Means Regent 800 from cockroaches

It's hard to find someone who is not familiar with cockroaches. Redhead mustache pest - the scourge of many high rises and private houses. Insects come into contact with dirty garbage and fresh food, spreading various infections. Insecticidal preparations are most effective in pest control. One such effective means is the Regent for cockroaches, instructions for use are described below.

The Regent 800 was originally created to protect the potato crop from the Colorado beetles. Who decided to try it on cockroaches is unknown. However, it turned out that Regent from cockroaches reviews confirm this, a truly unique tool that reliably protects apartments from "uninvited guests."


Regent 800 from cockroaches
Regent 800 from cockroaches

Regent acts as the active substance of the cockroach agent fipronil, a highly effective insecticide that acts immaculately on baleen pests (800 g of it are contained in 1 kg of the preparation). Permethrin and chlorophos are auxiliary components. The tool is one of the most poisonous compounds that are used to combat insects. The drug is available in the following forms:

  • powdered product is packaged in plastic bags;
  • in concentrated form, the drug is poured into ampoules.

Regent 800 from cockroaches has gained great popularity among consumers, as it has a lot of advantages:

  1. The high degree of efficiency allows the use of the tool even with very severe contamination of the room with the Prussians.
  2. The product has no odor, which is one of the important advantages.After all, many insecticides with a specific aroma, are forced to leave the room not only cockroaches, but also households. Sometimes the smell of poison brings discomfort even to neighbors, penetrating through the vents.
  3. No marks on the surface of furniture and walls when using the drug. Wet cleaning is necessary after treatment with any insecticide. However, it is much more pleasant to confine yourself to detergent and a rag than to change the wallpaper spoiled by chemicals.
  4. Profitability - to process an apartment of medium size, it is enough to purchase a bag of powder or 1 ampoule of concentrate.
  5. It is rather simple to poison cockroaches with the Regent - you just need to prepare a solution and use a spray gun to spray the room with the tool.
  6. Affordable cost of the drug.

The disadvantages of funds can only be attributed to the absence of an instant effect. But the residual effect of the drug allows you to get rid of even the newly hatched larvae.

Regent can be purchased at almost any hardware store in Moscow or ordered online.

Operating principle

Regent 800 from cockroaches-1
Regent 800 from cockroaches

There are two ways in which the Regent poison from cockroaches affects insects:

  • Through the digestive system. The poisonous components in the pest's organism act on the esophagus and nervous system, which leads to paralysis and failure of the internal organs. Within an hour, the death of the insect occurs.
  • When the drug comes into contact with chitinous shell, the poison also enters the body of the insect, and the active substance remaining on the paws and head antennae is the source of infection of other individuals.

Rules of application

Those who purchased Regent for the first time will be slightly puzzled by the principle of using the product, since the instructions indicate the method of preparing the powder for the control of farmland pests. Information on how to use a means of cockroaches, is missing. Therefore, it should be checked with experts or use the services of the Internet.

For the destruction of the Colorado potato beetle 1 vial diluted in a bucket of water. However, given the fact that cockroaches are more enduring insects, the solution should be more concentrated (dilute 1 ampoule of poison in 0.2-0.25 l of water). In case of weak contamination of the premises, the Regent should be bred in the same way as the Bullet of Cockroaches, the instructions for the insecticide are attached (1 liter of water per 1 liter of water).

On a note!

Regent is a poisonous drug, it is dangerous not only for insects, but also for humans. Therefore, the process of preparing and spraying the solution must be taken seriously.

Personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment

Conducting drug treatment Regent, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The person processing the room must have a protective kit, which includes glasses, gloves, a respirator and the most closed clothing.
  2. From the room that is subject to treatment, it is necessary to remove children and pets. It is also not recommended to leave it indoor plants.
  3. Bed linen, personal hygiene items, children's clothing and toys are cleaned in wardrobes or packed in plastic bags. Similarly, come with food.
  4. The treatment of the room should be started from the places of especially large accumulation of insects. Usually they are plinths, niches under sinks or sinks, as well as the back of the furniture.
  5. After 1-1.5 hours, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.
  6. All surfaces are treated with saline, it will help to neutralize the chemicals deposited on them.
  7. Regent from cockroaches can be used as a prophylactic measure (1 package is diluted in 1.5-2 liters of water).

To obtain the maximum effect when using Regent from cockroaches, it is necessary to clean up the apartment, fix plumbing and sewage problems, close ventilation holes with a mosquito net and plaster the slots. These simple tips will help prevent insects from entering your apartment.


Regent used at the cottage, processing them potatoes. I was very surprised when I learned that the drug helps from cockroaches. Decided to try. And he was amazed at the result after the first treatment, and after 2 weeks there was not a single black willow in the apartment. A powerful tool, I recommend to everyone.

Sergey, Taganrog

With such a problem, cockroaches had to face when they moved to a new apartment. Apparently the previous owners did not pay much attention to them, as the Prussians could walk even during the daytime. Used a variety of meanshowever neither crayons nor trapsnor even effective gels they couldn’t completely eradicate pests - over time, cockroaches appeared again.This continued until the mother-in-law told her friend on the dacha about the invasion of domestic pests. She advised to use the drug Regent for cockroaches. And, about a miracle, the tool turned out to be really effective - for more than 2 months we have not seen parasites in our apartment.

Irina, Kislovodsk

Cockroaches just tortured, than just not trying to poison them. When once again came to the store, the seller advised me to take Regent. I will not hide, some doubts were still present when I learned that a remedy for the Colorado potato beetle. But still decided to buy. A week later, I did not meet a single cockroach at night in the kitchen. Very grateful to the woman who suggested the tool, and the manufacturer, of course. Regent is an excellent drug.

Oksana, Moscow

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