
How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment - folk remedies

Cockroach Control Measures
Boric acid

Cockroach - One of the domestic pests, whose presence in many people causes a feeling of disgust, disgust, and sometimes horror. The appearance of such insects in the house is not only a consequence of unsanitary conditions, but also a faulty plumbing system.These are the habitats preferred by the Prussians. Today there are a lot of methods and effective drugs for pest control. This article will tell how to get rid of cockroaches folk remedies.

What are dangerous cockroaches

Before considering folk remedies fighting cockroaches, it is important to understand the seriousness of the problem itself. After all, the appearance of parasites in the apartment can cause a colossal harm to human health.

  1. Cockroaches are carriers of many diseases (helminthic invasions, intestinal infections, depriving).
  2. Besides the fact that these "uninvited guests" cause a feeling of disgust and disgust, they are able to spoil the products, polluting them with their feces.
  3. The substances released by insects in the course of their vital activity have a characteristic odor, the consequence of which can be a strong allergic reaction or even an attack of bronchial asthma.
  4. With a high contamination of the premises, pests can not only to get into the human ear, but also bite it, gnawing a small patch of skin. In addition, a cockroach bite can provoke severe irritation and severe swelling.There are many cases when insects bite off the sleeping person's eyelids, eyelashes, or areas near the lips.
  5. Cockroaches are almost omnivorous creatures that feed not only on food residues, but also do not neglect indoor plants, products from natural fabrics and leather, book bindings and soap. They are able to even have electrical equipment insulation, the consequence of which could be a breakdown of the devices.

Folk remedies for cockroaches

Despite the fact that chemicals in the fight against cockroaches are more effective, many hostesses prefer folk remedies. After all, they do not pose a threat to human life and pets, unlike insecticides.

Boric acid

Boric acid - one of the effective means of fighting cockroaches. It is a white powder that can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. A completely harmless to humans means is a poison for insects. There are several ways to use boric acid.

Boric acid
Boric acid
  1. Prepare a "treat" for cockroaches can be from 1 egg and 1 potato, which must be cooked.Then, mash potatoes and yolk by adding 40 g of boric acid. From the resulting mass form small balls (the size of a walnut). They are laid out around the perimeter of the contaminated room, and especially in the places with the greatest accumulation of insects.
  2. This treat can be prepared by another recipe. Boric acid, sugar and flour are mixed with water to form a thick dough. All components (with the exception of water) are taken in equal quantities. In a similar way, balls are rolled up and laid out at night.
  3. Given the fact that cockroaches without water can not exist for a long time, you can prepare a poisoned drinker for them. For this, boric acid is dissolved in water and left near the sink.
  4. And you can just scatter boric powder in places of the greatest accumulation of insects.


Get rid of the cockroaches in the apartment can be with the help of borax. This remedy is an analogue of boric acid: poisonous for pests, while for humans and pets it is relatively harmless.

Recipes for the use of borax following:

  • Borax (1 cup) is mixed with powdered sugar and starch (60 g each). To add flavor to the bait, vanilla sugar (30 g) is added to these ingredients.The dry mixture is diluted with water to form a sticky mass, which is then laid out in places of the largest accumulation of cockroaches;
  • It is necessary to cook 1 egg and 1 small potato, mash them into mashed potatoes and add 1 tbsp. l borax The resulting mixture is laid out in small portions in places inhabited by insects.

On a note!

To achieve the maximum effect when using borax or boric acid, it is necessary to follow a single rule - access to the source of drinking should be limited.


Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Vinegar for cockroaches is no less effective means. They are treated floors, baseboards, walls and the inner surface of the furniture. Essence has similar properties. On the basis of these components, solutions are prepared, which are then poured into a bottle with a spray bottle and sprayed on surfaces infected with insects.

Here is the recipe for preparing the solution: 1 tbsp is added to 0.5 l of water l vinegar and a few drops of cedar or mint oil. All carefully mixed and used for its intended purpose.


You can get rid of cockroaches at home with liquid ammonia. Insects cannot tolerate its smell.Enough 1 tsp. funds mixed with 1 l. water and mix thoroughly. The resulting solution is used for surface treatment.

Temperature method

Due to the fact that cockroaches are heat-loving insects, they cannot carry cold: air temperature of 8-10 degrees is destructive for them. Therefore, freezing an apartment is one of the cardinal ways of getting rid of Prusacks. In winter it is enough to simply open the windows for 3-4 hours and cool the room.


To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to cover the heating insulators and water pipes with insulating material, this will help prevent their rush.


If cockroaches are found in an apartment, you can use such a universal remedy as feverfew. The basis of this drug includes pharmaceutical chamomile flowers. The tool is effective not only from cockroaches, but also ants, and even bugs. For humans and pets, pyrethrum is completely safe. The principle of using the tool is the same as in the case of brown or boric acid.


Folk remedies-2
Folk remedies

People have long used folk remedies to fight cockroaches.An example of the old-fashioned method is kerosene. The smell of this emergency remedy does not like insects. It is enough to apply kerosene with a brush in several places, and not to ventilate the room for 2-3 days, and the insects will scatter. Turpentine and denatured alcohol have similar properties.


Geranium is another folk remedy for Prusaks. This indoor plant is used in order to prevent not only cockroaches, but also moths. The dizzying aroma of geranium repels pests. However, in case of excessive contamination of the premises, it is unlikely to wait for positive results, but the plant will protect the intruder from the “uninvited guest”.


Get rid of household pests will help homemade traps. The walls of the glass jar are oiled, and some beer, jam or honey is poured to the bottom. The smell of delicacy beckons pests, but having satiated them, they will not be able to crawl back over the slippery oil surface.

And you can just put double-sided tape in the places where cockroaches are most crowded. This method does not guarantee the complete destruction of insects, but to reduce their numbers will help.


Hunger, cold and lack of water are the main difficulties in the life of cockroaches. When conducting preventive measures, these factors should be considered.

  1. Observance of cleanliness. Especially it should be maintained in the kitchen and in the bathroom - the most favorite habitats of insects. The dirty dishes left on the night, the crumbs on the table, the fat layer on the floor, or the remnants of food in the bin create ideal conditions for the life of cockroaches.
  2. It is preferable to store food in glass hermetically sealed containers or containers.
  3. Since water is one of the main conditions for the life of cockroaches, should be eliminated all leaks plumbing. Sink and bath after use (especially at night) should be dry.
    Cockroach Control Measures
    Cockroach Control Measures
  4. Sealing cracks and crevices will prevent insects from entering your home from a neighbor.

Struggling with cockroaches folk methods, it should be understood that they are less effective in comparison with the means of insecticidal composition. Therefore, it is better to use them for prophylactic purposes or when the apartment is slightly infected with insects.


To the neighboring cockroaches suddenly did not come to us, using vinegar. Periodically, my floor to them, also handled the front door and the threshold. While helping.

Tatyana, Moscow

In the fight against cockroaches used boric acid - just a universal remedy: and is inexpensive and very effective. Scattered powder in places of large insects. The main thing is that there are no sources of water in the apartment, otherwise it will not help.

Ulyana, Sevastopol

Familiar got rid of cockroaches using ammonia. It is enough to add a spoonful of alcohol in a bucket of water and wash the walls, the inner surface of the kitchen cabinets and tables, and the floor with this solution.

Olga, Taganrog

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