Cockroach Remedies Kombat Review and Reviews

Combat preparations from cockroaches reliably and effectively protect humans and animals living in an apartment from unpleasant and dangerous insects. Products of this brand are manufactured by HenkelHomeCareKoreaLtd. The chemical insecticidal components included in the composition make it possible to use a line of preparations to combat cockroaches with any degree of infection of the apartment or other premises.

The modern market is saturated with a large number of different products intended for pest control. But the domestic buyer gives preference to Combat drugs from cockroaches, reviews of which are evidence that Henkel products help to win in an unequal fight against parasites. Producers were able to successfully combine categories such as price and quality, which also raises the rating of the Kombat brand. Unlike competitors, various modifications of this series of drugs are on the market, but traps are the most popular among consumers.

Combat funds
Combat funds

The composition of drugs series Combat

All means of Combat against cockroaches are safe for humans and pets. This is achieved through the use of modern high-quality poisonous components that can destroy the parasites without harming the inhabitants of apartments, houses or other premises.

In aerosols, the active poisonous components are insecticides of the pyrethroid group, such as imiprotrin and cyphenothrin, which are characterized by a rapid effect. They act on the contact-intestinal level.Rapid absorption of toxic substances leads to paralysis and death of insects.

In the Kombat traps and gels, the insecticide hydramethylnon is used. It allows you to provide the principle of a chain reaction, which allows cockroaches to catch themselves and spread poison in habitats of congeners.

Forms of issue funds Kombat

An extensive range of Combat products is represented by such forms as aerosols, traps and gels. The choice of a drug should be based on the degree of contamination of the premises, its area and other factors. Any means of combat cockroaches available to consumers. It is possible to purchase a preferred type of product in Moscow and other localities of Russia at a reasonable price in specialized and ordinary stores, as well as in the market.

Aerosol drugs Combat

Sprays Combat
Sprays Combat

Use to fight cockroaches Kombat spray aerosol is better when insects only appeared in the room and did not have time to multiply. The effect will be very fast, as the poisoning will occur on the day of treatment. Gradually, the effect of the insecticide will weaken under the action of light and ambient temperature.The preparation, which is on the surfaces, will retain its properties for 2-3 days.

Kombat spray from cockroaches is available in several forms, different spectrum of action:

  • Combat Multispray - a universal remedy used to kill various types of crawling and flying insects. The volume of the spray can is 400 ml.
  • Combat Superspray and its modification Superspray Plus - are distinguished by an increased concentration of insecticides safe for humans that can instantly kill cockroaches. In the vial is 500 ml of the active drug.

The mechanism of using these tools is very simple. It is enough to spray Kombat aerosol in the places of the most probable placement of cockroaches, and also to process the baseboards, the back walls of furniture and other secluded corners of the apartment. For ease of use, the cylinders are equipped with a flexible nozzle that allows you to get to the most remote slots, leaving no traces on the wallpaper and technology. The products are effective against adult insects, but do not affect the deposited eggs. According to the manufacturer, the Combat aerosol agent has a disinfectant effect, since cockroaches are capable of spread all sorts of infections. Do not forget that the processing of all rooms should be carried out without the presence of people and pets. In accordance with the instructions, all work is carried out in personal protective equipment.


I found a cockroach in the apartment and decided to cut it off once and for all. I bought Combat Superspray and processed the apartment. Two weeks have already passed, but there are no “guests”. Good remedy.

Irina, Novosibirsk

Cockroach Gel

Combat Gel
Combat Gel

Kombat gel from cockroaches is one of the most practical and easy-to-use tools. It is packaged in plastic syringes equipped with a fine tip. Due to this, it is possible to handle any hard-to-reach places. The volume of a standard tube of gel is 30 mg. The preparation includes such components:

  • pyrethroid insecticides;
  • preservatives stabilizers;
  • food bait;
  • gel fat base.

This composition allows the tool to retain its properties for a long time after application to the baseboards, sewage and heating pipes, in the area under the sink and other places where they love hiding prows The action of the gel lasts for three months, and its insecticide hydramethylnon does not cause addiction in insects. Gel kombat from cockroaches is absolutely safe does not harm the health of others. However, it should be used with extreme caution in a house that has small children and animals. They may try to try the droplets.


In our student dormitory cockroaches darkness. That only they did not do, nothing helped. Neighbors from another block advised to buy Kombat gel. We decided to carry out complex processing with the guys. Gel smeared all the cracks and baseboards. And to our great joy the cockroaches disappeared in about a week. For the past year, they have not appeared.

Ekaterina, Omsk

Trap Combat

Kombat traps
Kombat traps

Kombat trap from cockroaches is a small plastic box with holes that allow the insect to get into the middle of an improvised house. From the back of the container there is a glue base that allows you to attach the device in any convenient place. The package has 4 traps, which is enough for a large house or apartment.The main active ingredient is the last generation insecticide - hydramethylnon, which has a long-term effect. The concentration of active substances in the trap is low. This is designed to ensure that the cockroach did not die immediately, but spread the poison on its paws and the body into the habitats of their relatives. After some time, a chain reaction begins, which ultimately leads to the death of a large number of insects. The longer the trapped cockroach is, the sooner the entire tribe will be destroyed. The result of the traps can be seen after a few days, by the presence of dead individuals.

Compared with other means of Combat, traps have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Convenience and safety in use, due to the fact that the poison bait is inside the house and children and pets will not get to it.
  2. The ability to get rid of the entire generation of cockroaches without re-treatment, since even the larvae will immediately begin to become infected and will not be able to give birth to new insects.
  3. Allow the use of traps for the prevention of re-infection of the premises.
  4. Aesthetic and pleasant appearance.

In order to get rid of annoying parasites once and for all, you can use the entire line of drugs known brand. Any remedy for Kombat cockroaches, the instructions for which are attached, will allow you to return the joy of a peaceful life without pests to any home.

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