Means Geth from cockroaches

Among the huge number of insecticides from domestic pests, Get from cockroaches, reviews of which have been carefully analyzed, occupies one of the leading positions. Based on these reviews from real consumers, this tool was chosen to be considered as effective, safe for humans and pets, affordable and easy to use.

The composition and characteristics of the active substance

The main active ingredient of the drug Get - synthetic insecticide, acaricide and pesticide chlorpyrifos. Substance belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds. By way of penetration - an insecticide of intestinal and contact action, destroying a wide range of synanthropic insects, gnawing and sucking pests of agricultural crops, gardens and vegetable gardens.

Get from cockroaches
Get from cockroaches

Get into the body cockroaches, phosphorylates acetylcholinesterase protein, which is an important component of the transmission of nerve impulses. Accumulating in the inter-synaptic cleft of axons and neurons, chlorpyrifos blocks the passage of a nerve impulse, causing a tremor (convulsive muscle twitching), turning into paralysis.

Compared with other organophosphate insecticides, chlorpyrifos is more resistant to environmental factors, and therefore works as an intestinal poison. According to research data, Get remains active 40-70 days.

For household, sanitary and medical pest control Get cockroaches remedy is used to destroy red (prusakov), black, of american and other types of cockroaches.Because of its high efficacy and safety, the drug is recommended for the treatment of residential premises, children's and medical institutions, and catering facilities.


Do not confuse the drug Get (Geth) and the means of the Gett cockroaches. Despite the consonance of the names, composition and method of use, insecticides have some differences. Now Gett is out of production.

Get insecticide has barrier properties. If they process possible ways of penetration of cockroaches in the apartment - ventilation grilles, a corridor near the door, then the cockroach will avoid this zone. High activity and resistance to external factors of the insecticide Get due to the release form.

Get drug release form

Get drug types
Get drug types

Means Geth from cockroaches is available in two forms:

  • Gettotal from cockroaches - in the form of liquid concentrate, which must be diluted to the desired concentration;
  • Getdray - solid means for applying on surfaces with high absorbency (wood, concrete, carpets).

The concentrate is a white or light cream liquid with a faint smell of lemon or alcohol. The liquid consists of microencapsulated chlorpyrifos.The insecticide capsules are dispersed in water and protected from dissolution by the stabilizer.

The advantage of Get over other insecticides used in the apartment is that even abundant irrigation of the surfaces leaves no traces, there is no preparation smell in the room. The technology of encapsulation of insecticides allows to prolong the action of the agent. After the liquid fraction dries, microgranules with chlorpyrifos remain invisible on the surface. Running over the treated surfaces, the cockroach catches them on the paws and the surface of the body, transferring the poison to the nest. There, upon contact with an "infected" cockroach, the drug penetrates into other insects. Microcapsules are stable for a long time, which increases the effectiveness of the drug.

The plastic bottle contains 100 ml of concentrate. It is necessary to breed insecticide in accordance with the attached instructions.

Rules of preparation of the solution

Get Solution Preparation
Get Solution Preparation

Gets from cockroaches instructions for use, which contains a table of breeding, depending on the type of insect, diluted with plain water. To destroy cockroaches, the concentration of the active substance must be at least 0.5%.For this, in 1 liter of water it is necessary to dilute 100 ml (1 bottle) of Get. Shake the bottle before diluting it. This concentration of chlorpyrifos is toxic to cockroaches, but safe for humans. One bottle of concentrate is enough for processing from cockroaches 100 m2 room space.


In a study conducted in rodents, it was found that a single injection of a chemical is safe, its metabolites are excreted in feces and urine. When chlorpyrifos is added to cows' feed, for 4 days, metabolites are found in milk. In case of contact with skin, it is actively absorbed. For a person, the permissible daily dose of a substance is 0.003 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Microcapsules reduce the likelihood of a substance entering the human body, but to avoid accidental overdose, it is necessary to use individual means of protection during the processing of the room. The concentrate bottle must be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

Insecticide use in a residential area

Pour the preparation solution in a spray bottle and spray the product onto hard surfaces. To conduct a total treatment of the apartment is not worth it.To save money, it is enough to apply it in places of supposed accumulation of insects, in places of penetration and in rooms with a source of water (bathroom, kitchen). It is better to handle places that can not be cleaned for some time (behind the refrigerator and gas stove, under the sink and the bathroom), since wet cleaning will reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Get from cockroaches-2
Get from cockroaches

To avoid contact of the child with Gett, it is necessary to dry the product (for very young children it’s 8-10 hours, for older children it’s enough 5-7 hours) to remove the baby from home. After complete drying of the liquid, it is necessary to rinse all the places affected by the baby’s handles (handrails and the back of the crib, cabinets handles) with a soap and soda solution. Get drug is not intended for processing children's clothes and toys, therefore, subject to the instructions and rules for handling apartments, the drug is safe for the child.

When using an insecticide, the airing of the apartment is not required, since the product is odorless, does not evaporate and, subject to the safety rules of use, does not get into the air and the human respiratory tract.

If the instruction is broken and no protective equipment is used in the homethen drug poisoning is possible.

Signs of poisoning and first aid

Severe poisoning is accompanied by:

  • abdominal pain;
  • violation of visual acuity;
  • cramps.

A small amount of the substance can cause insomnia, a feeling of heaviness in the head, weak muscles.

At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to provide a person with primary care:

  • if get into eyes, then rinse them with water and drip atropine;
  • when the product is in contact with the skin, it should be removed with a swab soaked in alcohol and the place should be washed with a soap solution
  • to help with the ingestion of an insecticide, can abundant intake of warm water or several glasses of 2% soda solution. Then you need to induce vomiting.

In case of severe poisoning, medical assistance is required. Atropine, which removes the effect of chlorpyrifos, is injected subcutaneously to the patient.


To avoid counterfeit, you need to purchase the drug at licensed points of sale or buy a tool on the manufacturer's website. You can distinguish a fake by some signs - the presence of a membrane of foil under the lid of the bottle, on which the Get company logo is printed and the date of preparation preparation slightly pressed into the label.

The cost of funds varies depending on the region, outlet or method of delivery. So, in Moscow, the price of one Get bottle is 700 rubles. On the Internet you can buy it at the price of 840.0 rubles. per bottle Get total and 470.0 rubles. per pack get dray.

The effectiveness of the tool is reflected in consumer feedback.

Get from cockroaches-1
Get from cockroaches


Tired of fighting cockroach invasions from their dysfunctional neighbors. A friend advised the drug Gett, but I could not find it. A consultant at the store said that they no longer produce it and advised Get. It was necessary to process the house once and began to find the corpses of cockroaches everywhere. Further more! Vymetali half a scoop. It has been 3 months after processing - there is not one, even a tiny cockroach! I advised my neighbors and advised me to order a set with a discount. Now our house is an area free of prusaks!

Tamila, Ryazan

I brought Prusak to the apartment from the hostel, where they literally walked on the ceiling. I rushed to the store right away, went over a bunch of different means, but then the woman advised: “Get Get. You will not regret. I used it myself and I can say it is an excellent tool. ”I listened to her, took a bottle. Not very cheap, but for me it is better to pay for the quality once, than to overpay for the quantity.The woman was right - the cockroaches disappeared immediately, maybe because there were not so many of them. AT hostel I had to tinker, but even then they disappeared. So now I know the best cure for cockroaches - Get.

Elizaveta, Moscow

My little son is growing up, therefore, when cockroaches appeared, I came to the choice of a means of dealing with them from a scientific point of view. Long studied the composition, instructions, prices. Finally decided. In my opinion, Get is the safest drug for cockroaches. He not only acts for a long time, but does not stink. She processed all the places where the Prussians liked to “hang out”. Shut off the water and went with my little son to visit her grandmother for a week. When she arrived, there was no smell in the apartment, but the corpses of cockroaches were everywhere. Already a year after the treatment, not a single redhead and nose appears.

Natalia, Krivoy Rog

If the drug Geth did not fit, then you can try others effective remedies for cockroaches or folk remedies.

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Bed bugs

