Red cockroaches - how to get rid at home

To find today a person unfamiliar with a domestic cockroach is practically unreal. You can meet him at home, with acquaintances, in catering establishments or shops, at a school or university - this insect lives everywhere where there is an opportunity to find food and water. If at least one Prusak appeared in the apartment, it is urgent to find out how to get rid of the red cockroaches in the apartment, because in a short amount of time there will be a lot of them.


Insecticidal pencils that have a paralytic effect on red cockroaches are the least harmful to human health, although this effect is less pronounced than on gels. Crayons are good as a barrier to the Prussians migrating from their neighbors, but they are not suitable for the destruction of a large colony.

Insecticidal sprays provide quick rescue with convenient use: RaidGlobal etc. Their action does not differ in duration, characteristic gels, and toxic fumes are able to get through the ventilation systems to their neighbors.

The most popular tools in the form of enjoy gels incorporate a fatty base, which prevents drying, and substances - attractants, luring insects.

Cockroach Sprays
Cockroach Sprays

In gels Raptor and Global used a strong poison - chlorpyrifos, causing a breakdown of the nervous system and subsequent death cockroach.

Gels, relative to aerosols, are more economical and retain their properties for up to 60 days. This form of remedy is less toxic, therefore it does not have a significant effect on human health. The concentration of the active substance is insufficient to cause trouble to humans or animals.Insects only respond if swallowed. Put gels on clean, dry surfaces.


Despite the harmlessness of the drug, it is necessary to exclude the contact means with children and animals.

Scarers and traps

Popular among buyers cockroaches scarebased on the use of ultrasound or electric traps. Ultrasonic devices act on insects by high-frequency sound, indistinguishable by the human ear. Such tools are not cheap, and manufacturers argue that to achieve the maximum effect requires several traps at once.

On a note!

With a strong infection with insects ultrasound will not give the desired result.

In electric traps, a cockroach is entrapped inside the device and eliminated by a discharge of current. The very idea of ​​such a tool is good, but the trap covers a small radius, does not affect the larvae. If the red cockroaches in the apartment are still in a small amount, an electric trap will help to get rid of the problem effectively, quietly and without smell.

Riddex and Ar-120 from cockroaches
Riddex and Ar-120 from cockroaches

Folk methods

Cockroaches can live without food for a long time, but if they are deprived of a source of water, they will die within 7 days. Such a need for water makes popular use boric acid, which when injected into the body of a red cockroach causes severe dehydration.

Making bait with this tool is very simple. It is required to mix boric acid with mashed potatoes or raw eggs. Stir to a kasheobraznogo state, then dazzle small balls. The resulting bait spread out in places of accumulation of parasites. These are usually places under the sink, near the bin, near the batteries. Minus method - the duration of exposure.


In the house with a small child should carefully lay out the bait, because the baby it can cause unpleasant consequences.

Among other popular methods of combating red cockroaches, popular are such means as homemade traps. To do this, you need to put double-sided tape on pieces of thick paper, in the center of which you should place a fragrant bait. Glass jars with bait inside and smeared with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly are just as effective.

It should be understood that to get rid of red cockroaches in such ways is possible only partially, since they do not affect the larvae. This means that after a short time the insects will breed again.

Cockroach Remedies
Cockroach Remedies

To repel prusacks, aromatic oils or plants that have a strong odor are often used: elder, cedar oil, Bay leaf, fir, eucalyptus oil.


The red-haired cockroach is a very tenacious creature, even with severe damage to the colony, its numbers are quickly restored. If a fighting on your own does not bring the desired results, it is worth contacting professional pest control serviceswith provision guarantees of results. Today in any city you can find several companies providing such services.

Probably, experts will offer to handle several neighboring premises, since the cockroaches are characterized by migration, as a result of which they may again be at your home within a short period of time.

Preventing the appearance of cockroaches

For a comfortable life a cockroach needs quite a bit:

  • temperature 23-28 degrees;
  • access to water;
  • enough food.

In modern housing, it is difficult to deprive the red cockroaches of heat, but to get rid of Prusacs at home by depriving them of access to food and water is real.It is necessary to wipe the sink, bath, washbasin at night, close the toilet tightly, throw garbage regularly and always clean food in places inaccessible to cockroaches.

If the rooms to eat, cockroaches penetrate and go there. In this case, it is necessary to treat insects and the room. In the future, exclude food from entering the premises except the kitchen.

Cockroach Control Measures
Cockroach Control Measures

In order for the redhead parasites not to run from their neighbors, plinths, window and door seams should be carefully repaired. Ventilation openings close with a fine mesh.

In the daytime insects are hiding in the crevices, behind the tiles, under the wallpaper, in the cupboards of the kitchen and bathroom. All these places must be carefully handled by selected means.

Useful tips

Everything insecticidal and folk remedies disposal of red cockroaches are useful, but be sure to comply with certain storage conditions and rules for working with substances.

  • When using chemical and insecticidal agents, it is necessary to exclude their inhalation, otherwise not only normal irritations, but also severe allergies may occur.
  • Baits and chemicals contain toxic substances harmful to the health of children and animals.Keep such substances out of the reach of both these categories.
  • The area of ​​the kitchen and bathroom should not be cluttered with furniture and things, so that during processing there is an opportunity to influence the maximum space. Wash kitchen cabinets and floor regularly.
  • It is necessary to exclude the access of cockroaches to food, storing it in hermetically sealed containers. Do not store dirty dishes, especially at night. Utensils should be stored upside down so that the Prussians could not shit in it.
  • Cockroaches cannot live without water. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate all leaks, depriving red cheekbones of access to moisture.
  • Physically you should not kill cockroaches - it will not give a big effect.
  • Naphthalene should be placed in different parts of the house: insects have an unpleasant smell and they can leave the apartment.

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