How and what to poison cockroaches at home
- Cockroaches
- Liquid remedies for cockroaches
- Cockroach Gels
- Cockroach Gels
- Cockroach Sprays
- Folk remedies for cockroaches
Cockroaches are omnivores. In addition to food, they are able to digest paper, leather, wood, and more. Without food, the Prussians can stay up to sixty days, but without water they will die. Cockroaches are cold-blooded insects, because of this they prefer to settle in warm, dark places where there is water and abundant food. They can fully find all this in private houses and city apartments.
Prusaks belong to the suborder of insects, in which there are more than 4,600 species. Pests can move fast. In one second a cockroach can overcome a distance of 22 centimeters. People use this feature of insects for gambling called Cockroach Races. Vitality and the ability of parasites to adapt to insecticides beats all records. Scientists have shown that the lethal dose of radiation for Prusaks is 6–15 times higher than for humans.
What methods can be fought with cockroaches
Extermination of cockroaches - difficult, but not hopeless. The main problem is how to choose the means to which the insect lacks resistance.Having made the decision to self-water the Prusaks in an apartment, it is necessary to adhere to simple rules:
- eliminate all opportunities for the cockroach to get to the water;
- clean the room and do not allow the presence of food residue, crumbs in the rooms and in the kitchen;
- warn your roommates about the event and convince them to take part in it;
- choose a drug that is safe for people and pets;
- Carefully treat the venue places of greatest accumulation and the likelihood of cockroaches.
In the process of processing the apartment, special attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places. These include plinths, crevices, backward wallpapers. After all, it is here females live, hide, dump their eggs.
Reliable tools in the fight against cockroaches
Over the long years of coexistence, mankind has invented a large variety of ways and means to combat these pests. Therefore, to solve the problem, what to poison cockroaches is not difficult. Bullying them in an apartment is possible with the help of:
- insecticidal products;
- folk methods;
- special professional services.
Use of chemicals
It is possible to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with the help of effective preparations of insecticidal groups, which are produced in various modifications. In the line of toxic substances there are sprays, aerosols, traps, powders, aerosols.
Liquid products
Liquid toxicants lead in terms of efficiency and frequency of use, which must be diluted to the desired consistency and treated in the room using sprayers or sprays. Consumers prefer such brands:
- Get. This tool is universal and is used not only to kill cockroaches, but also other pests. It consists of the main substance - chlorpyrifos. Liquid is odorless, safe for humans and animals. Within six months after its use, it is still valid. The price of a 100-millimeter bottle is within 800 rubles.
"In the fight against cockroaches, many folk remedies and drugs have been tried, which have been trusted by people like small Masha. Nothing helped. Saved from parasites Geth. It is not cheap, but the result is immediately visible! ”
Alexander, Moscow
- Medilis Tsiper. The active ingredient is cypermethrin. Domestic drug fights with a huge number of cockroaches, and also destroys their larvae. This tool belongs to the medium toxic poisons, so it is forbidden to use it in medical and children's organizations. It is economical, one bottle is enough to handle the room area, which is about 100 square meters.
Funds in the form of gels. They are odorless and not dangerous to humans and pets. When using the substance, tenants of apartments do not need to leave it. A big advantage of helium poisons is the convenience of handling them at home. Using a syringe, the drug is applied drip onto any surface, including the places where the cockroaches settled. As part of a special bait that attracts Prusakov. Once in the pest, the poison does not immediately kill the individual, but contributes to the infection of other relatives. One pest can poison up to fifty insects. Very popular, in this line of drugs are:
- Globol. It is a gel made in Germany. The tool effectively fights cockroaches. It is possible to destroy more than five hundred individuals in an apartment or other room with the help of one drop. The high price is an excuse for the quality and speed of the modern drug. A year ago, the manufacturer changed the name of this tool. Now it sounds like ExilSchabenPaste Gel. It is produced in a tube containing 75 grams. funds and its value is approximately equal to 280 rubles.
Important! You should be careful when buying this tool. Global and Global drugs available on the market have nothing to do with the original.
- MaxForce. This is ultragel - a drug of French manufacturers. In Russia, he appeared recently, but has already gained great popularity. The tool is professional, used to kill ants and cockroaches. It is recommended to use in medical, children's organizations and institutions of public catering. From the moment of its use, it is valid for another 60 calendar days. The packaging has a 20-gram syringe in the form of a tube.
- Fas. Means in the form of a gel allows to solve the problem of etching cockroaches with strong immunity to many drugs.It consists of two insecticides - diazinon and cypermethrin, which eliminates the effect of addiction. The smell of the gel is so attractive to pests that they eat it better than leftover food. After two weeks of using gel Fas, cockroaches disappear completely.
“We used Fas on the recommendation of friends. Cockroaches disappeared, although it took for this whole two weeks. I would like a quicker result. ”
Irina, Samara
- Raptor. To poison the cockroaches is also possible with the help of this substance, which is one of the most popular means on the market. It can be applied to any surface. It has a damaging effect on pests. The etching procedure is recommended to be repeated, but not earlier than one and a half months after the first use. During the week, you can pitch all cockroaches living in the room.
- Clean house. An effective drug sold as a gel. It ensures the death of insects three days after their infection. Put it in a dotted line in the places in which they live. The treatment should be repeated approximately 3 weeks after the initial application.
- Pasta-gel Sturm. The tool is one of the best. With it, you can finally get rid of cockroaches. It is safe for people and animals, eliminates the effect of addiction to an insecticide, through the use of two toxic components. The tangible positive result will be noticeable after a short period of time.
Aerosol preparations are inferior in their effectiveness to the substances described above. They have high speed. It is recommended to close the room after treatment for several hours. If the degree of infection in a house or apartment is high, then aerosols will not be able to cope with pests. Special nozzles with which the packaging is provided, allow the most secluded places to be treated with poison. Work with aerosols requires the use of personal protective equipment. All outsiders, including animals, must be removed from the premises. How to poison cockroaches in the apartment with the help of these drugs is described in detail in the attached instructions. Consumers prefer such means:
- Raid. The active components in its composition and having a different direction of action, provide a high efficacy of the drug, helping to etch the Proussac.The main advantage of the tool is that it not only destroys adult cockroaches, but also destroys deferred clutches. Repeat the treatment of the apartment preferably after six months.
“They decided to get rid of the cockroaches in a complex way: they spread orange peels in the cabinets, smeared the plinth with gel, and sprayed Raid with spray behind the cabinets, where they were often seen. Soon all the insects were gone! ”
Peter, Odessa
- Combat. Instantly kills adult cockroaches, but does not destroy the laying of eggs. The room will have to re-process in a week.
- Raptor - aerosol, which has a strong damaging effect on insects in the apartment. It contains several strong insecticides. The substance is safe for pets and children, therefore, is very popular among the population. Virtually odorless.
- Russian drug Clean house. The substance has a high speed, however, has a sharp unpleasant odor.
Aerosols are popular and quite effective in the fight against insects in the conditions of apartments and houses.
Folk methods
The most used folk drug is boric acid powder and bait, manufactured on its basis. The main fillers are eggs, potatoes, starch, vegetable oil and other products that can neutralize the smell of the strongest poison, which is powder.
People very often use for treating apartments strongly smelling essential oils and liquids, such as ammonia. Cockroaches have a well-developed sense of smell, and sharp odors can deprive them of the ability to navigate in space. As a result, they will not be able to find food and water. How effective these tools can be seen in practice.
Professional processing of the room
If all attempts to independently cope with cockroaches in houses and apartments were unsuccessful, insects multiply catastrophically, then it's time contact specialists from SES. Do disinsectors should immediately find out what the professionals are poisoning cockroaches.
When processing apartments, service workers use an effective professional tool Sinuzan or another professional tool. It leaves no chance for insects to survive. The drug is toxic to humans, so the treatment is carried out in the means of protection. The concentrated substance is brought to the working solution and then sprayed in the apartment by a professional. After several hours and a properly conducted event, not a single live cockroach remains in the room.
A variety of tools and methods that can be used in the fight against insects in the apartment allows you to choose the preferred option. You can find out how much it costs to poison cockroaches in Moscow or other regions with your own calculations or learn from disinsectors.
“Cockroaches appeared unexpectedly. Since the experience of dealing with them was not turned to the professionals. Apartment processed quickly and even gave guarantees work results. Yes, it is more expensive than conventional means, but definitely faster and more reliable! ”
Ekaterina, Moscow