Cockroach Syringe

An extensive set of tools for all sorts of pests allows you to conduct an active and productive fight against insects living in houses and apartments. Special attention should be paid to the syringe from cockroaches. In convenient packages, there is a gel-like substance containing a potent poisonous component capable of destroying a large number of Prusacks.Judging by the positive reviews, this type of insecticidal agents has gained particular popularity among consumers.

High efficiency, efficiency, reasonable price, ease of use and safety for all inhabitants of the dwelling, including animals - the main advantages of the drug. You can purchase the product in the Moscow retail network and other locations. In order to avoid buying counterfeit products, it is recommended to contact authorized dealers or order insecticides from manufacturers via the Internet.

The mechanism of action of gels from cockroaches

Gel application
Gel application

Inside the plastic packaging, made in the form of a syringe, contains a special gel that serves as bait and poison for cockroaches. It consists of a fatty base, attractants, flavors and insecticidal substances. Quite often, special bitterness is added to the gels to prevent the drug from eating by pets and young children.

The base prevents the drying of the product and keeps it working for several months. It also provides a point application of the drug.Poisons included in the composition of the gels are distinguished by their chemical and biological properties. Intestinal insecticides kill cockroaches when released into the digestive tract, and contact affect through the outer integument.


The content of the poisoning agent in the bait is approximately 2% of the total mass of the preparation. This is necessary so that an infected insect can reach its habitat and infect its congeners.

The mechanism of action is quite simple: a cockroach eats the gel or carries particles on its paws. The poisonous insect dies, it is eaten by the inhabitants of the colony, receiving a certain portion of poison. Thus, the effect of a chain reaction begins to act.

Comparing this agent with other insecticidal preparations used to kill Prusacs, the following advantages of gels from cockroaches in syringes can be noted:

  1. Unlike aerosols, the tool is not sprayed through the air, does not cause harm to others. It does not get on undesirable surfaces, does not emit harmful vapors and smells. Therefore, the drug is safe.
  2. The poisonous substance in the syringe, as well as the bait, is distinguished by its efficiency. Insects eat the necessary amount of poison. However, baits are less versatile, they can not be installed in all the required places. The syringe allows you to apply the gel anywhere, providing a more intimate contact with the cockroaches.
  3. Compared with powder means, easily carried around the apartment, the drug eliminates the risk of poisoning of home inhabitants.
  4. Liquid means loses compared to gels in profitability and convenience of processing the room.

All of these aspects indicate the priority of gels compared with other drugs.

Rules for the treatment of premises with cockroach medication in the syringe

Use of cockroach gels
Use of cockroach gels

Before you start using the means of cockroaches, you must learn the rules for working with these drugs. Instructions for use of the gel is attached to each package. It clearly spelled out the basic recommendations of the manufacturer, which can be carried out effectively and safely using an insecticide. Acquired means should not be expired.

In accordance with the instructions, the poisonous substance contained in the syringe must be applied in thin lines or a dotted every 2 cm across the baseboards, pipes, and all cracks and crevices must be treated. If the degree of contamination of the room is small, then the distance between the strips can be increased to 5 cm. If desired, the gel from cockroaches can be applied on small pieces of paper and spread out in places of the greatest accumulation of insects. It is advisable to pay attention to the nooks under the furniture, behind the refrigerator, because there Prusak can hide.

The effect of the use of gel insecticide can be seen in about six hours, according to the changed behavior of the parasites. They become lethargic, slowly moving.


Mass death of cockroaches will begin in about 3 days. The applied gel works for several weeks, so it will destroy the pest larvae.

The gel in the syringe from cockroaches is able to quickly cope with dangerous insects. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to take additional measures that will not leave the parasites a chance of survival:

  • to deprive them of access to water, eliminating leakage in pipes and removing other sources of moisture;
  • regularly treat the room with gel as the product is eaten or dried;
  • exclude the access of cockroaches to any food;
  • repeat the treatment of the premises every week to ensure the destruction of the entire population.

All these activities will allow get rid of cockroaches. It should be remembered that when using a syringe with a gel, it is necessary to observe elementary security measures.

Types of poison gels in syringes

Cockroach Gels
Cockroach Gels

In the arsenal of the modern market of insecticidal preparations there is a large number of effective gels in syringes designed for the safe and rapid destruction of cockroaches. The most popular such branded goods:

  1. Cockroach syringe Rubit Zindan. The capacity of white-red packaging is 30 ml. Means differs in high efficiency. Possesses a sweet smell, contains 25% of natural chocolate.
  2. Absolute gel contains a strong poison - chlorpyrifos, paralyzing an insect. The tool copes with the larvae of the cockroach. One syringe, with a volume of 125 ml, is enough for processing 45 square meters. mroom space.
  3. Combat supergel attracts prusakov goose liver extract. The preparation includes two insecticides - fipronil and hydramethylnon, which reduces insect resistance to the components of the substance. Poisons act through the intestines and in contact with the skin.
  4. Gel Dohlox. One syringe is enough to handle 30 square meters. m. square. The safe means is allowed for use in children's and medical institutions, and also the enterprises of a public catering. The active ingredient is fipronil.
  5. Syringe gel Clean house. Universal remedy for cockroaches and ants.
  6. Trap Sturm-gel-paste. Contains two insecticides - diazinon and cypermethrin, differing in different chemical nature. The residual effect lasts for two months. Judging by the customer reviews, the tool does an excellent job with its task.

Gels from cockroaches-1
Cockroach Gels

In addition to the considered insecticides, a large number of other drugs are on the market, such as:

Some apartment owners prefer to use effective folk remedies among which is especially demanded boric acid.

The choice of a particular tool depends on the preferences of customers.


Long fought with cockroaches in the apartment. Nothing helped. A consultant in a specialized store advised to pay attention to the gels in the syringes. Not really believing in the result, I still got the tool, and I also took traps. To my great surprise, the insects began to disappear. After a week and a half in the apartment there was not a single cockroach. Thanks to manufacturers for high quality products.

Irina, Novosibirsk

Last summer I found cockroaches in my apartment. Without hesitation, I bought Dohlox gel. The result is stunning - the “guests” did not disappear in two weeks and still everything is calm. For prophylaxis, sometimes I apply the product on paper strips. Recommend.

Evgenia, Samara

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