Electronic Cockroach Repellers

It is difficult to find a person who would not face such a problem in his life as an appearance in an apartment cockroaches. Centuries-old fighting these insects spawned many ways to destroy them. From the banal blow of sneakers, people have learned to influence the parasites and low temperature, and deadly insecticides, and even folk remedies. Relatively recently, an ultrasonic cockroach repeller entered our life. Like any innovation, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is imperative that the electronic tool you prefer is effective in home battles.


Special features

Ease of use is the main advantage of any electronic device from cockroaches. Simply turn on the device in the outlet and do not have to spray the apartment with toxic chemicals, move furniture or relocate the household at the time of treatment.

Often, to achieve maximum effect, the manufacturer of electrical repellents recommends combining the operation of the device with the use of chemical or folk remedies. This results from the fact that similar devices exert impact only on adult individuals. From the laid eggs after 25-28 days the new generation will hatch. And the fight will need to start over. Therefore, it is important to expel insects and destroy their eggs at the same time. You can use an aerosol for this. Raptor, Raid, Global other.

The entire range available to the consumer is divided into electromagnetic and ultrasonic cockroach scarers.In appearance, the devices of both types are practically the same, and you can learn about the features of the device only from their instructions. Generalizes these devices that when plugged into the outlet, the device scares off insects within a certain radius of action. The larger this area is, the more efficient and expensive the product is. It is worth noting that many of the models on the market are ineffective in practice, so the choice of repeller should be approached very responsibly.

Ultrasound devices

Ultrasonic cockroach repeller today is very popular among consumers. The principle of such a trap is based on the creation of ultrasonic vibrations, the wavelength of which is not perceived by the human hearing organ, but for insects it is extremely unpleasant. It is she who, according to manufacturers, causes a sense of danger in parasites and forces them to leave the habitat.

Manufacturers assure that by inserting the device from cockroaches in the socket you can clean the room from insects. It is important to understand that ultrasound does not kill the parasite, but only scares it. Therefore, we should not believe the sellers, who claim that the electronic cockroach repeller is able to kill them.

Ultrasonic Repeller
Ultrasonic Repeller

On a note! Electromagnetic and ultrasonic devices only frighten cockroaches. No need to trust advertising, which says that such devices can destroy insects - this is a hoax. Ultrasonic killer cockroaches simply do not exist.
Able to destroy insects electric traps. Devices of this type should be placed only in dry rooms and away from small children. The principle of the trap is quite simple: inside the house there is a bait, the smell of which attracts cockroaches. Trying to eat it, the parasite dies under the action of electric current. Electric traps should be periodically cleaned of dead insects and change the bait.

There are the following brands of ultrasonic cockroach scarers:

Ultrasonic Duet

Among modern electronic devices, the Ultrasonic Duet is the most advanced device. The high-frequency band created by the device affects the nervous system and hearing of not only mice and cockroaches, but also moths, flies, ants, rats and spiders. Ultrasound is able to scare away insects, causing them pain, under the influence of which "uninvited neighbors" have to leave the house.

The cockroach ultrasound generated by the device is safe for humans and most pets. It does not affect the work of other electrical appliances and telecommunications facilities.

The device has 3 modes of operation, which allow you to automatically change the frequency from 25 000 to 65 000 Hz. The radius of impact of the ultrasonic repeller is about 550 square meters. m. The result of the work will be on the face after a few days.

Such an ultrasonic trap affects only adults, and has no effect on eggs and larvae. Therefore, in order to avoid the repeated spread of cockroaches, it is better to use the device in combination with chemical or folk remedies.

Pest reject

Modern Pest Reject Repeller American production. The radius of action is about 200 m. One of the most effective devices that helps to get rid not only of cockroaches, but also of other parasites in the house. At first, it is advised to combine its use with insecticidal agents and traps for cockroaches.

Typhoon LS 500

Typhoon from cockroaches
Typhoon from cockroaches

Typhoon LS 500 - Ultrasonic Repeller mice and cockroaches domestic production.The radius of impact of the device is about 80 m, that is, it is enough to have one cockroach scarer in an apartment. The presence of a long cord makes it possible to put the device at a distance. A typhoon can be ordered not only on the Internet, but also purchased in many hardware stores in Moscow for about 1000 rubles.


Powerful insect repeller WK-600 is often used in food plants. Ultrasound from cockroaches is able to protect entire shops and halls. Its cost can reach 5,000 rubles.


Ultrasonic device Grad domestic production scares not only insects, but also small rodents. The sound that negatively affects their nervous system causes them to leave their habitat. Distinctive features of the device are:

  • Reliability;
  • Efficiency;
  • Long service life;
  • Simple application method.

Ultrasonic repeller has long been in high demand among buyers due to:

  • Large area of ​​action (up to 550 sq. M.);
  • Silent operation;
  • Small size of the device;
  • Features work from batteries and car battery.
Repeller Grad
Repeller Grad


Ultrasonic device with switch GRR09 provides cockroach scaring without the use of harmful chemicals. The presence of three modes makes it possible to scare away fleas, mosquitoes, small rodents, cockroaches and even martens. The area of ​​action is 40 square meters. m


This magnetic resonator cockroach repeller, developed in Hong Kong. The device is capable of emitting low-frequency waves that are detrimental to the nervous system of cockroaches, which causes insects to leave their favorite places. But contrary to the claims of the manufacturer reviews on the ultrasonic repeller of cockroaches EcoSniper says that the device is not sufficiently effective.

Analogs of this model are:

  • Ixus KY-6182 is a cheaper option, having similar characteristics. You can buy it through the online store;
  • Zenet XI-90;
  • Air Comfort XI-90.


There is a whole series of domestic-made Tornado instruments. The model of the Tornado OT 02 repeller is particularly interesting. The device, in addition to sound vibrations, can also emit light waves. It is important to correctly install the ultrasonic repeller, not only in height, but also under the desired slope.Non-compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations may cause a lack of a positive result.

Banzai LS927

According to consumer feedback, a Taiwanese insect repeller is more effective at affecting cockroaches than many of its fellows. Due to the high power insects really leave the room. However, the manufacturer warns that the waves emitted by the ultrasonic repeller are unsafe for the health of people and pets.

Electromagnetic devices

Electromagnetic scarers affect the nervous system of insects by electromagnetic waves. The cost of such devices varies depending on the radius of action.

Riddex and Ar-120 from cockroaches
Riddex and Ar-120 from cockroaches

The most popular models of electromagnetic repellents are:

Riddex repeller

This democratic electric cockroach repeller has an area of ​​about 200 square meters. m. The versatility of the device lies in the presence of settings that make it possible to get rid of not only insects, but also small rodents.


This device from cockroaches is designed for an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. mThe manufacturer’s expiration dates (from 2 weeks to a month) depend on the level of contamination of the room. The device is quite expensive, the price is about 2000 rubles.

On a note

Any electronic device from cockroaches is designed for a long period of work. It should be plugged into the outlet not only at night. In case of irregular use of the repeller, the probability of re-distribution of insects is high.


Catherine, Samara: We installed a Pest Reject repeller in the country - we got rid of not only cockroaches, but also mice. Besides, mosquitoes didn’t bother in the evenings.

Alexander Nikolaevich, Penza: Device The AR-120 is not a very effective thing. Only the mosquitoes reacted to the work of the repeller. Prusaks felt at ease, until they were sprayed with an aerosol.

Sergey, Moscow: Installed insect repeller GRR09 in the bathroom. A few days later the cockroaches were not there, but in other rooms the pests moved freely.

Olga, Volgograd: I want to express my great gratitude to the producer of the Ultrasound Duet. There are no cockroaches in our house for more than 3 months. The seller advised not to turn off the device for a long time, only then you can achieve the effect.So we did, the result is obvious.

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