Cockroach thiuram
- Cockroach thiuram
- Cockroach thiuram
Cockroaches - Neighbors are more than unpleasant. Although from a biological point of view they are benefit, clearing the home of food debris, from other points of view, they are disgusting and their neighborhood is undesirable. The fact that these insects carry a huge amount of various diseases is also important. The fight against parasites should begin at the moment when it turned out that one of the neighbors has these "guests".If the beginning of the war is missed and the cockroaches flooded the house, you will have to resort to the help of strong allies, such as Tyuram from cockroaches.
The composition of the tool
The active ingredient of Tiuam is fipronil. Cockroaches do not necessarily have a drug, they can simply pass on the powder, as he immediately begins to act. Insects do not die instantly. Before their death, they manage to meet with their relatives and pass poison to them. This is how the chain reaction to the use of thiuram manifests itself. The poison destroys the central nervous system of the insect, as a result of which it is paralyzed, and it dies. No parasite is able to survive.
One of the components of the powder is pinerobutoxide. This is a strong insecticide, the use of which gives a long-lasting effect. The substance increases the exposure time of the other components of the powder. With the help of pinoobutoxide, cockroaches can be removed in one single application. The composition of the drug includes aromatic additives.
Cocks for cockroaches effective at any temperature for a long time. It is undesirable to use in conditions of high humidity, like most other powdered products. Packed at 50 grams, designed for processing 30-40 square meters. mThe cost of packing in Moscow is 350 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The remedy for cockroaches Thiuram has positive and negative properties. The main advantages of the drug can be considered:
- efficiency with significant infection of the apartment;
- possibility of outdoor use;
- effects on various types of insects.
Disadvantages of Tiurama:
- toxicity, danger to humans and animals;
- inconvenience of using powder;
- no commercially available.
When using Tiuram, the use of protective equipment is mandatory. The drug is extremely toxic, so you can not be limited to a respirator and gloves - it is necessary to protect the skin and eyes, wearing glasses and closed clothing.
Tyuram Hazard
Thiuram powder from cockroaches, but in the nearest hardware store you will not get it. And not in the near, too. If you find a tool in the store - ask for a certificate of quality and carefully study it. The acquisition of such a powerful insecticide from a dubious manufacturer can have very sad consequences.
The tool is used in industry for the production of cables and rubber. Thiuram is a strong poison.If its concentration in the air is high enough, severe poisoning is guaranteed. In manufacturing, people working with Tiuram must undergo a physical examination and obtain admission. Only people wearing protective suits, respirators and goggles are allowed to work.
Housewives using Thiuram, do not know how dangerous the tool. They have a special impact on pregnant women, the elderly and children. To minimize risks, you should use only funds purchased from reputable vendors who have the necessary certificates. It is not advisable to use Tiuram, not purchased in a pharmacy.
On a note!
Thiuram can be used not only to control cockroaches, but also used to destroy garden pests.
How to use
Particular care should be taken when applying the cockroach thiuram, which is located on the back of the package. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations in order to avoid serious negative consequences.
- The apartment should be prepared: remove small items, pack dishes and groceries, take children and animals away. Work carried out in protective clothing.
- Apply the tool conveniently with a wide brush or sponge. Apply a thin layer of the preparation to the seamy side of carpets and carpets, the internal parts of upholstered furniture, process the box of doors and plinth.
- After treatment, it is necessary to wash face, hands, rinse eyes and nose. Clothes put in the wash. From the apartment you need to leave for a few hours, preferably for a day.
- After returning to ventilate the house thoroughly, clean the surface. Solid materials are washed with an aqueous solution of soda and soap. Work in rubber gloves. The furniture is carefully vacuumed, removing the smallest particles of Tiurama. Leave a remedy for cockroaches is possible only in small crevices of the floor and on baseboards, in order to eliminate the secondary ingestion of insects into the apartment.
It is necessary to follow the instructions exactly to avoid harm to health.
The specialists
Many companies involved in the disinsection of the premises, it is used Tiuram. For the treatment of a dwelling heavily infected with cockroaches, it is best to call a specialist from such a company. He will properly treat the apartment, applying the tool where it is needed. And you and your family will remain safe from toxic substances that appear in the air during application.It will only be necessary to thoroughly clean the apartment after a few hours, the powder needed for exposure to the cockroaches.
Cockroaches first appeared last year. And immediately a huge amount. Literally from all the cracks climbed. Used various means, including widely publicized. The effect with all was temporary, sometimes even zero. A friend from SES threw a Tiuram to help in my fight. To my surprise, insects disappeared on the first try.
Sergey, Izhevsk
A few months had to rent a room in a communal apartment, which is full of cockroaches. We decided, without wasting time on ordinary shoplifting, to take advantage of what is used by professionals. Therefore, purchased Tiuram in a specialized online store. Cockroaches are gone! But we had to process not only our room, but also the shared kitchen and bathroom, and also shared with our neighbors for harassment in the rooms.
Irina, Moscow
Thiuram from cockroaches advised neighbors. They a few years ago, this tool brought cockroaches. It helped us too! But just in case we processed the apartment several times so that all the insects and their eggs were exactly destroyed!
Olga, Samara