How to get rid of the big black cockroaches in the apartment

The question of how to get rid of the disgusting neighborhood, all those who once saw a black cockroach crawling around the apartment are puzzled. A safe-looking insect delivers a lot of problems and troubles, spoiling the products and being a carrier of many dangerous diseases.But to get rid of the pest is quite difficult, it seems to be reborn, reaching the reviving water. therefore the fight need to start after the first detection of black cockroaches.

Special features

Black and red cockroaches - household pests with which many residents of high-rise buildings are familiar. They can hardly be confused, the size and color are the main distinguishing features of insects.

The body size of the black pest is quite impressive - compared to the red prusak it is just a huge cockroach. An adult individual can reach a length of 3-5 cm. The Red-haired Prusaks are almost 2 times smaller. The body of the insect is covered with a durable, glossy chitinous cover that protects it from any mechanical effects. The upper torso is slightly extended, with the result that part of the head is partially hidden. On the body of the male there are 2 pairs of webbed wings, however the insect is not capable of flying. Female individuals are deprived of even the rudiments of wings.

Black beetle
Black beetle

With the help of a mustache placed on the head, the black cockroach orients itself in space and picks up odors. It is mustaches that are the distinctive feature of males - they have muchlonger than females. The legs of the pest cover small hairs. Photos of black cockroaches are presented below.


Of great interest is the structure of the digestive organs. Insect jaws are powerful chewing apparatus, thanks to them the pest is able to process even solid food. Food that has entered the intestine is processed with the help of enzymes, and it is crushed by special bacteria already in the chewing ventricle. Such a structure of the digestive system allows the pest to eat not only the usual foods for humans, but even leather products, thick paper, cotton, silk or soap.

A male black cockroach can do without food for more than 10 days, female individuals and even more - about two months.

How insects breed

After fertilization female lays eggs in a special cocoon (edema), which in length can reach 10-12 mm. In the oteke, having the appearance of an elongated egg, 16 eggs develop. Its sufficiently dense cover provides reliable protection to future offspring.

Breeding black cockroaches
Breeding black cockroaches

As the eggs grow, the oteka increases in size, and then is dumped by the female in a secluded place.After 40-45 days, small transparent larvae, which are very similar to adult individuals, will see the light. Over time, the kids acquire a dark saturated color and undergo up to 10 molts, turning into an adult. For all her life, the female black cockroach is able to lay only 2-3 cocoons.

Ways of penetration of black cockroaches in the apartment

In the old days, the black cockroach was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. They were regularly fed, and when they moved to a new place of residence, they even took it with them. The red brothers of the same name, called Prussians, were not even loved by our ancestors. Their appearance in the house symbolized tears and misfortune.

Modern mistresses no longer consider black cockroaches a symbol of happiness, therefore they resort to various methods and means of fighting them. But first you need to know where in the apartment black cockroaches. Pest entry into the house may be as follows:

  • from neighbors - This is one of the most traditional and common ways for cockroaches to appear in an apartment;
  • black basement cockroaches can penetrate the house from the basement or cellar;
  • because black cockroaches can stay in the water for a long time and not sink,they can also get into the apartment through the sewer system; Sewer cockroaches can carry on their paws various infectious diseases, such as dysentery, typhoid or helminthiasis;
  • black cockroaches can be brought into the apartment along with used household appliances or furniture;
  • You can bring a “souvenir” in the form of cockroaches in a suitcase from a holiday or in a bag from work.

Preventive measures

Black cockroaches
Black cockroaches

The question of how to get rid of black cockroaches in an apartment is puzzled by many of the hostess who discovered the pests. Before you begin to fight the pest, you must create conditions that are unacceptable for the life and reproduction of insects.

Being heat-loving insects, black cockroaches prefer raw and warm places: the kitchen and bathroom are the most ideal rooms in the apartment. There, insects can hide in ventilation vents, air ducts, in sewers or between leaking pipes. In addition, there is always a source of food nearby: a waste bin, food residues and crumbs on the table. Therefore, if large black cockroaches are found in an apartment, it is necessary:

  1. Bring in good condition leaking plumbing.
  2. Drain and air ducts should be cleaned regularly.
  3. To carry out regular cleaning of the apartment, especially with regard to the kitchen: do not leave a garbage can, crumbs on the table or dirty dishes in the sink at night full of waste.
  4. After using the bath and sink, wipe them dry.

Difficulties encountered by cockroaches in search of food and water will lead to the fact that "uninvited guests" will be forced to leave your apartment.

Methods of struggle

Methods of dealing with black cockroaches can be divided into the following types:

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, taking into account which and should choose the most suitable option.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for cockroaches
Folk remedies for cockroaches

The most safe for humans and pets are folk remedies against cockroaches. Despite the fact that insecticidal preparations are much more effective, they can be harmful to health. Folk remedies can also be used as a preventive measure.

  1. To folk remedies include the following natural repellents: Bay leaf, elderberry, orange peel or feverfew (powder from chamomile inflorescences). Their sharp aroma has a daunting effect.
  2. Another famous folk remedy for black cockroaches is boric acid. It is mixed with egg yolk and sugar. Balls are formed from the mixture obtained and laid out throughout the apartment, and especially in the places with the greatest concentration of pests.


Insecticidal preparations are recognized as the most effective in the fight against cockroaches. Their choice is quite diverse, and each tool has its own characteristics.


Gel recognized as the most effective means of control of baleen pests. It does not have a specific smell, so there is no need to leave the accommodation during the processing of the apartment. In addition to the insecticidal substances gels are composed of flavors that serve as bait for black cockroaches. Such a "treat" in insects causes poisoning, and subsequently death. Gels are recognized as the most effective. Combat, Raptor, FAS, Assault, Global.

Gels from cockroaches-1
Cockroach Gels

The sprays

One of the popular chemicals are sprays.The principle of their application is quite simple and convenient: it is only necessary to spray the product in an apartment and within a few hours you can observe a massive death of insects. Sprays of the following brands are in particular demand: Combat, Raptor, Geth or Raid.

Powders and crayons

This group of funds is less effective, therefore it is suitable for use only with a slight contamination of the apartment. With a large number of insects are small (for example, Mashenka) or powders can not cope.


The device is a plastic box with several holes (entrances for insects). A bait is installed inside the device, the scent of which attracts not only huge black cockers, but also red cockroaches. But to get back to them does not give a sticky basis. Also exist trapscontaining an insecticidal substance or electrode. The latter acts on insects by electrical discharge, causing their death.

Domestic black cockroaches will not disturb you anymore if you use the services of exterminators. Experts guarantee the complete disposal of the apartment from the "uninvited guests."

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