak. This allows the pest to reach its lair and bring the inhabitants poison. As a result, the entire population dies.

The structure, in addition to the insecticide, includes food attractants, fatty base, preservatives. Reviews of a means of cockroaches differ in the unanimous opinion of consumers. All of them indicate high efficacy and safety of the drug, despite the relatively slow result.

Universal gel Raptor from cockroaches and ants different ease of use. The tool is packaged in small tubes with a long and narrow spout, allowing processing of all inaccessible places. The substance is applied with a dotted line 2 cm long with small gaps. For greater convenience, the gel from cockroaches can be placed on small strips of paper and these baits can be spread out in places inaccessible to children and animals.


The undoubted advantage of the Raptor is its ability to stay on vertical surfaces. This allows for a complete treatment of the premises of an apartment or house, including the rear walls of furniture, walls and inclined surfaces of various pipes.

Customer reviews point to another advantage of the Raptor gel product. It lies in the fact that due to the long-lasting effect of the drug, the population that lives in secluded places where high-speed aerosol insecticides cannot penetrate is destroyed.

The low toxicity of the gel from cockroaches does not exclude the use of elementary means of protection and strict compliance with the requirements of the instructions when working with the tool. Keep the drug should be away from food.

Instant insect extermination - Raptor aerosol

Aerosol Raptor
Aerosol Raptor

Judging by the numerous reviews of consumers, aerosol Raptor from cockroaches is the most commonly used tool. This is due to the qualitative side of the method struggle, which is characterized by high performance of the drug and ease of use. Insecticide is used to kill various types of crawling and flying insects. It includes three of the most powerful insecticides - cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide. This combination of poisonous components does not leave the cockroaches any chance of survival.

The first two means, getting into the body of the insect through the outer integument, the digestive system, respiratory organs, have a neuroparalytic effect, disrupting the work of all organs, paralysis and the subsequent death of the parasite. Piperonyl butoxide enhances the damaging ability of the drug against cockroaches.

Spray Raptor, according to the manufacturer and confirmed in their reviews by consumers, has such indisputable advantages:

  • speed, due to the high concentration of toxic agents;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • profitability;
  • affordable price.

However, due to the rapid evaporation of the aerosol from the surfaces, repeated processing of the room is not excluded. This fact is also indicated by consumers in their reviews.


Working with aerosol Raptor requires the use of personal protective equipment - masks, gloves and special clothing. All unauthorized persons should be removed from the premises, including pets. Processing is carried out with the windows and doors closed.

Shake well before use. The product is not sprayed into the air, but is directed onto the surface. Plinths, spaces under sinks, area of ​​sewer pipes, hard-to-reach places behind furniture are subject to careful processing.

One cylinder of the drug is enough for disinsection of approximately 50 square meters. m. space area. Users in their reviews indicate that in hot weather, the consumption of funds increases due to the rapid evaporation of the substance. After processing, approximately in half an hour, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment and start wet cleaning using soapy water.

All means of the Raptor line are distinguished by high quality characteristics, as evidenced by the opinions of people. The choice of the form of the drug depends on the personal preferences of consumers.


In our apartment there are no cockroaches, but we had to use traps for prevention. Neighbors complained that they had insects. I bought and pasted Raptor houses. While all is calm.

Anna, Kolomna

They rented an apartment in an old house. At first everything was fine, but after a while cockroaches appeared in the kitchen. I decided to try the folk methods, but the result was deplorable. The store advised to take the gel and Raptor traps. At first she doubted, but then she read the reviews and purchased the whole kit. I cleaned the apartment with a means and pasted traps. At first, no visible effect was observed, but after three days, dead insects began to appear. Gradually, the cockroaches left my apartment, so the Raptor did not disappoint. But I continue to periodically process all the gel and set traps for prevention.

Olga, Saratov

The catchers Raptor was advised to use a friend who has cockroaches in the dormitory. He placed them all over the kitchen, but he added “struggle” with gel and spray of the same brand. I think it was the set of measures that helped to defeat these insects.

Igor, Voronezh

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