Treatment of cockroaches in the apartment prices and home calls
- 1 What is pest control
- 2 Features of apartment cockroaches
- 3 Benefits of contacting specialized services
- 4 How is the treatment of apartments
- 5 How to choose a health service
- 6 Preparatory work before pest control
- 7 How long does pest control last?
- 8 Overview of companies for the destruction of cockroaches in Moscow
- Cockroaches
- Cockroaches in the house
- Cold fog
- Hot mist
- Processing rooms from cockroaches
- Preparation of the house for disinsection
- Spray treatment
- Specialized Services
For a long time, the disinsection from cockroaches by the owners of the apartments was carried out exclusively independently, since there was only a state sanitary and epidemiological station, in which priority were objects of social importance. With the advent of private firms, the situation has changed dramatically and now everyone can use the services sanitary services for the destruction of cockroachesto poison and destroy pests.
Cockroaches not as harmless as they may seem initially. At garbage dumps, in food waste, in sewer holes, they feel like a fish in water. On their fast paws, insects drag all germs into the apartment. It is scientifically proven that cockroaches dangerous to humans, as they carry a large number of diseases and helminth eggs. Prusak feces are the strongest allergen for people with asthma and provoke seizures. With rare exceptions, people do not want to put up with the neighborhood of baleen insects and in every possible way try to fight them.
What is pest control
Before proceeding to the review of the services of disinsection from cockroaches, it is necessary to determine the terms. Many people confuse concepts such as disinsection and disinfection. Disinfection is a complex of measures aimed at the destruction of bacteria and toxins. Therefore, disinfection of cockroaches a priori does not exist. The destruction of insects is a pest control, and the extermination of rodents is rat control.
Features of apartment cockroaches
In apartments mostly live redhead, black and in the southern regions of Central Asian cockroaches. Along with them, furniture cockroaches can live in residential premises. Prusaks are very demanding to the presence of moisture, their lairs are most often located in the bathrooms and in the kitchen, where they have access to both water and food base. AT gastronomic addictions they are unassuming and can eat food debris, plant leaves, eggs of other insects. In times of crisis, content themselves with paper, leather, and even soap.
Furniture cockroaches also need less water and prefer food with starch content. Their favorite food is books, bookbinding, cardboard, wallpaper glue on the backward wallpaper. Paper “eaters” nests are more common in the bedroom, living room than in the household unit.
House cockroaches breed very fast.A single mating is enough for a female to lay eggs for the rest of her life. On average, one female replenishes the number of colonies for 180-200 individuals, and the number of adult females in the colony is in the hundreds. Domestic cockroaches do not belong to viviparous species and get rid of the oteka - capsules with eggs. Prusaks hide the edema in a secluded place 1-2 days before the appearance of nymphs, and black cockroaches shed it at all almost immediately after the formation of eggs.
On a note!
Capsules with eggs can be in the apartment anywhere, so it is not surprising that the treatment of the apartment from cockroaches did not bring the desired effect and after it was carried out after a few days the insects appeared again.
Benefits of contacting specialized services
Treatment from the cockroaches by specialists of the health services will be somewhat more expensive than self-persecution, but it has several advantages:
- Guaranteed result. All specialized services for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment value their reputation and are interested in a successful outcome. At the time of buying insecticidal products In the store or on the market, the seller does not give any guarantee that the tool will really help get rid of insects. You can test at your own expense new drugs and poison cockroaches for an infinitely long time, but one can never see the result. Firms that are engaged in pest control, give a guarantee, and in the case of the emergence of new insects, carry out additional free processing.
- Disinsection from cockroaches is carried out with the use of new modern technologies and professional equipment that help insecticidal agents penetrate even into such microcracks, whose width is comparable to the hair.
- Disinsectors use potent insecticides in the treatment of cockroaches, which are not available for ordinary consumers, they can only be purchased with certain licenses.
How is the treatment of apartments
Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is predetermined by the assessment of the situation. The choice of method and insecticidal treatment of cockroaches depends on the species of the insect, the number of colonies, the purpose of the room. The destruction of cockroaches in the apartment is carried out cold, hot fog and in rare cases, manual processing.
Cold fog - features of the procedure and cost
Cold mist sanitation from cockroaches is carried out by means of special generators, which allow splitting insecticidal agents into the smallest particles of 60-90 microns. When spraying the aerosol mixture, the active substances penetrate into all the gaps, which allows for the effective destruction of adults and their offspring. When an insecticidal cloud settles, all surfaces in the treated area are covered with a thin film. A significant part of the colony is killed in the first stage of disinsection during the spraying of insecticides. The surviving individuals are exposed to insecticides when in contact with the film and therefore have no chance to survive.
“Once I had to call in specialists for the extermination of cockroaches. Tired already with them to fight. Disinsection apartment lasted about an hour. I was pleased with the result. ”
Olga Petrovna, Voronezh
Professional destruction of cockroaches in Moscow with cold fog costs around 1,800 rubles for a one-room apartment. Below are the prices for the destruction of cockroaches by different companies.
Company name | The cost of processing one-room apartment in rubles | additional information |
Moscow City Sanitary and Epidemiological Service | 1700 | Barrier protection as a gift, 1 year warranty |
Mos Eco Service | 1800 | Treatment of cockroaches MOP 1500 rubles |
MosEco Center | 1700 | Sanitation MOP 1500 rubles |
Service SES Favorit | 1600 | Only MOS 1500 rubles |
Moscow professional pest control service | 1900 | Processing MOP from 1700 rubles |
Eco-Capital | 1800 including MOS | Only MOS 1500 rubles. Processing premium drugs + 1500 rubles |
Mosklop | From 1800 | During the campaign, the price for the destruction of cockroaches is reduced to 1600 rubles. |
“The fight against cockroaches has been going on since then, new tenants appeared on our floor. In the end, we decided to use the services of professionals. Appealed to a well-known company and did not regret it: along with the destruction of pests, they made barrier protection as a gift. And the processing itself was carried out with a cold fog, as we were suggested, in one of the most effective and modern ways. Now we are not afraid of the neighbor cockroaches! ”
Olga, Moscow
Hot fog - the cost of processing apartments
Hot mist treatment of cockroach rooms is the most effective way to get insects out.It is advisable to use the method with a strong infection of the apartment. Pest grass is generated by a hot steam generator. Insecticidal agents are heated to high temperatures, split into tiny particles of 30-35 microns, that is, almost to a gaseous state and sprayed.
Under exposure to high temperatures and the actions of the working solution are killed adults and their egg-laying. For some time, insecticides are in suspension and represent a kind of cloud. Then it settles and covers with a thin film all surfaces of the room, including the most difficult to reach. After contact with the film, the remaining surviving insects die.
How much does the hot mist sanitization cost in Moscow, see the table:
Company | The cost of processing one-room apartment in rubles | Additional data |
Mos Eco Service | 6500 | Barrier protection as a gift |
Mosklop | 4000 | MOP 3400 rubles, 2 year warranty |
SES Eco Capital | 4500, including MOS | 2 services as a gift: installation of barrier protection, disinfection of microbes and viruses |
Moscow City Sanitary and Epidemiological Station | 4500 | Additional manual processing, barrier, 3 years warranty |
Mos Eco-Center | 4400 | The price includes the processing of bathrooms, hallway, balcony. |
“We rented an apartment for several years. After the departure of the tenants found hordes of cockroaches. We decided to call a service for the destruction of cockroaches, where, given the high degree of infection, we were advised to treat the entire apartment with a hot mist, even the loggia. Disinsection from cockroaches lasted only a couple of hours. The result was given a guarantee of 2 years. Now there are no cockroaches, but we are choosing the lodgers more carefully! ”
Evgeny, Moscow
How to choose a health service
Services by the extermination of cockroaches in Moscow dozens of firms have, among which there are large companies and one-day firms. Alas, not all of them value their reputation and do their job professionally. Before calling the service for breeding cockroaches, you should monitor the companies providing services of this kind, read reviews on their work on the forums.
On a note!
Weed out services that do not inspire confidence, you can during the initial telephone conversation with employees from the office. If the manager did not bother to ask about the area of the apartment, the presence of other insects,can not clearly tell about the drugs used and immediately promises to send the master - this is an excuse to stop the conversation and go to another health service.
When talking with a manager, before ordering a service, do not hesitate to ask questions and be sure to ask:
- What kind of insecticide will poison cockroaches? As far as they are safe for humans and pets. Do not trust the epithets "powerful, good, effective." The name of the drugs is not a commercial secret and the employee is obliged to name them.
- What methods of struggle for the destruction of cockroaches are used by the company. It is doubtful that you will welcome a student with a garden sprayer.
- If you do not want to give your neighbors a reason to think: “What kind of uncles in special costumes have arrived and who are they going to slack off,” discuss the issue of confidentiality. Most services go to meet their customers and in this case, the masters come in ordinary clothes, and in protective suits change clothes in the apartment.
- If other insects live in the apartment, do not forget to mention it.
- If you have the sad experience of contacting another company or unsuccessfulself-etched Prusak, tell the exterminator what tools were used previously, so that he could determine exactly what drugs cockroaches developed resistance to.
“I will share the unsuccessful experience of contacting experts in the extermination of cockroaches. Lured by a low price, they trusted a small company. As a result, the specialist handled the apartment for a very long time, the sprayed agent smelled strongly (by the way, in a telephone conversation the manager could not even remember his name). After 2 weeks the cockroaches reappeared, and the company responded to my complaints with counter accusations of poor-quality preparation of the apartment for work. As a result, I had to contact another company. Their services were more expensive, but the treatment of cockroach rooms turned out to be more efficient! ”
Olga, Moscow
In some cases, a preliminary call is made to the master's house so that he can give an adequate assessment of the contamination of the apartment and select the correct method. Then a contract is concluded in which the conditions of the guarantee are stated. At this point, it is worth to focus special attention, since the guarantee does not always mean repeated free processing from cockroaches. Warranty conditions are also worth studying carefully.The absence of mosquito nets on the ventilation holes, worn pipes and many other nuances void warranty work.
Preparatory work before pest control
The tasks of the disinsectors include the treatment of the apartment from cockroaches, but the preparation of the premises is not their responsibility and is not included in the price for the destruction of cockroaches. Only in some services for an additional charge employees provide this kind of service. Plan of preparatory activities:
- Make a dry and wet cleaning in the apartment.
- Eliminate leaks and sources of moisture.
- Move furniture away from the walls in order to provide access to the baseboards and remove all accumulated dust.
- Hermetically pack food and personal care products.
- Disinfect public spaces.
- Disconnect the room aquarium from oxygen supply and cover.
- Dishes cleaned in cabinets. If the treatment of cockroaches is needed in other rooms, remove all clothing, shoes, children's toys.
- Household appliances cover with plastic wrap.
How long does pest control last?
The duration of the disinsection of cockroaches varies from 30 minutes to 2 hours and depends on the area of the room, infection, equipment used.
During work in the apartment should not be people, pets. The remaining observer is given a special protective kit.
At the end of the work, the extermination teams carry out a detailed briefing on further activities related to cleaning the apartment. In most cases, after the destruction of the cockroaches in the apartment, all the windows, the windows in the apartment are closed, and such an exposure is maintained from 1 to 5 hours. Then it is necessary to ventilate the room, to carry out dry cleaning, to process with soapy water all the interior items with which daily contact takes place.
Overview of companies for the destruction of cockroaches in Moscow
Mosklop Company provides a full range of services related to pest control. Departure of a specialist for inspection is free. The price for the treatment of an apartment from cockroaches "starts" from 1,800 rubles, while holding shares from 1,600 rubles, a guarantee of up to 3 years. Call service for the destruction of cockroaches can be around the clock.
Sanitary epidemic station Eco-Capital different democratic prices. Treatment of the apartment from cockroaches, including the kitchen, bathroom and balcony, begins with 1,800 rubles.It is possible to travel outside the Moscow Ring Road and use premium class drugs, for which 1,500 rubles will be charged. Depending on the method chosen, the warranty duration varies from 1 year to 3 years.
Main sanitary service in Moscow and Moscow region applies all modern methods of dealing with domestic pests. There are discounts on social cards for disabled people, pensioners. When ordering the processing of 3 apartments, disinsection in the third is free of charge.
Moscow City SES was founded in 2005. Warranty up to 3 years, discount system. During the campaign barrier protection as a gift. The anti-crisis proposal includes the disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow for 1200 rubles.
Mos Eco Service uses advanced technology and premium products. This is one of the first companies to start hot mist processing. Possible departure of specialists outside the city. Receive calls around the clock.