Means Tsifox from cockroaches
- Means Tsifoks
- Means Tsifoks
Everyone knows that it is necessary to get rid of domestic parasites as quickly as possible. Cockroaches spoil food, endure unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Now to find potent agents that are guaranteed to get rid of insects is not a problem. One of these drugs - Tsifoks from cockroaches.
Information about Cyfox
Drug Remedy Zifox is a concentrated solution of cypermethrin, a potent poison. The composition of Cyfox includes fragrance, solvent and emulsifier. Based on the composition and consistency, the drug should be called the emulsion concentrate.
Most often, Zifoks is a clear yellowish liquid with a strong odor. Packed in plastic bottles. The volume varies from 50 ml to 1 liter. Large volumes are used by specialists - disinsectors for processing public places: hospitals, transport, shops, schools. Tsifoks is suitable for the destruction of garden pests, mass treatment for pediculosis, scabies. Houses use for fight cockroaches, bedbugs, antsand other insects.
High concentration of the substance makes it necessary to dilute it with water. After preparation, the mixture becomes milky in color. To process a two-room apartment, the minimum amount of the drug - 50 ml. It is enough for double treatment of premises.
Impact on insects
Cockroach digox, the reviews of which are mostly positive, is a powerful tool in the fight against various types of insects. Cypermethrin paralyzes cockroaches, from which in consequence they perish.
The action of the substance begins within half an hour after application and lasts a long time - up to three months. In closed rooms, the tool is most effective, whereas in open space the period is reduced to six weeks, in water - to a maximum of three.
In most cases, a single application is enough, but with a strong infection of the apartment, secondary treatment is required. This happens in the presence of insects with reduced sensitivity to the active substance. It is forbidden to use Zifoks in natural waters.
You can buy the tool in specialized stores or on virtual shelves. The original product is accompanied by instructions for use. Prices may vary depending on the volume of the bottle and region. So, in Moscow, 0.5 liters of the drug can be purchased for 550 rubles, in Rostov-on-Don - for 200.
Advantages and disadvantages
Zifox is a very effective tool, so consumers can talk about its merits for a long time. The main are:
- The duration of exposure. This property allows the tool to destroy even those cockroaches that at the time of processing were in the egg.
- The possibility of the destruction of various types of insects. The list included not only cockroaches and bugs, but also ants, flies, wasps, mosquitoes, etc.
- Low price and profitability. Diluting the product according to the instructions, in just 300-500 rubles you can get the amount of solution needed to process large areas several times.
- Impact speed Insects begin to die only 30 minutes after application.
- Stealth. The structure of the solution allows you to put it on the visible parts of the furniture and any surfaces - no traces will remain. There are no substances harmful to the furniture.
Disadvantages of the drug:
- the need for preparation of funds before use;
- the need for accurate dosage compliance;
- high toxicity, requiring the use of protective measures;
- addiction - many insects stop responding to the active substance during secondary processing.
What to do in case of poisoning
Digox is a low-toxic agent, however, if it is used for a long time, it may cause an allergic reaction or poisoning in a person. Suspected poisoning can be on the following grounds:
- headache;
- profuse salivation;
- weakness;
- vomiting and nausea.
At the first signs of poisoning, you should stop work, wash your mouth and nose with a solution of soda, change clothes. Take an appropriate amount of weight of activated carbon. In case of contact with the skin, wash it with water and wipe it with soda solution.
Keep the tool must be tightly closed in places inaccessible to children and animals. Possessing food and medicine is prohibited.
Instructions for use Cifox
Before using the tool you need to prepare it. Dissolved drug has the color of milk, it is extremely sensitive to oxygen. Store the solution should not, otherwise the effectiveness will decrease. Use freshly prepared solution.
How to breed Cipox from cockroaches is indicated on the packaging: it is necessary to pour water into the container, then add Cifox. Stir regularly during use.
For the destruction of cockroaches proportions should be as follows:
- with a minor contamination of housing per liter of water use about 1 ml of the product;
- with a strong occupancy of the apartment, 2 ml of cifox per liter of water is required.
Stir the mixture thoroughly for at least 5 minutes.After that, pour into the spray and spray on the surface.
Application features
If there are few cockroaches in an apartment, it is enough to process those places. where they live and hide. The frames of furniture, carpets, wallpaper and skirting joints are treated with a phylox. Particular attention should be paid to the kitchen, bathroom.
If there are a lot of insects, the tool should be applied to all surfaces: baseboards, back of furniture, carpet boards, lower parts of window sills, electrical appliances, chairs, refrigerator, surfaces of paintings, etc.
When processing upholstered furniture or other materials that are well absorbing liquid, the consumption of funds increases.
For safety reasons, all work must be carried out with open windows or vents. Work must be carried out in protective clothing, respirator and goggles. After processing, the room must be ventilated for at least half an hour.
I bought Cyfox from the online store. Delivered quickly, it was not expensive. The application requires preparation, but it is worth it. Cockroaches left somehow very quickly and almost unexpectedly for me, since they had long fought with them, but there was no necessary effect.
Ivan, Sevastopol
An acquaintance from SES helped me to acquire Zifoks. Previously, I did not know about him until she advised. Having processed the apartment, I went to spend the night with my mom. Already in the morning I did not see live insects. Even after washing the rooms and the kitchen, the cockroaches continued to breathe. For almost a year now, I have enjoyed clean housing.
Elena, Taganrog