Fighting cockroaches in an apartment at home

Cockroaches in the apartment - a real disaster, because the fight against these long-livers is problematic. They have the unique ability to adapt to the poisons with which they are poisoned.Today in the arsenal of people a large variety of methods and effective meansthat help destroy insects. But before looking for an effective means of struggle, it is necessary to find out the reason for the appearance of parasites in the apartment.

The main causes of the appearance of cockroaches

Cockroaches are, first of all, a sign of unsanitary conditions, because if there is dirt in the apartment, garbage, uncleaned food and constantly leaking taps, then these are ideal conditions for the life of insects. Cockroaches will not stay long in a clean apartment, as they will have nothing to profit from. They may appear in the house from the neighbors or be brought with furniture and clothing.

All methods of fighting cockroaches will be effective if the root causes of the appearance of insects in a room are eliminated. Before using any tool, you need to do a general cleaning:

  • remove the accumulated dirt and wipe the dust;
  • glue the wallpaper, close up all the holes and crevices in which cockroaches live and hide;
  • seal the baseboards or replace them with new ones;
  • wash the kitchen from fatty films;
  • store food in tightly closed containers;
  • remove all containers with water and other liquids for the night;
  • wash dishes immediately after a meal.

This technique is time consuming, but it will help in the fight against pests. Along with these activities should be applied and direct methods of exposure to insects. As a result of such an integrated approach, cockroaches can be eliminated rather quickly. And if neighbors are connected to this process, then a positive result is guaranteed.

Effective ways to kill cockroaches

Cockroaches in the house
Cockroaches in the house

All existing methods of fighting cockroaches can be divided into four blocks:

Each of these methods of struggle has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one of them to choose, everyone decides for himself.

Insecticidal preparations against cockroaches

The chemical industry today offers a large number of insect repellents that can be used at home. Their high damaging activity is combined with safety for people. Fighting cockroaches in the apartment, thanks to these drugs,carried out quickly and efficiently. The most popular and frequently used effective means include:

  • Cockroach Gels. Their increased popularity is explained by the fact that independent work with them does not require removal of all inhabitants from the room. Packaging in the form of a syringe is filled with a poisonous substance, which is applied in the form of droplets in secluded insect habitats. The effectiveness of the tool is very high. The most popular gel insecticides are: Global, Brownie, Killer, Fas, Assault and Raptor. They are practically safe for children and animals living in the apartment. After using the drug cockroaches die within a few weeks. Attractive is a small price, which allows to use the agent for the treatment of premises without large financial expenses, as well as the fact that up to five hundred pests can be destroyed with one drop of the substance.
    Cockroach Gels
    Cockroach Gels


    “We got rid of cockroaches by means of Globol from cockroaches. It came out more expensive than folk remedies, but faster and more efficiently! We advise you not to save on this problem. ”

    Olesya, Veliky Novgorod

  • Aerosols. The fight against cockroaches is carried out by such famous insecticides as Raid, Raptor, Tetrix, Combat, Executioner and others. Their main advantage is the convenience of processing the room and speed, as insects die within a few hours. The most effective are the means of the new generation - microcapsular. They have a prolonged effect and can have a poisonous effect for a long time.

    Tip! It is not recommended to use the same aerosol product for a long time. Cockroaches are addictive.

  • Powder Insecticides. In terms of the effectiveness of the struggle, they are almost as good as the previous categories, but they stretch the result over time. The most commonly used are dusty: Clean house, Brownie, Pyrethrum and Raptor. Their use does not require eviction from the apartment of residents and pets.


    “I live in a hostel, so the cockroaches have already tortured. Crayons do not help, from aerosols, a terrible smell. We derive the raptor powder. Cockroaches disappear for a while, and then reappear, because it is impossible to agree with all tenants about simultaneous harassment! ”

    Dmitry, Moscow

    Powders and crayons from cockroaches
    Powders and crayons from cockroaches
  • The pencils. Fighting cockroaches at home can be done with crayons with a gentle name. Mashenka. They are quite effective, but require scrupulous processing of surfaces and habitats of insects. The main advantage of the tool is the price. The result of the use of chalk can be seen approximately a month after processing. It is good to use a preparation as for fight against cockroaches, and in the preventive purposes.
  • Traps. They are small boxes with several inlets. Inside them is placed the poison, which the cockroaches who visited the trap, spread on themselves, infecting their relatives. Boxes are mounted in places of mass habitat of pests. Today the most effective traps are Raid, Raptor and Combat.

Special houses. Cardboard boxes have sticky inner walls. Possessing a tempting aroma of poison attracts insects and they crawl inside, stick and can no longer get back. Fighting domestic cockroaches with the help of such traps does not harm human health and animals living in an apartment. Traps and houses

The use of chemicals requires compliance with safety measures. Possessing indisputable advantages, insecticidal agents have the following disadvantages:

  • unpleasant smell in the room after treatment;
  • have a negative impact on the health of people, especially allergies, and pets;
  • developed immunity to drugs will allow the cockroaches to stay alive.

Despite the shortcomings, chemical products can get rid of pests in a short time.

Mechanical methods

The fight against cockroaches can be carried out with the help of any physical impact on them. These effective methods include the destruction of them with a vacuum cleaner, fly swatter, broom and other objects. But these techniques do not give the proper result, although a lot of energy is spent. And sooner or later comes the decision on the use of insecticidal drugs.

This category of methods includes the use of traps. The attractive aroma of vanilla or chocolate lures the insect, and it sticks to the surface treated with a special agent.

Another tool used long since in the fight against pests is freezing the premises.Cockroaches are heat-loving insects and cannot live at temperatures below 8 ° C. Therefore, in winter, the method can be applied in the country or in a country house. In a city apartment, these manipulations are fraught with disabling the central heating system. In the fight against cockroaches, you must do the following:

  • to resettle for a time from the premises of all thermophilic inhabitants, including plants;
  • carefully wrap all available pipes and batteries;
  • open the windows wide and leave the apartment for the whole day in private;
  • close the windows and carry out a general cleaning, sweeping out frozen cockroaches.

In addition to adult individuals, frozen eggs are also frozen. This method requires accuracy and caution, so everyone decides how to deal with cockroaches in an apartment.

Folk remedies

The safest and most popular are the recipes that people have come up with over the long history of coexisting with these long-livers. All of them are effective in their own way, but it takes a longer period of time to see the result. Folk recipes were developed by people taking into account the peculiarities of cockroaches:

  • insects can do without food for a long time, but they cannot stand the absence of water;
  • their small size does not allow a person to physically exterminate parasites;
  • increased insect curiosity, thanks to which they try a variety of products.

Boric acid
Boric acid

The fight against cockroaches on the basis of knowledge and years of practice has allowed us to create safe but effective home-made drugs. The leader among other means used to kill cockroaches is boric acid. It belongs to the most dangerous poisons for insects. It can be used both in pure form and as a component in various baits used to combat the Prussians.

Boric acid powder is recommended to be spread in the habitats of insects, as well as near water sources such as a bathtub, toilet and sinks. The drug is applied with a thin layer on the surface. Insects should get dirty in it when they go for food or drink water. The poisoning effect occurs in case of ingestion of the agent inside the insect. There is no powder, but when it cleans the soiled paws with jaws, the remedy will be in the digestive system.After 2-3 days, the poison will destroy the insect, as long as there is no water nearby, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Prusaks have a good sense of smell. They can smell boric acid and bypass the treated places. Effective means to combat cockroaches, cooked at home, contain in their composition, in addition to powder, eggs, potatoes, starch and other products. They neutralize the smell of acid, and the insect gladly eats tasty bait. Small balls or pellets should be laid out in places where pests are the most frequent: on shelves, window sills, near plinths and flower pots.

Tip! You should not remove the bait, if you do not immediately see the result. The action means prolonged in time.

Effective folk remedies that help fight cockroaches are vinegar, ammonia and other substances with a pungent odor. They can be added to the water when cleaning the room.


“They got rid of annoying cockroaches by popular methods. Vinegar did not help us, but the balls of potatoes, eggs and boric acid fully met the expectations. Cockroaches are no longer worried. ”

Oleg, Simferopol

Professional treatment of the room from cockroaches

Cockroach Control Service
Cockroach Control Service

To the help of professionals turn in the most extreme case, when their own forces and means are running out. Special services fight pests quickly and efficiently. In their arsenal of modern highly effective means, which in most cases are harmless to people and their pets. The deterrent factor in calling SES employees is the high cost of the service provided. For processing a small apartment in Moscow will have to pay about 2.5 thousand rubles, in other localities it will cost a bit cheaper.


“I never had cockroaches in my apartment, and one fine day I found several individuals in the kitchen at once! Apparently came from neighbors. Immediately turned to a specialized service and got a quick result. There are no more pests. ”

Irina, Vladivostok

Professional pest control guarantees pest control for a long period of time. In order to avoid reinfection, it is necessary to constantly carry out preventive measures in the apartment and keep it clean.

Methods of dealing with cockroaches will give their result only if you approach to solving the problem in a comprehensive manner.

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